

刘新垣,男,分子生物学家,中科院院士。1927年11月生于湖南省,1952年南开大学化学系毕业后,在河北医学院任教数年,1957年考入中科院上海生化所“副博士”研究生班, 1963年毕业后留所直到2000年,1983-1984年在美国罗氏分子生物学研究所工作过1年半。2000以后工作于合并后的中科院生化与细胞所。他于1979年升为付研,1985年升为正研,随后不久即评为博导。已培养硕、博士生50多名,每年在读博士生约10名。不少学生获得各种奖励,包括院长优秀奖。在他的研究中,共发表论文近300篇,许多是在国内外著名杂志上发表的,已编纂刘新垣论文集八册。共获各种奖励30多项,其中有许多为科技一等、二等奖,这些都说明刘教授的工作具有创新性和国际先进水平。故他于1991年被选为中国科学院院士,1992年被选为乌克兰科学院外籍院士,2001年被评选为第三世界科学院院士。现拥有三个院士头衔。 



RNA结构功能:首次发现大分子RNA中存在稀有碱基,为中科院自然科学一等奖的部份内容;2.核酸人工合成:在酵母丙氨酸tRNA人工全合成中,用他创建的酶学方法合成了化学方法无法合成的数个带稀有碱基的片段,功不可没;3.基因工程;表达γ-干扰素水平达菌体总蛋白的60%-80%(有专利),国际罕见,为1990年中科院十大科技新闻之一,曾评为中科院科技进步一等奖,获临床批文后,获国家科技进步二等奖。IL-2工作,从基因工程到获得销售批文又得到另一个国家级科技进步二等奖;4.干扰素作用原理:发现干扰素的作用介质2’-5’A的许多新生物功能及其受体的存在;5.白细胞介素-2镇痛作用:发现了IL-2的镇痛功能和它的活动中心,在蛛网膜下腔注射一针IL-2基因,可延长其半衰期300倍(用脂质体载体)到1500倍(用腺病毒载体),还证实IL-2能与鸦片受体结合,为免疫因子对神经系统的调节作用第一次提供了确切的新证据,最近又发现它有戒毒作用; 6.胞内信号转导:这曾是“九五”中科院重大项目,在国外优秀期刊发表了约20篇论文;7.Parkinson’s病的基因治疗:曾在Human Gene Therapy等著名杂志发表了文章;8.肿瘤的靶向基因病毒治疗:这是他最近创建的一个肿瘤治疗新策略,已有数种方案可在动物模型上将实体瘤全部消灭,将有极大的理论和实用价值。从以上研究说明,他在每个项目中,都有杰出成果,其中不少为首次发现、首次报导或国际罕见或无法取代等,所以曾被评为有突出贡献的科学家、优秀发明家,先进工作者、优秀博导等荣誉称号。2001年获得一个大奖、香港何梁何利奖,2002年又被国际高技术合作协会选为名誉理事。1999年他辞去华新公司董事长和总经理职务后,专心从事科研任务,又取得突出成果,他发表的论文,按SCI的IF值评定,2000年生化所第一,2001年获生化细胞所二等奖,2002年成绩也不错,估计2003年会取得比2002年获得更好的成绩。


目前主要是恶性肿瘤的靶向基因病毒治疗的基础和应用研究。 基因-病毒治疗是刘新垣提出的新策略,即基因治疗与病毒治疗相结合的新策略。基因治疗肿瘤目前尚无重要进展,但病毒治疗肿瘤却有重大突破,使用一种经过改造的腺病毒叫ONYX-015,它与化疗合用治疗复发的头颈癌患者(30例),总疗效达63%,其中有一例的肿瘤直径达10cm大,也完全消退,但ONYX-015不能插入外源抗癌杀伤基因,故它的单独使用(不加化疗)时,疗效只有15-20%。刘教授则提出癌症的基因-病毒治疗新策略。即构建了pZD55(即在腺病毒E1b区除去了55kda基因),并带有克隆位点,可插入外源抗癌基因,故pZD55只能进入p53缺乏的肿瘤细胞,而不进入正常细胞,且因其可携带外源抗癌基因,故对肿瘤的专一杀伤效率大增,基因-病毒治疗新策略肯定会有良好成绩。加之他们现在拥有Smac,Trail(包括tTrail),IL-12等很多重要基因,他们的联合应用已将实验动物的肿瘤全部消灭掉。此外他们还有许多肿瘤特异性启动子,用此启动子,也曾获得了很好的结果。尤其重要的,他们还有第三代腺病毒即Gutless (GL) 腺病毒载体,它无免疫原性,不会产生腺病毒抗体而被灭活,是目前最好的基因治疗腺病毒载体之一,且在此基础上,他们又提出一个可调控的靶向抗癌系统,即在GL腺病毒中装入了两个表达框,一个是trans- activator(TA)的表达框,另一个是受TA激活而启动的抗癌基因表达框。在这个系统中TA受肿瘤特异性的端粒酶逆转录酶(hTERT)(它在85%以上肿瘤中都升高)启动子的控制,但TA又要受RU486的诱导所调控。因此,不是肿瘤细胞,TA不会表达;不加外源RU486,抗癌基因也不会表达;只有在癌组织,又有外加了RU486后,抗癌基因才能表达然后杀伤肿瘤,否则这个系统就不会发生作用,也不会有抗癌的基因表达,这样就没有副作用或很小了。所以这样的肿瘤靶向性可调控系统,一定也会对肿瘤治疗的研究作出重要贡献。除肿瘤治疗研究,因他们曾发现IL-2有神经镇痛作用,甚至有戒毒作用,这一系列的研究和发现,在国际上处于绝对领先,故也将继续研究。



1.        Liu, X.Y. et al (1981) “Mechanism of interferon action: Role of pppA2′p5′A2′p5′ A in the Biology of the Interferon System (E. de Maeyer et al. eds.)”. Elsevier/North Holland, p.115, cited in C. A. 96: 102223z

2.        Wang, T.P......and Liu, X.Y..... (1983) “Synthesis of 3′-half molecular of yeast alanine tRNA”.  Scientia Sinica, (English edition), 26: 482-494

3.        Smith, J.H. ...... Liu, X.Y(1984) “Regulation of interferon synthesis and action”. In “Interferon and Their Application” Handbook of experimental Pharmacology, vol.71, Springer Verlage, p.101-105, see also Scientia Sinica, 26: 809

4.        Li, B.L. and Liu, X.Y (1985) “Mechanism of Interferon Action VIII. The Discovery of pppA2′p5A2′p5′ A Receptor”. Scientia Sinica, 28(7): 697-706

5.        Liu, X.Y., Li, B.L. and Li, S.W. (1986) “Measurement of a receptor for (2′-5′) Oligoadenylate on macrophages”. In “Methods in Enzymology”, Academic Press, Inc., 119: 351-356

6.        Liu, X.Y. et al. (1986) “Assay of effect of (2′-5′) -Oligoadenylate on macrophages”. In ”Methods in Enzymology”, Academic Press, Inc., 119: 676-681

7.        Li, B.L......Liu, X.Y. (1990) “a-Interferon Structure and Natural Killer Cell Stimulatory Activity”. Cancer Research, 50: 5328-5332

8.        Hu, Z.H. ......Liu, X.Y. (1993) “Nucleotide sequence of the Buzura suppressaria single nucleocapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus polyhedrin gene”. J. General Virology, 74: 1617-1620

9.        Jiang, C.L. ......Liu, X.Y. (1995) “Multiple Actions of Cytokines on the CNS”. Trends in Neurosciences, 18: 296

10.    Wang, Z.Y.......Liu,X.Y. (1995) ”Substitution at the Glu62 Residue of Human Interleukin-2 Differentially Action Its Binding to the a Chain and the bg Complex of the Interleukin-2 Receptor”. Eur J. Immunol, 25: 1212-1216

11.    Cao, L. ......Liu, X.Y. (1995) “Gene Therapy of Parkinson Disease Model Rat by Direct Injection of Plasmid DNA-Lipofectin Complex”. Human Gene Therapy, 6: 1497-1501178

12.    Wang, Y......Liu, X.Y. (1997) “The analgesic domain of IL-2”. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 230 (3): 542-545

13.    Ge, K. ...... Liu, X.Y. (1997) “Transduction of cytosine deaminase gene makes rat glioma cells highly sensitive to 5-fluorocytosine”. Int. J. Cancer, 71: 675-679.

14.    Lu, L.R. ......Liu, X.Y. (1998)  “Jak-STAT pathway is involved in the induction of TNF-b gene during stimulation by IL-2”. Eur. J. Immunol., 28: 805-810

15.    Sabine Herblot......Liu, X.Y. et al. (1999) “IL-2-Dependent Expression of Genes Involved in Cytoskeleton Organization, Oncogene Regulation, and Transcriptional Control”. The Journal of Immunology, 162: 3280-3288

16.    Cao, L. ….... Liu, X.Y. (2000) “Long-term phenotypic correction of rodent hemiparkinsonism by gene therapy using genetically modified myoblasts”. Gene Therapy, 7: 445-449

17.    Zhai, Q.W. …....Liu, X.Y. (2000) “Copper Induces Apoptosis in BA/F3b Cells: Bax, Reactive Oxygen Species, and NFkB are Involved”. J. Cellular Physiol, 184: 161-170

18.    Ji, H.B. ….... Liu, X.Y. (2000) “Novel Protein MAJN Binds to Jak3 and Inhibits Apoptosis Induced by IL-2 Deprival”. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 270: 267-271

19.    Yan, M.D. …....Liu, X.Y. (2000) “Induction of Ref-1 Ensures AP-1 Activation in Intracellular Oxidative Environment of IL-2- Stimulated BA/F3b Cells”. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 278(2): 462-469 

20.    Jayagopala Reddy. …....Liu, X.Y. (2001) “IL-2-induced tumor necrosis factor (TNF-b) expression: Further analysis in the IL-2 knockout model, and comparison with TNF-a, lymphotoxin-b, TNFR1 and TNFR2 modulation”. Int. lmmunology, 13(2): 135-147

21.    Liu, X. Y. (2001) “A New Anticancer Strategy‒‒ Genetic and Virological treatment of cancer.” Chinese J. Cancer Biother, 8 (1): 1

22.    Zou, W.G. …....Liu, X. Y. (2001) “Cobalt Chloride Induces PC12 Cells Apoptosis through Reactive Oxygen Species and Accompanied by AP-1 Activation”. J. Neuroscience Res., 64: 646-653

23.    Tang, W…....Liu, X.Y. (2001) “Critical Sites for the Interaction between IL-2R g and JAK3 and the following Signaling”. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 283(3): 598-605

24.    Qi-jun Qian …....Xin-yuan Liu (2001)  “The Hot point of gene-virus Therapy of Cancer”. Chinese J. Cancer Biotherapy. 8: p77

25.    Weijing Xu, Xin-yuan Liu (2001) The p38 MAPK pathway is involved in the IL-2- induction of TNF-a gene via the EBS element. Biochem. Biophy. Res. Comm., 289: 979-986

26.    Wei-guo Zou, Ming-fei Lang ….... Xinyuan Liu (2002) Human Interleukin 10 Gene Therapy Decreases the Severity and Mortality of Lethal Pancreatitis in Rats. J. Surgical Res., 103(1): 121-126

27.    Jin-hui Wang…....Xin-yuan Liu (2002) “Blocking HSF1 by Dominant-Negative Mutant to Sensitizes Tumor Cells to Hyperthermia”. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 290(5): 1454-61

28.    Ming-zhong Yao…....Xin-yuan Liu (2002) “Interleukin-2 Gene Therapy of Chronic Neuropathic Pain”. Neuroscience, 112(2): 409-416

29.    Weiguo Zou…....Xinyuan Liu (2002) “Involvement of Caspase-3 and p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Cobalt Chloride-Induced Apoptpsis in PC12 Cells”.  J. Neuroscience Res., 67(6): 837-43

30.    Jing Liu…....Xin-yuan Liu (2002) Cancer-specific killing by the CD suicide gene using the  human telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter. International Journal of Oncology, 2002, 21(3), 661-666

31.    Wen-xi Wu …....Xin-yuan Liu (2003) Carcino-Embryonic Antigen Promotor Control the Specific Cytotoxicity of E. coli Cytosine Deaminase Gene in Colorectal Carcinoma C ells in Vitro. China J. Cancer Biother, 10(1): 5-8

32.    Chun-xia Luo…....Xin-yuan Liu (2003) Recombinant Kringle 5 of Human Plasminogen for Mammary Cancer Gene Therapy Mediated by Adenovirus. China J. Cancer Biother, 10(1): 9-12

33.    Ming-zhong Yao ….... Xin-yuan Liu (2003) Adenovirus-mediated interleukin-2 gene therapy of nociception. Gene Therapy, 10(16): 1392-6

34.    Hai-rong Huo…....Xin-yuan Liu (2003) Lipid Rafts/Caveolae Are Essential for Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Signaling during 3T3-L1 Preadipocyte Differentiation Induction. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278:1-9

35.    Jin-hui Wang…....Xin-yuan Liu(2003) Enhanced suicide gene therapy by chimeric tumor-specific promoter based on HSF1 transcriptional regulation. FEBS Lett, Jul 10; 546(2-3): 315-20

36.    Zi-Lai Zhang…....Xin-Yuan Liu (2003) Current Strategies and Future Directions of Antiangiogenic Tumor Therapy. Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sinica, 35(10): 873-880

37.    Zi-lai Zhang, Wei-guo Zou …....Xin-yuan Liu (2003)    An Armed Oncolytic Adenovirus system, ZD55-gene, Demonstrating Potent Antitumoral Efficacy. Cell Research, 13(6): 481-89

38.    Wei-guo Zou…....Xin-yuan Liu (2004) A Novel Oncolytic Adenovirus Targeting to Telomerase Activity in Tumor Cells with Potent. Oncogene, 23(2): 457-464

39.    Weijing Xu ….... Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Geldanamycin, a Heat Shock Protein 90-Binding Agent, Disrupts Stat5 Activation in Il-2-Stimulated Cells. Journal of the Cellular Physiology, 198:188-196

40.    Song-bo Qiu….... Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Combination Of Targeting Gene-ViroTherapy with 5-FU Enhances Antitumor Efficacy in Malignant Colorectal Carcinoma. Journal of Interferon and Cytokine Research (In press)

41.    Zi-fei Pei…....Xin-yuan Liu (2004) An Oncolytic Adenovrial Vector of Smac Increases Antitumor Activity of TRAIL Against HCC in Human Cells and in Mice. Hepatology, 39(5): 1371-1381

42.    Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Cytokine (more than 4000 words). Encyclopedia, second edition (Published)

43.    Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Interferon (about 3000 words). Encyclopedia, second edition  (Published)

44.    Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Prospects of Antibody Therapy and Antibody Gene Therapy of Carcinoma. National Medical Journal of China, 84(14): 1145

45.    Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Interferon studies and its great progression. China Prescription Drugs, No.7, P.33

46.    Xin-yuan Liu (2004) The Important Progresses of Interferon Research. A Bulletin of Chinese Medical Biotech. Association, No.8, P.47

47.    Yi-gang Wang…....Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Antitumor Effect of A Novel Adeno-associated Virus Vector Targeting to Telomerase Activity in Tumor Cells. Acta Biochim. Biophys. Sinica, 36(7): 492-500

48.    Jin-hui Wang…....Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Tumor Tolerance Abolishment by Blocking HSF1 Involves Activation of Caspase-3 and c-Jun N-terminal Kinase Signaling Pathways. B.B.R.C., (Accepted)

49.    Zhuo Ming….... Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Co-treatment with Ethanol Enhances the Toxicity of 6-hydroxydopamine. Neuroscience Lett. (In press)

50.    Qi Zhang…....Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Effective gene-viral therapy for telomerase-positive cancers by selective replicative -competent adenovirus combining with endostatin gene. Cancer Res.,  (Accepted)

51.    Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Targeting Dual Gene-ViroTherapy of Cancer. Chinese Journal of Oncology (In press)

52.    Xin-yuan Liu, Song-bo Qiu …....Qian Cheng (2004) Combined hTRAIL and Plasminogen k5 to Completely Eradicate Tumors via Targeting Adenovirusa Targeting Dual Gene-ViroTherapy Strategy. Gene Therapy (Revised)  

53.    Fu-rong Yu…....Xin-yuan Liu (2004) Impairment of redox state and dopamine level induced by a-synuclein aggregation and their prevention by Hsp70.  Eur. J. Neuroscience (Submitted)

54.    Jin-fa Gu (2004) Binding of interleukin-2 to opioid receptors and its suppression of morphine withdrawal syndrome European Journal of Neuroscience  (Submitted)