Patrick C. Choy


Room A108 Chown Building

Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba,

753 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3E 0W3

Tel: (204) 789-3375
FAX: (204) 789-3842
[email protected]


I. Biography      


Current Position:     

Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba Professor, Departments of Biochemistry & Medical Genetics and Pathology

Director, Centre for Research and Treatment of Atherosclerosis, Winnipeg Health Science Centre


Personal Data:

Born June 16, 1944;  married;  one child



Doctorate in Medicine & Biochemistry, University of North Dakota                    1975

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, McGill University                                         1969



Professor & Head, Dept of Biochemistry & Med Genetics                                      1992‑99



Professor                                                                                                                      1986‑

Associate Professor                                                                                                     1983‑86

Assistant Professor                                                                                                      1979-83

Professor             Dept of Pathology                                                                          1997-


Major Awards: 

Career Awards: (Salary awards obtained through national open competitions)

                     MRC Scientist Award  (highest award of MRC at that time)            1984-89

                     Canadian Heart Foundation Research Scholarship (2nd term)         1982-84

                     Canadian Heart Foundation Research Scholarship (1st term)          1979-82


Distinugished Scientist Awards:

                     AHFMR Distinguished Lecturer Award, Univ. of Calgary               1984

World Bank Distinguished Professor Fellowship, China                                        1990  


Honorary and Visiting Professorship:

                     Honorary Professorship

                     Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences                              1992

                     University of Hong Kong                                                                     2002

                     Visiting Professorship from many universities in Europe and Asia  1987


II. Professional Activities


(A) Office Held in Government, Professional Societies and Foundations

Expert Advisory Committee, Office of Natural Health Products, Health Canada (with Enhanced Reliability Status)  2000-

Vice-President and Board of Directors, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba                                                           1995-

President and Council Member, Canadian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology                                             1990‑91

Vice Chair, Manitoba Health Research Council                                                                                                                     1999-

Chair, Senior Scholarship Committee, Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research                                              2001-

Allocation Committee, Health Sciences Centre Foundation, Winnipeg                                                                               2000-

Scientific Advisory Committee ,St. Boniface Hospital Research Foundation, Winnipeg                                                    2000-

External Committee Member, National Science Foundation (USA)                                                                                    1988-

External Reviewer, RGC, Government of Hong Kong                                                                                                           1998-

Grants Review Committee (External) , Canadian Institutes of Health Research                                                                  2001-

Task-Force for Health Research Development, Western Economic Diversification Fund, Government of Canada              2000-

Task-Force for Biotech-Industry Strategic Dev Project, Health Care Products Association of Manitoba                          2002

Working Group for Botanical Health Products, European Training and Assessment Foundation                                    2002

Delegate to Health, Nutrition and Population, World Trade Centre of Montreal and World Bank Group                      2000

Research Enterprise Advisory Committee, St. Boniface Hospital Research Foundation                                                     2002

Task Force for the organization of the Natural Health Product Research Society of Canada                                            2003

Manitoba Delegate to the Canada West health Innovation Council                                                                                     2002

Task Force for the organization of the Functional Food Nutraceutical and Nutrition Innovation Network                     2003

Chair, Task Force on Investment Policy and Endowment Funds Heart and Stroke Foundation of Manitoba                 2003

Member, Research Planning and Priority Advisory Committee Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada                     2001

Task Force for the organization of the Health Research Society of Canada Sponsored by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research        2002


II. Professional Activities (cont)

(B) Organizer of Meetings and Symposia


Neurochemistry Meeting, Harrison Hot Spring                                         1983

Lipid and the Membrane Symposium, Quebec City                                 1988

Lipid and Lipoprotein Symposium, Vancouver, BC                                  1992

Public Forum on Cholesterol and Beyond, Winnipeg                                1993

Lipid and the Heart Symposium, Winnipeg                                               1993

Lipid and Lipoprotein in Health and Disease Workshop, Shanghai          1994

Sino-Canadian Symposium, Hong Kong                                                    1998

Canadian Federation of Biological Societies, Winnipeg                              1999

International Conference on Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease           1999

The XVII World Congress, International Soc. Heart Research                   2001

The 5th Symposium on Cardiovascular Disease (with ICSM-HKU)          2002


(C) Invited Keynote Speaker in Major Meetings and Conferences


The Gordon Conference on Lipid Metabolism (USA)                                1985

The Hormel Conference (USA)                                                                    1987

The Internation Meeting of Biochemistry (Beijing)                                     1987

The Fourth Rossiter Conference (Canada)                                                   1989

The International Symposium on Lipid Metabolism in the Normoxic and Ischemic Heart (Netherland)             1991

The Lipids & Lipoproteins Symposium (Canada)                                      1992

World Conference, International Society for Molecular Nutrition            1997

Lipid and Lipoprotein Symposium, CFBS Meeting, Edmonton                1998

The Nordlie Symposium, Grand Forks, USA                                             2000

The XVII World Congress  for Cardiovascular Research                            2001

The Lipid and Lipoprotein Symposium, Ottawa                                        2002

The International Society for Heart Research                                              2002


(D) Invited Seminars at other Universities and Institutions


       The University of British Columbia                                                      1980

       The Research Centre, Vancouver                                                          1981

     The University of San Francisco Medical Centre                                   1982

       The University of North Dakota, USA                                                 1983

       The University of Minnesota, USA                                                       1984

       The University of North Dakota (ManDak Lecturer)                          1985

     The University of Calgary                                                                        1986

       The University of Western Ontario                                                       1986

       The Hormel Institute, Austin, USA                                                      1986

     The University of Alberta                                                                        1987

     Dalhousie University                                                                               1987

       The Shanghai Medical University, China                                             1989

       The Memorial University of Newfoundland                                        1989


(D) Invited Seminars at other Universities and Institutions (Cont.)


Institute of Biochemistry, Shanghai                                                             1990

The Northeast Normal University, China                                                    1990

The Erasmus University of Rotterdam                                                        1991

Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, China                           1992

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology                                    1994

University of Hong Kong                                                                             1996

University of Hong Kong                                                                             1998

West China University of Medical Sciences                                                1998

Shantou University                                                                                       2001



(F) Editorial Board


Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry                                                          1991‑94

The CBS Bulletin (interim editor)                                                                1988

Research Highlights (newsletter), Heart and Stroke Foundation               1993‑

Editor, Focussed Issue of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry                 1999


III. Research Supervision


 (A) Supervision of Medical and Graduate Students


 (1) Research Supervisor of the following B.Sc. (med) students


Karin Neufeld           B.Sc. (med), M.D.                                                      1986

Mitch Giffin              B.Sc. (med), M.D.                                                      1988

Dorie‑Anna Dueck    B.Sc. (med), M.D.                                                     1997

Brian Peters               Current B.Sc.(med) student  


 (2) Research Supervisor of the following graduate students


Teresa Zelinski          M.Sc.                                                                          1981

Marc Pelletier                   M.Sc.                                                                   1983

Teresa Zelinski          Ph.D.                                                                          1984

Tom Mock                 M.Sc.                                                                          1985

Monika Wientzek     M.Sc.                                                                          1987

Karmin O                         M.Sc.                                                                   1988

Grant Hatch              Ph.D.                                                                          1989

Karmin O                         Ph.D.                                                                   1991

Chris McMaster        Ph.D.                                                                          1992

Paul Tardi                 Ph.D.                                                                          1993

Adrian Man              M.Sc.                                                                          1993

Edmund Lee             M.Sc.                                                                          1995

Jason Wong        Ph.D                                                                                  1998

Jenny Jiang         M.Sc.                                                                                 2000

Doug Lee            Ph.D.                                                                                 2002

Biao Lu, M.D.    current Ph.D. student


III. Research Supervision (Cont)


(B) Graduate Student Advisory Committee

       Served as a member of the Ph.D. Research Advisory Committee and/or Thesis Committee for over 35 students in the Departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Medical Microbiology and Chemistry in the last 23 years.


 (C) External Doctoral Thesis Examiner

       Served as External Examiner for several Ph.D. students at other universities including the University of Hong Kong, University of British Columbia and University of Alberta.


 (D) Supervision of Postdoctoral Fellows

Supervised the research of over 20 postdoctoral fellows and research associates from Africa, Asia, Europe and North America


 (E) Hosting of Visiting Professors & Scientists (for short term research leaves)

Hosted short visits of many professors and scientists from other universities to work in my lab.



IV. Research Interest and Support


Research Support- Dr. Choy has received continuous support from the MRC (currently the Canadian Institutes of Health Research or CIHR) for more than two decades.  Dr. Choy also received continuous support from the Heart and Stroke Foundation for two decades. He has declined all grants from the Heart and Stroke Foundation since he has been elected the Vice-President of the Foundation, and also the Chair of the Research Advisory Committee.


Research Interests- There are three areas of research interests

(A) The regulation of membrane lipid biosynthesis at the molecular level in mammalian tissues and the purification, cloning, kinetics and characteristics of membrane-bound enzymes.

(B) The role of phospholipases in cardiovascular diseases and the role of vitamins in the control of membrane lipid metabolism. 

(C) The role of low density lipoprotein in health and diseases and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.


V.  University Administration


Dr. Choy has been elected or appointed to over 50 different standing and ad hoc committees at the departmental, faculty and university levels. Some of the committees are listed:-


Member of the University Senate

Member, Senate Subcommittee on University Research

Chair, Environmental Health and Safety Committee of the University

Chair, Bannatyne Campus Animal User Committee

Chair, Faculty of Medicine Space Committee

Chair, Faculty of Medicine Research Committee

Chair, Canada Research Chair Selections Committee

Chair, CSCI-CIHR Awards Committee

Chair, McLaughlin-MMSF Fellowship Committee

Chair, Selections committee for the Angel Award in Clinical Research

Coordinator, UM/Jilin University Academic Exchange Program

Coordinator, UM/Shantou University Academic Exchange Program

Coordinator, UM/Shanghai Medical University Academic Exchange Program

Member, New Faculty Orientation Committee

Member, Fellowship Awards Committee, HSC Foundation

Member, Fellowship Awards Committee, Faculty Fund

Member, ADR/ILO Committee

Member, Commercialization Assessment Committee, UILO

Member, Advisory Committees for CIHR Training Grants

Member, MD/PhD Advisory Committee

Member, Faculty of Medicine Strategic Planning Committee

Member, Research Day Advisory Committee


VI. Publications 


Dr. Choy has published over 100 full-length, peer-reviewed papers and over 100 proceedings/abstracts. He has contributed to 15 book chapters as well as to the Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 9th Edition.  Ten sample publications over the last twenty five years are listed.


Lee, YP and CHOY, PC (1974) Glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenases III: Studies on the immunological differences of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide linked L-glycero-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in various organs of the rat and rabbit. J. Biol. Chem. 249, 475‑481.

Vance, D.E., CHOY, P.C., Farren, S.B., Lim, P.H. and Schneider, W.J. (1977) Asymmetry of phospholipid biosynthesis. Nature 270, 268‑269.

CHOY, P.C. (1982) Control of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in myopathic hamster heart. J. Biol. Chem. 257, 10928‑10933.

Arthur, G. and CHOY, P.C. (1986) Acylation of 1-alkenyl-glycero‑3-phosphorylcholine and 1 Acyl glycero-phosphocholine in guinea pig heart. Biochem. J. 236, 481‑487.

Cao, Y.Z., Tam, S.W., Arthur, G., Chen, H. and CHOY, P.C. (1987) The purification and characterization of a phospholipase A in hamster heart cytosol for the hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine. J. Biol. Chem. 262, 16927‑16935.

McMaster, C.R. and CHOY, P.C. (1992) Serine regulates phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis in the hamster heart. J. Biol. Chem. 267, 14586-14591.   

Liu, S.Y., Lu, X., Choy, S., Dembinski, T.C., Hatch, G.M., Mymin, D. Shen, X., Angel, A., CHOY, P.C. and Man, R.Y.K. (1994) Alteration of lysophosphatidylcholine content in low density lipoprotein after oxidative modification: relationship to endothelium dependent relaxation. Cardiovas. Res. 28, 1476-1481

Wong, J., Tran, K.,Pierce, G., Chan, A., O, K and CHOY, P.C. (1998) Lysophosphatidylcholine stimulates the release of arachidonic acid in human endothelian cells. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 6830-6836

Zhang, M., Gong, Y., Corbin, I., Mellon, A., CHOY, P.C. and Minuk, GY. (2000) The effects of light, moderate and heavy ethanol consumption on liver regeneration in the rat. Is ligh ethanol consumption beneficial to the liver? Gastroenterology 119, 1333-1339

Jiang, J.Y., Hatch, G.M., Mymin, D., Dembinski, T., Kroeger, E. and CHOY, P.C. (2001) Modulation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 by PPAR activators in human preadipocytes. J. Lipid Res. 42, 716-724