
A Lipidomic Study of the Effects of N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine on Sphingomyelin Metabolism



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Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2005,37:515-524


A Lipidomic Study of the Effects of N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine

on Sphingomyelin Metabolism

Yun HUANG&, Jing SHEN#,

Ting WANG, Yan-Ke YU, Fanqing F. CHEN1, and Jun YANG*

Department of

Pathology and Pathophysiology, Center for Environmental Genomics, Zhejiang

University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310031, China;

1 Molecular Biology Branch,

Life Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of

California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Received: March 20,


Accepted: May 23,


& Present address: Department

of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA

# These authors

contributed equally to this work


author: Tel/Fax, 86-571-87217149; E-mail, [email protected]

Abstract        Systems biology is a new

and rapidly developing research area in which, by quantitatively describing the

interaction among all the individual components of a cell, a systems-level

understanding of a biological response can be achieved. Therefore, it requires

high-throughput measurement technologies for biological molecules, such as

genomic and proteomic approaches for DNA/RNA and protein, respectively.

Recently, a new concept, lipidomics, which utilizes the mass spectrometry (MS)

method for lipid analysis, has been proposed. Using this lipidomic approach,

the effects of N-methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)

on sphingomyelin metabolism, a major class of sphingolipids, were evaluated.

Sphingomyelin molecules were extracted from cells and analyzed by

matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight MS. It was found

that MNNG induced profound changes in sphingomyelin metabolism, including the

appearance of some new sphingomyelin species and the disappearance of some

others, and the concentrations of several sphingomyelin­ species also changed.

This was accompanied by the redistribution of acid sphingomyelinase (ASM), a

key player in sphingomyelin metabolism. On the other hand, imipramine, an

inhibitor of ASM, caused the accumulation­ of sphingomyelin. It also prevented

some of the effects of MNNG, as well as the redistribution of ASM. Taken

together, these data suggested that the lipidomic approach is highly effective

for the systematic­ analysis of cellular lipids metabolism.

Key words        lipidomics; mass

spectrometry; ceramide; sphingomyelin; acid sphingomyelinase

The completion of the human genome project has led to a revolution

in the world of biological science: the generation­ of “genomics”.

Following this event, “omics” in other disciplines also emerged, such

as proteomics, metabonomics, toxicogenomics and pharmacogenomics [1,2]. All of

these “omics”, genomics and proteomics in particular, form the

foundation for a new research field, systems biology. The goal of systems

biology is to formulate a computational/mathematical model that describes­ the

structure of the system and its response to individual perturbations through

the monitoring of systematic changes of all cellular­ components­ (genes,

proteins, or signaling pathways) in response­ to any type of perturbation

(biological, genetic, or chemical) [3,4]. Therefore, it requires certain

technical approaches which can define many cellular molecules at multiple

levels; microarray for DNA analysis in genomics and 2-dimensional (2-D) gel

electrophoresis combined with mass spectrometry (MS) for protein analysis in

proteomics are just such methods.  It has been gradually recognized that studying DNA and protein alone

does not engender a full understanding of a complex biological response, as

other major cellular constituents including lipids and carbohydrates are also

involved­ in many physiological processes. Consequently, the lack of such

information would hamper the construction of a computational model for systems

biology. Recently, a new concept, “lipidomics”, has been proposed

[5,6]. Lipidomics is a comprehensive analysis of lipid molecules which, in

combination with genomics and proteomics, is essential for the understanding of

cellular physiology and pathology. Consequently, lipid biology has become a

major­ research target of the postgenomic revolution and systems­ biology [7].Lipids are crucial structural/functional components of cells. As

structural material, they not only provide a physical­ barrier for cells, but

also provide a platform (or lipid raft) for membrane protein-protein

interaction. Even more importantly, many lipid species have distinct cellular

functions. For example, diacylglycerol, ceramides, eicosanoids and lysolipids

are all second messengers which participate in various cellular events such as

growth, proliferation, differentiation and cell death [8]. Sphingolipids are a

group of sphingoid-based lipids which are gaining increasing attention from

researchers. They are the major components for lipid raft. Furthermore,

sphingolipids and their metabolites are involved in many important signal

transduction pathways which regulate such cellular processes­ as cell cycle

arrest or apoptosis, proliferation and calcium homeostasis, as well as cancer

development, multidrug resistance, and viral or bacterial infection processes­

[9]. Clearly, the importance of this group of lipids should not be

underestimated.Unfortunately, the study of lipids is far behind those of genes and

proteins. One major obstacle is the lack of high-throughput­ technologies in

lipid analysis. The traditional methods, such as isotope labeling, thin-layer

chroma­to­graphy­ and high

performance liquid chromatography, could provide some

useful information, but are far from adequate. Nevertheless, until the

application of MS in sphingolipid­ study does a great amount of information is

generated. Compared with traditional methods, MS analysis­ is more accurate,

less labor-intensive and, most of all, can identify the molecular species of

each class of lipids [10,11]. In our previous studies, using isotope labeling

methods­ as well as matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization­-time of flight

(MALDI-TOF) MS, it has been shown that N-methyl­-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine

(MNNG), an alkylating­ agent which is a potent carcinogen, can affect ceramide

metabolism­ [12,13]. Sphingomyelin is another important sphingolipid species

closely related to ceramide meta­bolism, for example, sphingomyelin can be

hydrolyzed to generate­ ceramide [9]. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to

speculate that MNNG would also affect­ sphingomyelin metabolism. In this research, we investigated the effects of MNNG on

sphingomyelin metabolism. In addition, the cellular distribution­ of acid

sphingomyelinase (ASM), a key enzyme­ in sphingomyelin metabolism, was also determined.

As reported here, MNNG induced the generation/loss of some sphingo­myelin

species, as well as the increase/decrease of other sphingo­myelin species.

Materials and Methods

Cell culture and reagents

Human amnion FL cells were cultured in Eagle’s minimum essential

medium (EMEM; Invitrogen, Carlsbad, USA) containing 10% fetal bovine serum,

supplemented with 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 U/ml streptomycin and 0.03% L-glutamine

in a humidified incubator at 37 ?C with 5% CO2. MNNG (Sigma,

St. Louis, USA) was dissolved­ in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as a 10 mM stock.

Imipramine (Sigma) was also dissolved in DMSO as a 50 mM stock. For MNNG

treatment, cells were treated with 10 mM of MNNG for 20 min. DMSO-treated or untreated­

cells were used as solvent control or blank control, respectively.D-sphingosine, N-acetyl-D-sphingosine

(C2-ceramide), N-hexanoyl-D-sphingosine (C6-ceramide), N-octanoyl-D-sphingosine

(C8-ceramide), Dthreo-ceramide C8, dihydrosphingosine, C2-dihydroceramide,

C6-dihydroceramide, and C8-dihydroceramide were all purchased from Sigma; and

each was dissolved following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Immunofluorescent microscopy

The translocation of ASM was observed by immuno­fluorescent microscopy

as described before [14]. Briefly, 1?105 FL

cells were seeded into a 6-well culture plate with a glass cover slip in each

well. After MNNG (10 mM) treatment for 20 min, cells were fixed and permeated­ with 100%

ice-cold methanol for 5 min, followed­ by blocking­ in a blocking solution

(Zymed Laboratories Inc., San Francisco, USA) for 2 h. The plate was washed

with PBS three times and the polyclonal rabbit anti-ASM antibody­ (1:200; Santa

Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, USA) was added and incubated for 90 min.

Cy3-labeled goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody (1:200; Boster Biological­

Technology Limited, Wuhan, China) was then added to the plate and incubated for

1 h. These cells were then washed and stained with 500 ng/ml FITC-cholera toxin

B (Sigma) for 1 h. The cover slip was removed from the plate, mounted onto a

glass slide, observed with an Olympus AX70 fluorescent microscope (Olympus,

Tokyo, Japan), and analyzed using Image-Pro Plus software (MediaCybernetics,

Silver Spring, USA). For imipramine treatment, cells were pre-incubated with 50


imipramine for 1 h before adding MNNG.

Sphingomyelin extraction and MALDI-TOF MS

Sphingomyelin was extracted as described before [12]. In short,

approximately 4?107

cells were resolved in 500 ml chloroform:methanol (2:1, V/V). 1 ml H2O

was then added to each sample. The mixed samples were centrifuged at 4770 g

for 15 min and the lower phase was dried by vacuum centrifugation in a

centrifugal evaporator (Speed-Vac, Thermo Savant, Holbrook, USA). Then, 500 ml methanol

containing 0.1 M NaOH was added into each tube at 55 ?C for 1 h to decompose

glycerophospholipids. After neutralization with 100 ml methanol containing 1 M

HCl, 500 ml hexane and one drop of water were added to each sample. The mixture

was then centrifuged again at 4770 g for 15 min and the lower phase was

dried in a centrifugal evaporator after the upper phase was removed. The

residue was mixed with 0.8 ml theoretical lower phase

(chloroform:methanol:water, 86:14:1, V/V) and 0.2 ml theoretical

upper phase (chloroform:methanol:water, 3:48:47, V/V) for the

Folch partition, and centrifuged at 4770 g for 15 min. The lower phase

was evaporated in a centrifugal evaporator after removing the upper phase to

discard the salt. The residue crude sphingomyelin was stored at 70 ?C.For MALDI-TOF MS analysis, each sample was dissolved­ in 5 ml

chloroform:methanol (2:1, V/V), followed­ by the addition of 5 ml matrix

solution, ethylacetate containing­ 0.5 M 2,5-dihydroxyl-benzoic acid (2,5-DHB;

Sigma) and 0.1% TFA, in a 0.5 ml Eppendorf tube. The tube was agitated

vigorously on a vortex mixer then centrifuged­ in a microcentrifuge for 1 min.

Then, 1 ml of mixture was directly added to the sample plate and rapidly

dried under a warm stream of air in order to remove­ the organic solvent within

seconds. All samples were analyzed using a Voyager-DE STR MALDI-TOF mass

spectrometer (ABI Applied Biosystem, Framingham, USA) with a 337 nm N2 UV

laser. The mass spectra of the samples were obtained in positive ion mode.

Mass/charge (m/z) ratios were measured in the reflector/delayed

extraction mode with an accelerating voltage of 20 kV, grid voltage of 67% and

delay time of 100 ns. C2-dihydroceramide (MW 343.6) was used to calibrate the

instrument. All sample lipid spectra were acquired using a low-mass gate at 400

Da. For each sample, 6 or 7 spectra were obtained; only when a peak appeared in

at least 5 spectra with relatively stable intensity was it considered a

candidate for analysis. All MS data were analyzed as described­ before [15,16].


Establishment of MS data analysis protocol

In order to establish a working protocol for analyzing MS data for

sphingolipids, up to 10 different sphingolipid species (natural or synthetic) were

subjected to MS, and the major peaks from resulting mass spectra were

calculated­ to deduce the possible chemical structures. The major­ peaks from

two sphingolipids molecules, C8-ceramide and C8-dihydroceramide, are listed in Table

1 and Table 2, respectively. 25 major peaks were generated by

C8-ceramide during the ionization process, of which most were from the matrix

2,5-DHB. m/z 425 (425.6896) corresponded­ to the intact

C8-ceramide. However, the relative­ intensity of this peak was only 14.17%; on

the other hand, m/z 407 (407.7233) had a relative intensity of

100%. Based on calculation it was concluded that m/z 407 could

stand for the fragment of C8-ceramide with an H2O loss,

suggesting that most C8-ceramide lost one molecule of water

during ionization. Further chemical structural analysis gave two possible

structures for this fragment [Fig. 1(A)]. The ionization process can

even break the whole octal carbon sidechain away from a small portion­ (4.12%)

of C8-ceramide, resulting in the formation of a D-sphingosine-like

fragment, which corresponded to m/z 281 (281.3613). Two isotope

peaks were also present for m/z 407 and one for 425 (Table 1).

Similar analysis was also conducted for C8-dihydroceramide (Table 2),

and the possible chemical structures for some fragments are depicted in Fig.

1(B). Together, these processes formulated the basic protocol for

sphingolipids MS data analysis. 

MNNG induces dramatic changes in sphingomyelin metabolism

Previously we have shown that MNNG can induce changes in ceramide

metabolism [12,13]. As sphingo­myelin is closely associated with ceramide, we

further examined the cellular sphingomyelin metabolism using MALDI-TOF MS. The

major sphingomyelin peaks obtained from control, DMSO-treated, and MNNG-treated

cells are listed in Table 3. It was found that while DMSO had only a

minor effect on sphingomyelin metabolism, there were significant differences

between MNNG-treated and control­ samples for sphingomyelin. For example, m/z

778 was not present in control but appeared after MNNG treatment; whereas m/z

782 showed up in control­ but disappeared after MNNG treatment (Table 3).

In addition, the concentrations of several sphingomyelin species, including m/z

770, 784, 805 and 814, were increased. The mass spectra data for some

sphingomyelin species [Fig. 2(A), m/z 782, 784, 805 and

814] and possible structures for some of the identified sphingomyelin species

are also presented­ (Table 4).

MNNG induces the redistribution of ASM

ASM is responsible for hydrolyzing sphingomyelin to generate

ceramide, and its translocation is usually associated with its activation [1719]. Using immunofluorescent microscopy, the distribution of ASM and

its relationship with lipid rafts were studied. ASM exhibited a diffused, even

distribution in control cells [Fig. 3(A)] and DMSO solvent control (data

not shown). However, MNNG treatment caused the “polarization” of ASM,

which concentrated on one side of the cell [Fig. 3(A)]. In addition, ASM

colocalized with lipid raft, which was labeled by cholera toxin B. This

observation implied that ASM might be involved­ in the altered sphingomyelin


Imipramine induces the accumulation of sphingo­myelin and inhibits

some of the effects of MNNG on sphingomyelin

Imipramine is known to inhibit ASM activity [20]. MNNG-induced

changes in sphingomyelin may be a result­ of ASM activation, therefore cells were

pre-incubated with imipramine followed with MNNG treatment and, after

sphingomyelin extraction, the mass spectra were compared­ with those without

imipramine. It was found that imipramine alone could cause the accumulation of

several sphingomyelin species, indicating that it inhibited the hydrolysis of

sphingomyelin (Table 3). Furthermore, it diminished some effects of MNNG

on sphingomyelin. For example, the increases of m/z 770 and 784

by MNNG treatment were reversed by imipramine pre-incubation, and the

disappeared­ m/z 782 was restored [Table 3, Fig. 2(B)].

Furthermore, imipramine also prevented the polarization of ASM induced by MNNG,

implying the inactivation of ASM [Fig. 3(B)].


Many sphingolipid molecules, such as ceramide, sphingosine and

sphingosine-1-phosphate, are increasingly recognized­ as important modulators

of many cellular processes. For example, ceramide has been shown to function­

as a second messenger for Fas, tumor necrosis factor, interleukin (IL-1) and

other cytokines, as well as many other extracellular stimuli, usually with the

result of either cell cycle arrest or apoptosis [9,13,21,22]. However, unlike

nucleotides and proteins, lipids and sphingolipids, have long been a group of

molecules that are difficult to study. Sphingolipids were named after the

famous Egyptian statue “Sphinx” for their mystical properties. The

bottleneck in research was due to the lack of suitable technologies for

analyzing the vast number of lipid species, even less the high-throughput

technology for systems biology. The breakthrough came after the application of MS to lipid study, in

which many molecules from the lipidome could be directly characterized and

quantitated [8,10,11]. Using this method, we have shown that MNNG can affect­

the metabolism of a major sphingolipid species, ceramide [12]. This change of

metabolism is associated with some of the cellular effects of MNNG, such as

membrane receptor­ clustering [12]. In this study, we further evaluated­ the

metabolism of sphingomyelin, which can be hydrolyzed by ASM to generate

ceramide [9]. It was found that, similar to ceramide, sphingomyelin metabolism

was also affected by MNNG treatment (Table 3), indicating that MNNG may

have a global effect on sphingolipids metabolism.More importantly, using this MS approach, the different­

sphingomyelin species could be identified, and the changes for each species

measured. For instance, eight distinct m/z ratios were identified, with

each m/z ratio representing one or more possible molecular

structures (Table 3). The differences in sidechain length, as well as

the number of unsaturated bonds, may influence the function of a specific­

lipid molecule. Therefore, this type of analysis provides invaluable

information that cannot be obtained using traditional methods. The applicability of this technique was further validated by the

imipramine experiment. As an inhibitor for ASM, it was expected that imipramine

would inhibit the hydro­lysis of sphingomyelin, thus increasing the cellular

content­ of sphingomyelin. Indeed it was found that imipramine­ treatment­

caused the accumulation of several sphingomyelin­ species, particularly m/z

748 and 782 [Table 3, Fig. 2(B)]. In addition, imipramine

pre-incubation interfered­ with the effect of MNNG on sphingomyelin, indicating

that MNNG probably elicited its effect through the action of ASM. This was also

supported by the immunfluorescent microscopy data, as MNNG treatment triggered

the relocation of ASM, while imipramine prevented­ it (Fig. 3). Some problems do exist for the MS method. For example, except for a

few m/z ratios, exact chemical structures­ could not be deduced

precisely; instead, several­ possibilities­ were formulated. Furthermore, when

standard­ sphingolipids were subjected to MALDI-TOF analysis, several fragments

were generated for each standard (for example, m/z 407 and 281

for C8-ceramide). It would be difficult to tell if these fragments were the

original forms presented in the sample or just fragments generated from other

molecules during the ionization process. The presence­ of matrix peaks

complicates the analysis even further. Finally, the reproducibility of mass

spectra should be carefully­ handled. Mass spectrometry is a very sensitive­

method and efforts should be taken to minimize the variations­ which might

affect the analyses. Compared with MALDI-TOF, liquid chromatography-electrospray

ionization MS (LC-ESI MS) may prove to be a better solution. First, there is no

need for matrices in the analysis. Secondly, its “soft” ionization

process, generally, would not fragment the samples. Therefore, LC-ESI MS has

far less “noise” than MALDI-TOF MS. Nevertheless, there is the

possibility that two molecules have distinct structures but the same molecular

weight. To solve this problem, Han and Cheng developed a 2-D ESI MS/MS method

[10]. Through lipid class-selective intrasource ionization­ and subsequent

analysis of 2-D cross-peak intensities, the chemical identity and mass

composition of individual molecular species of most lipid classes can be

determined [10]. In summary, the data presented here demonstrated that MALDI-TOF MS

is a powerful tool in lipid research. Together­ with the 2-D ESI MS/MS method,

these techniques­ provide a strong foundation for the automated analysis of

lipid mass spectra data, which will help to push the study of systems biology

to a new level.


The authors gratefully thank Dr. T. Taketomi for providing detailed instructions for analyzing

the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry data, and Dr. X. Han for the helpful discussion regarding lipidomics.


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