Dieter Söll


Mailing Address:
Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry Dept.
Yale University
266 Whitney Avenue
P.O. Box 208114
New Haven, CT 06520-8114

Phone: (203)432-6200
Fax: (203)432-6202
E-mail: [email protected]
Campus address: 238A BASS

Ph.D. (Chemistry) Technische Hochschule, Stuttgart, Germany, 1962; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1962-1965; joined Yale faculty in 1967. Guggenheim Fellow, 1972 and 1989. Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, 1988; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1990; Member, National Academy of Sciences, 1997; Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology, 1997.

Functional Genomics and Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis.
Accurate aminoacylation of transfer RNA (tRNA) by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARSs) is a crucial step in the faithful translation of messenger RNA. Each AARS acylates only its cognate amino acid to the terminal adenosine of the corresponding tRNA. It is commonly accepted that each cell contains twenty such enzymes, one for each canonical amino acid. This was supported by the description of twenty minoacyl-tRNA synthetases found some bacteria (e.g., Escherichia coli) and in the eukaryotic cytoplasm. However, recent discoveries arising from functional genomics studies in bacteria and archaea have overturned this concept and revealed that most organisms do not use a full complement of twenty canonical AARSs (1). For example, the genome sequences of the euryarchaeotes Methanococcus jannaschii and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum do not contain open reading frames encoding homologs of the canonical asparaginyl-(AsnRS), cysteinyl-(CysRS), glutaminyl-(GlnRS) and lysyl-tRNA synthetases (LysRS). The use of indirect aminoacylation pathways for the formation of Asn-tRNA and Gln-tRNA in most organisms circumvents the need for AsnRS and GlnRS, which catalyze direct formation of these molecules (2,3). Characterization of these pathways identified different enzymes for this function in bacteria and archaea; thus the three domains of life diverged in the production of amide aminoacyl-tRNAs (4). Several archaea and bacteria contain a functional class I LysRS with no resemblance to canonical class II lysyl-tRNA synthetases, explaining the apparent absence of the latter from some genomes (5,6). Most surprisingly, where CysRS is absent, Cys-tRNA is instead synthesized by a bi-functional prolyl-tRNA synthetase (ProCysRS), which in addition to Pro-tRNA forms Cys-tRNA (7). Taken together, all these results indicate that a reduced number of canonical AARSs (the minimal known complement is 16) can work in tandem with a variety of novel enzymes and pathways to provide the full complement of aminoacyl-tRNAs required for protein synthesis. These findings provide novel insights into the possible origins of protein synthesis and the genetic code (8), provide the basis for the investigation of novel proteins and provide targets for the development of conceptually novel antibiotics (6).

1. Ibba, M., Becker, H.D., Stathopoulos, C. Tumbula, D.L. and Söll, D. (2000) The Adaptor Hypothesis revisited. Trends Biochem. Sci. 25, 311-316.
2. Curnow, A., Ibba, M. and Söll, D. (1996) tRNA-dependent asparagine formation. Nature 382, 589-590.
3. Curnow, A.W., Hong, K.W., Yuan, R., Kim, S.I., Martins, O., Winkler, W., Henkin, T.M. and Söll, D. (1997) Glu-tRNAGln amidotransferase: a novel heterotrimeric enzyme required for correct decoding of glutamine codons during translation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 11819-11826. .
4. Tumbula, D.L., Becker, H.D., Chang, W-Z. and Söll, D. (2000) Domain-specific recruitment of amide amino acids for protein synthesis. Nature, 407, 106-110.
5. Ibba, M., Morgan, S., Curnow, A.W., Pridmore, D.R., Vothknecht, U.C., Gardner, W., Lin, W., Woese, C.R. and Söll, D. (1997) A euryarchaeal lysyl-tRNA synthetase: resemblance to class I synthetases. Science 278, 1119-1122.
6. Ibba, M., Bono, J.L., Rosa, P.A. and Söll, D. (1997) Archaeal-type lysyl-tRNA synthetase in the Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 14383-14388.
7. Stathopoulos, C., Li, T., Longman, R., Vothknecht, U.C., Becker, H., Ibba, M. and Söll, D. (2000) One polypeptide with two aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase activities. Science 287, 479-482.
8. Woese, C.R., Olsen, G., Ibba, M. and Söll, D. (2000) Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, the genetic code, and the evolutionary process. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 64, 202-236.