
Overexpression of hepatitis B virus-binding protein, squamous cell carcinoma antigen 1, extends retention of hepatitis B virus in mouse Liver

Original Paper


file on Synergy


Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2006, 38: 484-491


Overexpression of hepatitis B virus-binding protein,

squamous cell carcinoma antigen 1, extends retention

of hepatitis B virus in mouse Liver

Hong-Bin XIA and Xi-Gu CHEN*


of Experimental Animals, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510089, China;

Received: December 4,


Accepted: March 27,


This work was

supported by the grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China

(No. 30271177 and No. 39870676), and the Natural Science Foundation of

Guangdong Province (No. 021903)


Corresponding author: Tel, 86-20-87331393; Fax, 86-20-87331230; E-mail,

[email protected]

Abstract        How receptors mediate the entry of hepatitis B virus (HBV)

into the target liver cells is poorly understood. Recently, human squamous cell

carcinoma antigen 1 (SCCA1) has been found to mediate binding­ and

internalization of HBV to liver-derived cell lines in vitro. In this

report, we investigate if SCCA1 is able to function as an HBV receptor and

mediate HBV entry into mouse liver. SCCA1 transgene under the control of

Rous sarcoma virus promoter was constructed in a minicircle DNA vector that was

delivered to NOD/SCID mouse liver using the hydrodynamic technique.

Subsequently, HBV-positive human serum was injected intravenously. We demonstrated

that approximately 30% of the mouse liver cells expressed a high level of

recombined SCCA1 protein for at least 37 d. The HBV surface antigen was found

to persist in mouse liver for up to 17 d. Furthermore, HBV genome also

persisted in mouse liver, as determined by polymerase chain reaction, for up to

17 d, and in mouse circulation for 7 d. These results suggest that SCAA1 might

serve as an HBV receptor or co-receptor and play an important role in mediating

HBV entry into hepatocytes, although its role in human HBV infection remains to

be determined.

Key words        HBV receptor; HBV-binding protein; minicircle DNA plasmid;

hydrodynamics-based procedure

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a human hepadnavirus

that causes acute and chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma­ [1]. As

with other viral diseases, HBV infection­ is likely initiated by specific

binding of the virus to cell membrane structures through one or several viral

envelope­ proteins. HBV has not been propagated in established cell lines, and

only humans and higher apes are susceptible to infection. HBV replication and

cellular injury are largely confined to the liver, and the hepatocytes are

considered the primary target cells for infection, whereas the signi­ficance of

extrahepatic replication of HBV is not yet well understood.The HBV envelope consists of three distinct coterminal proteins

encoded by a single env gene. The domains of these proteins encoded by

the pre-S region of the viral genome represent potential attachment sites of

HBV to the hepatocyte, as pre-S1 and pre-S2 antibodies neutralize­ infectivity­

in vitro [2] as well as in experimental models [3].Although the viral structures involved in attachment to the target

cell have been identified, the cellular receptors for HBV have not yet been

determined and the biochemical­ events leading to intention remain unknown. As

well as hepatocytes, many cells of nonhepatic origin, such as hematopoietic­

cells of the B lymphocyte lineage, peripheral­ blood lymphocytes, and even some

simian virus­ 40-transformed­ cell lines, have receptors for the pre-S1 domain­

at amino acid 2147 region [4]. The pre-S1 domain of the large envelope protein has a

partial­ sequence­ homology­ with the Fc moiety of the a chain of immunoglobulin

(Ig) A [5], therefore a common­ receptor for the attachment of HBV and IgA to

human liver cells has been proposed [6]. Interleukin 6, containing­ recognition

sites for the pre-S1 domain, could mediate HBV-cell interaction [7]; and the

transferring receptor­ might also play a role in the binding of HBV to

hepatocytes through the pre-S2 protein­ sequence, as this domain is involved in

the binding of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) particles­ with T cells [8].

Another­ HBV binding factor (HBV-BF) was identified­ in normal human serum

interacting with the pre-S1 and pre-S2 epitopes of the viral envelope located

within the protein domain involved in the recognition of hepatocyte receptors.

Monoclonal antibodies to HBV-BF recognized a membrane component of the normal

human liver cells but were un­reactive with the hepatocyte membrane­ of other

species, and with that of the HepG2 cell line. The results suggested that

HBV-BF represents a soluble fragment of the membrane­ component­ and might be

related to the HBV receptor­ mediating­ the attachment of HBV to human liver

cells [9].


cell carcinoma antigen 1 (SCCA1), which is a member of the ovalbumin family of

serine protease inhibitors, was found to play a major role in HBV infection and

might be a new candidate for HBV-BF. By using tetravalent­ derivative chromato­graphy

from detergent-solubilized­ HepG2 plasma membranes, a 44 kDa HBV binding­

protein (HBV-BP) was found to closely correspond to human SCCA1. There are only

three amino acid changes between them. Direct binding experiments confirmed­

the interaction of recombinant HBV-BP with the HBV pre-S1 domain. And in

transfected cells, native HBV particle­ entry­ was enhanced. For example, HepG2

cells overexpressing HBV-BP after transfection with corresponding cDNA showed

an increased virus binding capacity by two orders­ of magnitude compared­ with

normal cells; and Chinese hamster ovary cells, which normally do not bind to

HBV, acquired susceptibility­ to HBV binding after transfection. Both

recombinant­ HBV-BP and antibodies to recombinant HBV-BP blocked virus binding

and internalization in transfected­ cells as well as in primary human hepatocytes

in a dose-dependent manner [10]. Although many candidates for the HBV receptor

have been suggested in studies in vitro, none of them was proved in

vivo that is much closer to the natural HBV infection in the human body.In the present study, we get a special­ trangene mouse that

expresses the HBV receptor candidate, the 44 kDa HBV-BP, in the liver cells by

using­ a hydrodynamics-based intravenous­ injection procedure and a novel

minicircle plasmid­ as vector. This novel and economical mouse model will be

very useful in HBV receptor research.

Materials and Methods


Rabbit anti-SCCA1 antibody was purchased from Santa Cruz

Biotechnology (Santa Cruz, USA). Rabbit anti-HBsAg antibody was from ViroStat

(Portland, USA). X-gal was from TaKaRa Bio. (Kyoto, Japan). The SABC kit was

from Boster Biological Technology (Wuhan, China). The infectant human­ serum

(HBV-DNA+, 106 copies/ml) was provided by Prof. Ling Li (Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun

Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China). The HBV-DNA PCR detection­ kit was

purchased from Da’an gene

Technology­ (Guangzhou, China). NOD/SCID mice were purchased from the center­ of experimental animals

(Sun Yat-Sen University). All other chemicals used were of analytical grade.


Minicircle-producing plasmid p2FC31 was a gift from Dr. M.

A. Kay (Stanford University,

Stanford, USA) [11]. SCCA1 cDNA was purchased from Open Biosystems (Huntsville,

USA). p2FC31.SCCA1 was constructed by cloning SCCA1 under the control

of RSV promoter into the XhoI site of plasmid p2FC31. p2FC31.LacZ was

constructed­ by placing the bacterial b-galactosidase (LacZ) gene under­ the

control of CMV promoter into the XhoI site of plasmid­ p2FC31. Minicircles

encoding CMV-LacZ (MC.LacZ) and RSV-SCCA1 (MC.SCCA1) were prepared according to

the procedure described by Chen et al. [11]. Regular plasmid DNA was

purified by using the CsCl-density­ gradient centrifugation method and kept in

saline at 20 ?C until use. Purity of plasmid DNA was checked by absorbency at

260 and 280 nm and by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis.

X-gal staining

To examine the site of transgene expression, two mice were given 2

ml saline containing 5 mg of pMC-LacZ plasmid­ DNA through the tail vein, using a 2.5 ml

latex-free syringe with a 0.45?16 RW LB

needle (Shuang Ge, Shanghai, China). The injection rate was kept at 0.4 ml/s.

The location­ and level of LacZ gene expression in mouse liver was

determined­ by the X-gal staining method. Tissue­ sections (5 mm thick) were

made 24 h after plasmid injection, stained with X-gal for 2 h, then

counterstained in Nuclear Fast Red (Boster Biological Technology) for 30 s. The

positive cells showed blue staining in the cytoplasm or nucleus and the

connective tissues were stained pink.


evaluation for SCCA1

Two mice were killed on day 3, 7, 17, 27 and 37 after injection of

pMC-SCCA1, respectively. Paraffin sections of liver were analyzed for the

presence of SCCA1 by immunohis­­to­chemistry. For SCCA1 detection, rabbit

polyclonal antibody­ SCCA1/2 (H-390) (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) was used at

1:200 dilution. Sections were incubated with primary antibody overnight at 4

?C. The endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked with 3% hydrogen peroxide,

then the slides were heated in 10 mM sodium citrate in a microwave­ oven to

block nonspecific protein binding in normal goat serum. Biotinylated goat

anti-rabbit IgG (Boster Biological Technology) was then added at room

temperature­ for 20 min. Samples were incubated with avidin-peroxidase­ and

stained with a mixture of 3,3-diamino-benzidine tetra­hydro­chloride

and hydrogen peroxide (Boster Biological Technology). In each case of immunohisto­chemistry experiment, sections incubated

with the appropriate non-immune IgG were used as the negative­ control. For

antibody specificity confirmation, human skin specimens for SCCA1 were used as

the positive­ control and the liver samples from a normal mouse were used as

the negative control. In each case, the semiquantitative immunoreactivity of SCCA1 was

independently evaluated by two pathologists. In all immunohistochemical

analyses, necrotic areas and edges of tissue sections were not included in the

counting to avoid possible immunohistochemical false positivity.

In vivo transfection

Animals were divided into four groups. Group 1 (negative control 1, two mice): the mice did not receive


Group 2

(negative control 2, two mice): the mice were injected through the tail vein

with 5 mg pMC-SCCA1 in 2 ml saline, and killed 3 d later. Group 3 (negative

control 3, 10 mice): the mice were injected through the tail vein with 2 ml

saline­. Twenty-four hours later the mice were injected through the tail vein

with 0.3 ml of HBV-DNA+ serum, and 1 d later the same

quantity of serum­ was given to each mouse through the celiac artery. Two mice

were killed on day 3, 7, 17, 27 and 37, respectively.  Group 4 (experimental group, 10 mice): the mice were injected

through the tail vein with 5 mg pMC-SCCA1 in 2 ml saline and 24 h later the mice were injected­

through the tail vein with 0.3 ml of HBV-DNA+ serum.

One day later the same quantity of serum was given to the mice through the

celiac artery. Two mice were killed on day 3, 7, 17, 27 and 37, respectively. For each group, the liver and serum samples were collected at

appropriate times.

Immunohistochemistry detection

for HBsAg

Liver sections from the four groups above were analyzed­ for the

presence of HBsAg by immunohistochemistry. For HBsAg detection, rabbit

anti-HBsAg antibody (ViroStat) was used as the primary antibody at 1:200

dilution. The protocols­ were the same as for SCCA1 detection.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent

assay (ELISA) for HBsAg in mouse serum

The collected mouse sera were tested for HBsAg using an ELISA kit

and the AxSYM system (Abbott Diagnostics, Chicago, USA) according to the



PCR detection of HBV-DNA in

mouse serum and liver

The collected mouse sera were tested for HBV-DNA using the HBV-DNA

detection kit (Da’an) according to the protocols. The genomic DNA was extracted from 200300 mg mouse liver tissue.

Five hundred microliters of 1?lysis

buffer (40 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris, pH 7.5, 1 mM EDTA) and 20 ml of RNase

solution (10 mg/ml) was added to each pre-cooled tube. The live tissue was

homogenized­ while keeping the tube in the pre-cooled heating­-block and

transferred to a 15 ml F2097 tube, then 3500 ml of 1?lysis buffer, 300 ml of 0.10% sodium dodecylsulfate and 1000 ml of proteinase K solution

(2.0 mg/ml) were added. The mixture was incubated at 55 ?C for 2 h and at 37 ?C

overnight­ with shaking. Ten microliters of 10 mg/ml RNase was added,

mixed and incubated at 55 ?C for 2 h with shaking. Two milliliters of saturated

NaCl solution was added, mixed by pipetting up and down five times using a 5 ml

pipette, then centrifuged at 3500 g for 30 min using a clinical

centrifuge. the supernatant was

removed­ to a fresh tube, 1 ml of saturated NaCl solution was added, and the

mixture was centrifuged for 30 min as above. the

supernatant was removed to a fresh tube and two volumes­ of 100% ethanol was

added. DNA will show up after mixing­ the solution by reversing the tube

several times. The DNA was taken to a 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube, washed twice with

75% ethanol and centrifuged at 6000 g to remove­ as much ethanol as

possible. The DNA was air dried at room temperature for 5 min, then 600 ml of TE buffer

(1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0, 10 mM Tris-HCl) was added to dissolve it. Two microliters

of the DNA solution was used as the template of following PCR. The mouse liver

samples were tested for HBV-DNA using the HBV-DNA detection kit (Da’an)

according to the protocols. Twelve microliters of samples was analyzed by 2.0%

agarose­ gel electrophoresis. One day later the negative control­ PCR reaction

was carried out with liver samples from a mouse injected with pMC-SCCA1 but not

with infectant human serum. The positive control PCR reaction was carried out

with 2 ml of positive DNA template­ solution provided with the kit.


We used LacZ gene as the reporter gene to identify the site

of transgene expression. Twenty four hours after infusion­ of 5 mg of pMC-LacZ

plasmid DNA, the animals were killed and LacZ gene expression was assessed­

in the liver tissue. LacZ gene expression in the liver tissue seems

restricted within certain areas as X-gal-positive cells are clustered around

the central vein [Fig. 1(a)].The pattern of SCCA1 transgene expression and the cell types

that express SCCA1 protein were evaluated by immunohistochemical­ analysis [Fig.

1(b,C)]. Compared with the

negative control, a number of cells in the liver tissue were stained positively

by the SCCA1 antibody after­ injection of 5 mg pMC-SCCA1 plasmid into

mice. The cells expressing SCCA1 are located around the central vein.Positive cell counting was used to evaluate the persistence of SCCA1

gene expression. Table 1 shows that SCCA1 gene expression was

persistent at a stable level for at least 37 d after transfection with the

positive cell ratio being approximately­ 30%.It is evident that no cell was detected to be positively

immunoreactive for HBsAg in the liver of the mouse injected­ with infectant

human serum only (Fig. 2). The cells around the central­ vein and

hepatic sinusoid, including­ the Kupffer cells, sinusoidal­ endothelial cells

and some hepatocytes, were found to be positively immunoreactive up to day 17

of pMC-SCCA1 group. no positive cells

were detected in the mice of day 27 and 37 of pMC-SCCA1 group.The HBsAg qualitative ELISA analysis showed that the mouse serum on

day 3 was positive and the others (day 7, 17, 27 and 37) were negative in the

control group. In the experimental group, the mouse sera of day 3 and 7 were

positive and the others (day 17, 27 and 37) were negative (Table 2).Data in Fig. 3 show that HBV DNA was detected only in the

mouse serum and liver tissue of day 3 of control group injected with infectant

human serum and not injected­ with pMC-SCCA1 in advance. However, HBV DNA was

found to be positive in the liver of day 3, 7 and 17 and in the mouse serum of

day 3 and 7 injected with pMC-SCCA1 24 h before injection­ with infectant human

serum. No HBV DNA was detected in the liver or serum of day 27 or 37.


Due to its role in synthesizing many proteins and its involvement in

numerous genetic and acquired diseases, the liver is an important target organ for

gene transfer. A variety of vectors have been used for introducing genes into

the liver, including recombinant retrovirus [12], adenovirus­ [13],

adeno-associated virus [14], and nonvirus vectors such as liposome [15],

cationic polymer [16], and reconstituted chylomicron remnant [17]. Although

significant­ progress has been made in the successful delivery­ of genes to the

liver, many problems are associated­ with each of these methods. Retrovirus

vector can generate­ long-term transgene expression, but partial hepatectomy or

liver damage is usually required to stimulate cell division­ [18]. Adenoviral

vector allows for high transferring­ efficiency, but gene expression lasts for

a short period due to the host’s immune response against viral protein [19].

Adeno-associated viral vectors produce long-term gene expression, but they can

not deliver genes of a size more than 5.2 kb [20]. The current nonviral vectors

suffer­ from the major limitation of low transfection efficiency. To overcome

these problems, Zhang et al. [21] explored the hydrodynamics-based

procedure. Using this method, liver cells can be transfected with a foreign

gene by rapid injection of a large volume of plasmid DNA solution. It was

demonstrated that the liver was the only organ that expressed the transferred

gene and the expression persisted­ for at least 6 months [22]. In our present

study, by using this method we transferred the candidate HBV receptor gene SCCA1

into mouse liver, the target organ of HBV.The loss of transgene expression has been a major obstacle­ to the

development of nonviral vectors for the treatment of human diseases. Chen et

al. [11] previously demonstrated that bacterial DNA linked to a mammalian

expression cassette resulted in transcriptional silencing of the transgene in

vivo. To develop a means to produce a robust DNA vector that is not

silenced in vivo, they developed­ a phage FC31 integrase-mediated

intramolecular recombination technology to prepare minicircle vector DNA devoid

of the bacterial backbone. The authors reported­ that minicircle DNAs devoid of

bacterial sequences­ expressed 45- and 560-fold more serum human­ factor IX and


respectively, compared to standard plasmid DNAs transfected into mouse liver.

Their data suggest that minicircles are capable of expressing high and

persistent levels of therapeutic products in vivo and have a great

potential to serve as episomal vectors for the treatment of a wide variety of

diseases. The present data showed that mouse liver expressed a high level of recombined

SCCA1 protein at a detectable level under our experimental conditions for at

least 37 d after injection. This HBV-BP transgene mouse would be a very useful

animal model for the study of the function of SCCA1 involved in HBV binding and

internalization in vivo.Our data of the HBV study in this mouse model suggested­ that HBV

can stay longer in the liver by intravenous injection­ of pMC-SCCA1 using a

hydrodynamics-based procedure. Although the liver tissues of the 3, 7 and 17 d

groups showed positive in the immunohistochemical examination­ and HBV-DNA PCR

test, there was no HBV-DNA detected in the 27 or 37 d groups [Fig. 2(gl) and Fig. 3]. These findings suggested that this protein in

vivo might help HBV binding to the mouse liver cells that express­ this

protein, and that SCCA1 might serve as an HBV receptor or co-receptor and play

an important role in mediating HBV entry to hepatocytes. However, its role in

human HBV infection remains to be further determined.The sinusoidal endothelial and Kupffer cells near the hepatic

sinusoid were found to be strongly positive in the immunohistochemical test [Fig.

2(hj)]. This suggests that the cells might play an important role in HBV

clearance­ as the first defence against HBV infection, and this function­ deficiency

might give HBV more access to hepatocytes.In summary, our data in this report show that the long-term

expression of the suspected HBV receptor gene can be achieved in a mouse model

by simple tail vein injection of the minicircle plasmid using a

hydrodynamics-based procedure. This method gives access to the HBV receptor­

research, and our studies proved in vivo that this HBV-BP can extend­

its retention of HBV in mouse liver. However, there are still other factors

involved in HBV infection and further quantitive research on this animal model

is needed.



thank Zhi-Ying CHEN (Departments of Pediatrics and Genetics, Stanford

University School of Medicine, Stanford, California USA), Wen-Ge HUANG and

Feng-Ying CHEN (Center of Experimental Animals at Sun Yat-Sen University) for

technical support.


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