
ABBS 2005,37(11): Identification of a Positive Cis-Element Upstream of Human NKX3.1 Gene

Research Paper

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Acta Biochim Biophys Sin

2005,37: 773778


Identification of a Positive Cis-Element

Upstream of Human NKX3.1 Gene

An-Li JIANG, Peng-Ju ZHANG, Xiao-Yan

HU, Wei-Wen CHEN, Feng KONG, Zhi-Fang LIU, Hui-Qing YUAN, and Jian-Ye ZHANG*


of Biochemistry, Medical School of Shandong University, Jinan 250012, China

Received: June 27,


Accepted: August

11, 2005

This work was supported

by the grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.

30470952) and the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No.



author: Tel, 86-531-88382092; E-mail, [email protected]

Abstract        NKX3.1 is a

prostate-specific homeobox gene related to prostate development and prostate

cancer. In this work, we aimed to identify precisely the functional cis-element

in the 197 bp region (from 1032 to 836 bp) of the NKX3.1 promoter

(from 1032 to +8 bp), which was

previously identified to present positive regulatory activity on NKX3.1 expression,

by deletion mutagenesis analysis and electrophoretic mobility shift assay

(EMSA). A 16 bp positive cis-element located between 920 and 905

bp upstream of the NKX3.1 gene was identified by deletion mutation

analysis and proved to be a functional positive cis-element by EMSA. It

will be important to further study the functions and regulatory mechanisms of

this positive cis-element in NKX3.1 gene expression.

Key words        human NKX3.1; cis-acting

element; positive regulation; mutagenesis

NKX3.1 is an androgen regulated

prostate-specific homeobox gene [1,2] that is thought to play important roles

in prostate development and carcinogenesis [35]. The strong association

between NKX3.1 and prostate development­ and prostate cancer makes this

gene an attractive­ molecular target for further study. It provides an

excellent model to explore the relationship between embryogenesis­ and

oncogenesis. So far, little is known about the regulatory mechanisms of

NKX3.1 gene expression­ or the relevant regulatory elements and factors. To

study its transcriptional regulation, a 1040 bp promoter (from 1032 to +8 bp)

of the human NKX3.1 gene was cloned upstream of the luciferase reporter

gene in pGL3-basic plasmid and a 197 bp region extending

from 1032 to 836 bp upstream of the NKX3.1 gene was identified presenting

positive regulatory activity for luciferase reporter expression in our previous

experiments [6].In our present study, we have identified a functional positive cis-element

between 1032 and 836 bp upstream of the NKX3.1 gene; it plays an important

role in upregulating NKX3.1 gene transcription. It will be important to further

study the functions and regulatory mechanisms of this positive element in NKX3.1

gene expression.

Materials and Methods

Construction of luciferase

reporter plasmids

pGL3-1040 containing the 1040 bp NKX3.1

promoter was constructed as previously described [6] and its 5 deletion

mutants were generated by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method using pGL3-1040 as the template. The primers used in PCR were one lower primer

PF+8 and 10 upper primers, PR-1032, PD-999, PD-966, PD-945, PD-936, PD-920,

PD-904, PD-883, PD-869 and PD-835 (Table 1). The PCR was conducted at 94

?C for 2 min

followed by 35 cycles at 94 ?C for 30 s, 60 ?C for 30 s, and 72 ?C for 1 min. The PCR products were separated by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis

and purified with QIAquick gel extraction kit (QIAgene, Ontario, Canada) cut

with XhoI and SacI, and inserted into the pGL3-basic vector digested with XhoI and SacI to generate

10 constructs that were designated pGL3-1040, pGL3-1007, pGL3-974, pGL3-953, pGL3-944, pGL3-928, pGL3-912, pGL3-891, pGL3-877 and pGL3-843. All were confirmed by restriction enzyme digestion and DNA

sequencing and tested by reporter assay.A 16 bp positive cis-element from 920 to 905 bp was

identified by 5 deletion mutation analysis, as described above. To

confirm its positive regulatory activity, the 16 bp cis-element was

inserted upstream of the heterogeneous promoters to generate the plasmid of the

16 bp cis-element heterogeneous promoter-luciferase reporter gene. The

sequence of the synthetic 16 bp cis-element was 5TCGAGTTTCCTTGTCTTTTCTGAGCT-3

(sense strand), and 3-CAAAGGAACAGAAAAGAC-5 (antisense strand).

In the sense strand, a 5 overhang XhoI and a 3 overhang SacI

sites (underlined) at the 5 and 3 ends, respectively, were

produced when the two strands were annealed.The double-stranded 16 bp fragment was generated by annealing the

equimolar complementary oligonucleotides in sterilized water at 95 ?C for 10 min, then the reaction

mixture was slowly cooled to room temperature. The product was inserted

upstream of the maspin gene promoter in pGL3-maspin (a gift from Dr. Charles Y. F. YOUNG, Mayo Clinic,

Rochester, USA), upstream of the SV40 gene promoter in pGL3-promoter plasmid (Promega, Madison, USA), or upstream of the

luciferase gene reporter in pGL3-basic plasmid, which was

used as a promoter-less control. The constructs were designated pGL3-M-A, pGL3-P-A and pGL3-B-A, respectively. All constructs were confirmed by DNA sequencing

analysis, then were tested by transient transfection and dual-luciferase

reporter assay described following.

Cell culture and transient


The human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP was obtained from the American

Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Manassas, USA). The cell line was established

from a lymph node metastasis of a prostate cancer patient. It expresses the

androgen receptor gene and the NKX3.1 gene. The cells were routinely

grown at 37 ?C in a 5% CO2 incubator with RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine

serum, 100 U/ml ampicillin and 100 U/ml streptomycin.LNCaP cells were seeded in 24-well plates to approximately 90%

confluence and transiently transfected by pGL3-construct using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, USA).

Each well included 2 ml Lipofectamine 2000, 1.0 mg pGL3-construct (10 constructs

of pGL3NKX3.1 promoter, pGL3-M-A, pGL3-P-A, or pGL3-B-A), 0.04 mg internal control vector pRL-TK and 500 ml RPMI 1640 medium without

serum or antibiotics. Cells were harvested for dual-luciferase activity assay

after 48 h of transfection.

Dual-luciferase reporter assay

Dual-luciferase reporter assay

The activities of firefly luciferase in pGL3 and Renilla luciferase in pRL-TK were determined by the dual-luciferase

reporter assay following the protocol supplied by Promega. The cells were

rinsed with phosphate-buffered saline, then harvested using 1?passive lysis buffer. Twenty

microliters of cell lysate was transferred into the luminometer tube containing

100 ml luciferase assay reagent II. The firefly luciferase activity (M1)

was measured first, then the Renilla luciferase activity (M2) was determined

after the addition of 100 ml Stop & Glo reagent (Promega). M1/M2 was taken as the relative

activity of the pGL3-constructs.

Electrophoretic mobility shift

assay (EMSA)

Nuclear extracts were prepared from LNCaP cells using­ a nuclear

extraction kit (Active Motif, Carlsbad, USA) according to the manufacturer?s instructions. The sense strand of the

16 bp positive cis-element and its mutants with four-base substitution

are shown in Table 2. Equal amounts of sense and antisense

oligonucleotides were mixed and annealed in a buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0,

200 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA) by heating to 95 ?C for 5 min and cooling slowly to room temperature. The double-stranded 16 bp cis-element was labeled with

digoxigenin (DIG). Binding reactions were performed for 20 min on ice in a 20 ml mixture

containing 0.2% (W/V) Tween-20, 1 mM EDTA, 1 mM dithiothreitol,

30 mM KCl, 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.6), 1 mg of poly(dI-dC), 0.1 mg of poly(L-Lys), 10


of nuclear extract and 0.8 ng of DIG-labeled 16 bp cis-element. For the

competition experiment, unlabeled 16 bp cis-element or its mutants in

150-fold excess were added to the binding reaction mixture and co-incubated.

DNA-protein binding complexes were separated by 5% nondenaturing polyacrylamide

gel electrophoresis in 0.25?Tris-Boric acid (TBE) buffer. Electroblotting and chemiluminescence

detection were performed based on the instructions of the manufacturer of the

DIG gel shift kit (Roche, Penzberg, Germany).


Construction and

identification of luciferase reporter constructs

PCR methods were used in the construction of NKX3.1

promoter-luciferase reporter plasmids and its 5 deletion mutants. The

lengths of PCR products were 1040 bp, 1007 bp, 974 bp, 953 bp, 944 bp, 928 bp,

912 bp, 891 bp, 877 bp and 843 bp. The related primers used in PCR are listed

in Table 1. All the constructs were confirmed to be correct­ by

restriction enzyme digestion (Fig. 1) and sequence analysis.

Deletion mutagenesis analysis

of NKX3.1 promoter

To identify precisely the functional cis-element within the

197 bp region between 1032 and 836 bp, we dissected the 1040 bp promoter by deletion mutagenesis

and tested their activities by using transient transfection and dual-luciferase

reporter assay. The schematic depiction of the construction is shown in Fig.

2. The results in Fig. 2 show that the deletion from 1032 to 921 bp presented

no significant effects on promoter activity while the deletion from 920 to 905 bp showed a

3-fold reduction in the promoter activity, which suggested that the 16 bp

sequence­ from 920 to 905 bp was important in the positive­ regulation of NKX3.1.

Effects of the 16 bp cis-element

on heterogeneous promoters

To confirm the positive regulatory activity of the 16 bp cis-element

and to assess whether it alone possesses positive regulatory activity, the 16

bp cis-element sequence was synthesized in vitro and inserted

upstream of the SV40 gene promoter in the pGL3-promoter, and the maspin gene promoter in pGL3-maspin. By transient transfection assay, the effects of the 16 bp cis-element

on heterologous promoter activities were tested. The results in Fig. 3

show that the 16 bp cis-element presented significant positive

regulatory effects on heterogeneous promoters and it enhanced the promoter

activity to 4.3-fold for the SV40 gene promoter, and 2-fold for the maspin gene


Binding ability of the 16 bp

cis-element to nuclear extracts

To confirm whether the 16 bp cis-element we identified is

functional, its binding ability to nuclear extracts was determined by EMSA. The

16 bp cis-element sequence (16bp-A) was synthesized, DIG-labeled, and

reacted with nuclear extracts from LNCaP cells. A specific DNA-protein binding

complex was identified from LNCaP nuclear extracts (Fig. 4, lane 2). The

competitors used in EMSA were 16bp-m1, 16bp-m2, 16bp-m3, 16bp-m4 and unlabeled

random sequence (ARE) as shown in Table 2. The results are shown in Fig.

4. The binding of labeled 16bp-A to nuclear extract can be blocked by a

150-fold excess amount of unlabeled 16bp-A (lane 3), 16bp-m1 (lane 4) and 16bp-m4

(lane 7), but not unlabeled 16bp-m2 (lane 5), 16bp-m3 (lane 6) or ARE (lane 8).

The results indicated that the 16 bp cis-element presented a binding

ability to a specific protein in nuclear extracts from LNCaP cells. The

sequence CTTGTCTT is very important for the binding activity of the 16 bp cis-element.


Recent studies of human cancers [7] and a mutant mouse model [8]

have implicated that the NKX3.1 homeobox gene plays a key role in

prostate carcinogenesis. In mice, NKX3.1 is a key regulator of prostatic

epithelial differentiation. NKX3.1 null mutant mice display abnormal

prostatic differentiation as well as epithelial hyperplasia and dysplasia [9].

Notably, NKX3.1 mutant mice display the pathologic changes of prostatic

intraepithelial neoplasia [10] that is the presumed

precursor to prostate cancer in humans. The NKX3.1 gene maps to the

chromosomal region 8p21 [11], a region with high loss of heterozygosity in

about 80% of human prostate cancers [1214]. Loss of NKX3.1

protein expression is closely related with the initiation of prostate

carcinogenesis and with prostate tumor progression [7]. No

mutations in the NKX3.1 gene have been found in prostate tumor specimens [15] and its second allele is inactivated by mechanisms other than

mutations in the coding region.In this report,  a 16 bp

positive cis-element was identified in the 197 bp region of NKX3.1

gene promoter. This 16 bp positive cis-element proved to be functional

by the assay of its binding ability to nuclear extracts in EMSA, and its

positive regulatory effects on heterogeneous promoters. In EMSA experiments,

the DNA-protein complex is specific because the binding complex can be blocked

by competition from the excess amount of unlabeled 16 bp cis-element and

cannot be blocked by competition from the excess amount of ARE. The results

indicated that this cis-element presented a binding ability to a

specific protein in nuclear extracts from LNCaP cells. We also synthesized four

mutants of 16 bp cis-element with four-base substitution that were used

as competitors in the EMSA. The results showed that the binding can be blocked

by competition from a 150-fold excess amount of unlabeled 16bp-m1 and 16bp-m4

and can not be blocked by competition from a 150-fold excess amount of

unlabeled 16bp-m2 and 16bp-m3, which suggested that the CTTGTCTT is the key

sequence for the binding activity of the 16 bp cis-element.In summary, we have identified a 16 bp potent positive cis-element

between 920 and 905 bp upstream of the NKX3.1 gene. Its activity is promoter

type-independent and it is likely to play an important role in regulating NKX3.1 gene transcription. It will

provide an insight into the regulatory mechanisms of NKX3.1 gene

expression in further study.


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