
Structural Analysis of Fibroin Heavy Chain signal peptide of Silkworm Bombyx mori

Original Paper


file on Synergy


Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2006, 38: 507-513


Structural Analysis of Fibroin

Heavy Chain signal peptide of Silkworm Bombyx mori

Sheng-Peng WANG1,2,

Ting-Qing GUO1,

Xiu-Yang GUO1,

Jun-Ting HUANG2,

and Chang-De LU1*

1 Institute of Biochemistry and Cell

Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of

Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China;

2 Sericultural Research Institute, Chinese

Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhenjiang 212018, China

Received: March 14, 2006       

Accepted: April 6, 2006This work was supported by the grants from the National Natural Science

Foundation of China (No. 30370326 and No. 30470350)*Corresponding author: Tel, 86-21-54921234; Fax, 86-21-54921011;

E-mail, [email protected]

Abstract        to study the

minimal length required for the secretion of recombinant proteins and silk proteins

in posterior silk gland, the signal peptide (SP) of the fibroin heavy chain

(FibH) of silkworm Bombyx mori was systematically shortened from the

C-terminal. Its effect on the secretion of protein was observed using enhanced

green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a reporter. Secretion of EGFP fusion

proteins was examined under fluorescence microscope. FibH SPs with lengths of

20, 18, 16 and 12 a.a. can direct the secretion of the reporter, yet those with

lengths of 11, 10, 9, 8 and 1 a.a. can not. When the FibH SP was shortened to

12 a.a., the secretion efficiency was decreased slightly and the cleavage

happened within EGFP. When 16 a.a. of the FibH SP were used, the secretion of

fusion protein was normal and the cleavage site was between the Gly-Ser linker

and Met, the starting amino acid of EGFP. These findings are applicable for the

expression of foreign proteins in silkworm silk gland. The cleavage site of the

SP is discussed and compared with the predictive results of the SignalP 3.0

online prediction program.

Key words        signal peptide; fibroin heavy chain; silkworm, Bombyx

mori; rAcMNPV

Most secreted and membrane proteins produced in eukaryotic­ cells are

targeted to or translocated across the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by a

short peptide termed the signal peptide (SP). The SPs of nascent preproteins

are recognized by signal recognition particles (SRPs) that help them bind and

pass through the receptor on ER, then protein is synthesized continually into

ER [1]. The SP is cleaved by highly specific signal peptidase during­ or after

protein translocation [2]. A model SP has a canonical s­tructure with three

regions: an N-terminal domain­ (n-region) which contains a net positive charge,

a hydrophobic core domain (h-region) and a polar C-terminal­ domain (c-region)

[3,4]. A net positive charge in the n-region is required for efficient

translocation across the inner­ membrane. The hydrophobic h-region is the most

essential part required for targeting and membrane insertion [4]. The c-region

has the least length variability and consists of relatively small and neutral

polar residues. This region is very important for recognition and cleavage by

signal peptidase [5]. The ?3,1 rule states that residues in position 3 and 1 relative to the

cleavage site must be small and uncharged, and that large, bulky residues might

reside in position 2. The tendency to conserve a distance of four to five

residues from the h/c boundary to the cleavage­ site might reflect interaction

between the c-region and the active site of signal peptidase [3,4].The silk gland is a secretory organ of silkworm. Three kinds of silk

proteins, fibroin heavy chain (FibH), fibroin light chain and

fibrohexamerin/P25 are synthesized and secreted by the posterior silk gland

(PSG) [6,7]. The SP of FibH was not clear for a long period. The N-terminal

amino acids of FibH has been studied by traditional chromatography methods, but

gave indefinite results­ [8]. A potential SP of FibH indicated by EMBL (P05790)

is the first 21 amino acid residues according to the nucleotide sequence of the

FibH gene (GenBank accession No. AF226688) [9]. This was confirmed

experimentally in our laboratory recently using recombinant baculovirus as

vector­ [10].To study the essential region required for secretion of silk

proteins and foreign proteins in the silk gland of silkworm, the SP sequence of

FibH was systematically shortened from the C-terminal. fusion genes of SP of different length and enhanced green

fluorescent protein (SP-EGFPs) were delivered into silkworm silk gland using­

recombinant AcMNPV as a transfer vector. The SP cleavage­ sites were determined

by N-terminal sequencing for fusion proteins.

Materials and Methods

Plasmids and gene sequences

Plasmid p5L was cloned previously in our laboratory. It contains the

FibH sequence from 874 to +1484 bp including­ the promoter sequence, exon 1, intron sequence

and partial­ exon 2 sequence, encoding N-terminal 163 a.a. residues of FibH.

Plasmid p5LEGFPhis was constructed from p5L fused with the Egfp gene and

a His-tag coding fragment. Plasmid pEGFPhis containing Egfp gene,

His-tag coding fragment and SV40 polyA site sequence was constructed in our

previous work [10].

Predictive analysis of SP

The N-terminal 70 a.a. of FibH and different fusion proteins,

SP-EGFPs, were analyzed using the SignalP 3.0 online prediction program (


SP shortening by PCR and

construction of recombinant­ genes

Promoter of FibH and SP encoding sequence of dif­ferent lengths (1,


16, 18 and 20 a.a.) were cloned from plasmid p5L by PCR using primers listed in

table 1. BamHI site

was introduced downstream from the SP coding­ sequences. All PCR products were

cloned into pGEM-T vector (Promega, Madison, USA) and verified­ by nucleotide

sequencing (Shanghai BioAisa Biotechnology, Shanghai, China). EGFPhis coding

fragment cut from plasmid­ pEGFPhis was fused to the signal sequence by BglII

site to form the expression cassette (Fig. 1). The blocked cut site of BamHI/BglII

formed a Gly-Ser linker between FibH SP and EGFP. The deduced amino acid

sequences­ of different SP-EGFPs are shown in Fig. 1.

Production of recombinant


Recombinant baculovirus was generated using the Bac-to-Bac system

(Invitrogen, Carlsbad, USA). Plasmid pFFa2 was derived from pFastBacHTa

(Invitrogen) with its polyhedrin promoter deleted in our previous work [13].

Expression cassettes of EGFP with FibH SP of different lengths were cloned into

donor vector pFFa2, then transferred into Escherichia coli DH10BacDEGT component

cells to make recombinant bacmids. Purified bacmids were used to transfect Sf9

cultured cells with Cellfectin (Invitrogen) to produce recombinant virus. All

of these procedures referred to our previous works [10,13,14] and Invitrogen? instruction manual. Virus

titer was determined by the Tissue Culture Infectious Dose 50 method (Adeno

Vator Vector System Applications Manual; Qbiogene, Carlsbad, USA), and Sf9

cells were maintained in Grace? medium (Invitrogen) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum

(Invitrogen) at 27 ?.

Silkworm inoculation and


Silkworm larvae (54A bivotine, Japanese strain) provided­ by

the Sericultural Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Zhenjiang,

China) were reared on mulberry leaves at 25 ?. The recombinant baculovirus was injected into the hemocoele of

newly ecdysed fifth instar silkworm larvae with a syringe at the amount of 106 pfu per larva. Approximately 5 d post-injection, the fluorescence

of EGFP in silk gland of the silkworm was observed­ and photographed with

fluorescence microscope (model MZ FL III; Leica, Heerbrugg, Switzerland) after


Protein purification by Ni-NTA


Silk glands dissected from silkworm larvae were rinsed in cold

sterile distilled water several times to remove adhesive­ plasma. The PSGs were

homogenized with ddH2O, insoluble materials were removed by

centrifu­gation at 16,000 g for 10 min; and the supernatant was

lyophilized­ to a small volume and stored at 4 ? for a few hours and then centrifuged again. This cycle was repeated

several times until no insoluble materials appeared. The ultimate supernatant­

was purified through the Ni-NTA Purification­ System­ (Invitrogen). All

operations were according­ to the instruction manual. Two milliliters of resin

was washed with ddH2O several times and balanced with 1?ative Purification­ Buffer

(50 mM NaH2PO4, pH 8.0, 0.5 M NaCl) before use. Sample for

purification was mixed with 1/4 volume of 5?ative Purification Buffer, centrifuged and bound in the column for


min; the column was washed with 8 ml Native­ Wash Buffer (50 mM NaH2PO4, pH 8.0, 0.5 M NaCl, 20 mM imidazole) four times;

and the column­ was eluted for the target protein by using 12 ml of Native

Elution Buffer (50 mM NaH2PO4, pH

8.0, 0.5 M NaCl, 250 mM imidazole); the fractions were detected­ for

fluorescence of EGFP with a fluorescence spectropho­tometer (F-4010; Hitachi,

Tokyo, Japan) using­ 490 nm as the excitation wavelength and 510 nm as the

emission­ wavelength. The fractions with fluorescent peak were collected and

dialyzed against ddH2O at 4 ? overnight, then concentrated by lyophilizing, and stored at 20 ? for further analysis.

SDS-PAGE and Western blot


Silk gland homogenates or column purified protein samples were

subjected to SDS-PAGE as described by Laemmli [15]. Proteins were transferred onto

poly­vinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane (Immobilon-P; Millipore, Billerica,

USA). The membrane was stained by Coomassie brilliant blue R-250, destained in

50% MeOH, and fully destained in 100% MeOH after photography. Western blot

analysis was carried out using horseradish peroxidase-linked mouse monoclonal

antibody GFP (B-2) (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, USA) and developed­

using 3,3-diaminobenzidine-tetrachloride (DAB) reagent. After

photography the membrane was re-stained using Coomassie brilliant blue R-250.

N-terminal sequencing

For N-terminal sequencing, proteins were transferred onto PVDF

membranes from polyacrylamide gel in CAPS buffer [10 mM

3-(cyclohexylamino)-1-propanesulfonic acid (CAPS), 10% MeOH, pH 11.0] as described

by Matsudaira [16] with a setting of 90 V and 300 mA for 3 h in a transfer tank

(VE-186; Tanon Science & Technology, Shanghai, China). The band of EGFP

fusion protein on PVDF membranes was characterized with Western blotting­ of

the control lane and excised from the membrane for sequencing on a protein

N-terminal sequencer (PE491A; Applied Biosystems, Foster, USA) at the Research­

Center for Proteome Analysis, Shanghai Institutes­ for Biological Sciences,

Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanghai, China).


Construction of recombinant

AcMNPVs for expression­ of EGFP with different lengths of FibH SP

The SP of FibH is a typical kind of eukaryotic­ signal peptide and

composed of 21 amino acid residues; it contains­ two positive amio acid residues

in its n-region (R and K), 11 hydrophobic amino acid residues in its h-region,

and five amino acid residues in its c-region. It obeys the ?3,1 rule with small and

polar amino acid residues, Gly and Thr, at its 1 and 3 positions. The

recombinant AcMNPVs for expression of EGFP with FibH SP of different­ lengths

were constructed as described in ?aterials­ and methods. Their structures are shown in Fig.


Expression of EGFP with

different lengths of FibH SP in PSG of silkworm

Fusion protein of EGFP with full length FibH SP (5LEGFPhis) could be

secreted to the lumen of PSG of silkworm normally. Fluorescence of EGFP was

observed in the PSG lumen but not in the cells under fluorescence microscope [Fig.

2(A)]. When the SP of FibH was shortened­ stepwise to 20, 18 and 16 a.a.

long, the secretion­ of the fusion proteins was not affected; and the fluo­rescence

profiles were the same as the full length FibH SP fusion protein (photograph

not shown). when the SP of FibH

was shortened to 12 a.a., fluorescence was seen in both the lumen and PSG cells

[Fig. 2(B)]. Fusion proteins with 811 a.a. long SP of FibH

could not be secreted into the lumen, and fluorescence could only be observed

in the cells [Fig. 2(C), SP11EGFP]. It was the same as the protein­

SP1EGFP without the FibH SP [Fig. 2(D)].

SDS-PAGE and western

blot analysis showed that the secreted­ proteins (SP20EGFP, SP18EGFP and

SP16EGFP) had a molecular weight of approximately 28 kDa; and only SP12EGFP had

two bands, one of which was approximately 2 kDa larger than the other. The

fusion protein with a 163 a.a. long N-terminal (5LEGFPhis) had a molecular­

weight of approximately 53 kDa (Fig. 3) as previously­ reported [10].

Protein purification and

N-terminal sequencing

Two fusion proteins (SP12EGFP and SP16EGFP) were purified using the

Ni-NTA system. SDS-PAGE and western­

blot analysis showed the results of purification (Fig. 4). SP12EGFP had

two bands near the calculated molecular weight and some small bands that might be

the products of degradation. The purified SP16EGFP protein had only one main

band near the prospective place (Fig. 4). The major bands of SP16EGFP

and SP12EGFP were cut for N-terminal sequencing. N-terminal sequences of these

two proteins were MVSKGEELFT and EELFTGVVPI, respectively. The cleavage site

was between amino acid residues 18 and 19, and behind two linker amino acid

residues­ (Gly and Ser) in protein SP16EGFP; and the cleavage­ site was between

Gly19 and Glu20 in protein SP12EGFP, which were Gly5 and Glu6 in EGFP. It

seemed that the amino acid residues in the linker and EGFP were used as part of

the SP in this case, which indicated that the cleavage site moved behind when

the SP of FibH was shortened.


SPs have conserved features, and different signal peptide­ sequences

through common secretory pathways can be interchanged between different

proteins or even proteins of different organisms [17,18]. This work showed that

the SP of FibH of silkworm shares the same structural feature with other

eukaryotic secretory proteins. The h-region of the SP is essential for

recognition by SRPs. When the h-domain was shortened to a limit, the SRPs could

not recognize it and the fusion protein failed to secrete as observed­ in this

work with SP8EGFPSP11EGFP. The cleavage of the SP from nascent preprotein is

catalyzed by signal peptidase, and the c-region of the SP is important for

cleavage by signal peptidase, so a change in this region might alter the

cleavage site of the SP. The h-region­ is also very important for the binding

of signal peptidase. The distance between the h- and c-region boundaries to the

cleavage site is required for catalyzing proper cleavage by signal peptidase.

When the h-region is shortened and becomes unsuitable, signal peptidase will

find a vicarious cleavage site behind if possible. In this work, with SP12EGFP,

for example, the cleavage site moved to between­ Gly5 and Glu6 of EGFP .Several programs have been developed for the pre­diction of SPs but

with varying accuracy [12,19]. A comparison of the experimental results of this

work and the predictive results is shown in table 2. We found that the accuracy of cleavage site

prediction has been improved notably in the new version of SignalP 3.0 HMM. As

predicted by SignalP 3.0 HMM, when the SP is shortened from the C-terminal then

linked to EGFP through the two amino acid linker (Gly-Ser), the secretory

machinery might find a suitable­ sequence as the h-region of the SP for binding

of SRP, then cleave at several a.a. behind by signal peptidase. results in this experiment showed that

SP20EGFP, SP18EGFP, SP16EGFP and SP12EGFP could be secreted into PSG lumen like

5LEGFPhis, but SP11EGFP, SP10EGFP, SP9EGFP and SP8EGFP could not. The

probabilities of an SP for SP12EGFP and SP11EGFP predicted by SignalP 3.0 HMM

were 0.875 and 0.719, respectively. The only difference between SP12EGFP and

SP11EGFP is the lack of one Ala residue in the h-region of the SP, and the

predicted h-region is changed from 8 (FVILCCAG) to 7 (FVILCCG). According to

these results, it seems that FVILCCG is not long enough for the h-region of

this SP. This comparison shows that SignalP 3.0 HMM can provide­ accurate

predictions with SP20EGFP to SP12EGFP, but not with SP11EGFP. Perhaps the score

of probability for SPs should be as high as with SP12EGFP. The cleavage site of

signal peptide predicted by SignalP 3.0 HMM is showed by the maximal cleavage

site probability (Cmax). The cleavage sites and values of Cmax for SP16EGFP and

SP12EGFP predicted by SignalP 3.0 HMM are S18/M19 with a Cmax of 0.833 and

G19/E20 with a Cmax of 0.686, respectively. The results of N-terminal

sequencing of SP16EGFP and SP12EGFP agree with this prediction. study of

SPs and SP prediction is provoked by the increasing­ biotechnological interest

in finding a suitable expression system for large-scale production of

commercially interested proteins. Silk gland of silkworm Bombyx mori has

long been of interest for the production of large amounts of silk protein in a

tissue- and stage-specific manner. Its potential use as a bioreactor has gained

more attention [2022]. FibH makes up 70% of the total silk, so its promoter and SP are

preferred for this kind of use. With the purpose of controlling the N-terminal

amino acid residues of mature foreign protein expressed in silk gland using a

modified FibH SP, and to characterize the functional essential sequence of the

FibH SP, the SP sequence was shortened and linked with EGFP reporter. The

c-region­ was mutated to two small and neutral linker amino acids, Gly and Ser,

the h-region was shortened stepwise and the n-region kept compact. For

SP16EGFP, the cleavage site is after Ser, just before the first amino acid

residue Met of EGFP. This SP sequence might be used in bioreactors for

expressing and secreting mature recombinant protein without­ any extra amino

acid residues at the N-terminal.


We thank Dr. Yuan Zhao

from the Sericultural Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural

Sciences for kindly providing silkworm eggs and silkworm for this work.


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