
ABBS 2005,38(08): Optimized Adaptor Polymerase Chain Reaction-based Method for Efficient Genomic Walking

Original Paper


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Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2006, 38: 571-576


optimized adaptor


chain reaction-based method

for efficient genomic walking

Peng XU1,2,

Rui-Ying HU1,2, and Xiao-Yan DING1*


Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Biology and Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology, Institute

of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences,

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China;


Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China

Received: March 20,


Accepted: April 29,


This work was

supported by a grant from the National Key Project for Basic Science Research

of China (2001CB509901)


author: Tel, 86-21-54921411; Fax, 86-21-54921011; E-mail,

[email protected]

Abstract        Genomic walking is one of the most useful approaches in

genome-related research. Three kinds of PCR-based methods are available for

this purpose. However, none of them has been generally applied because they are

either insensitive or inefficient. Here we present an efficient PCR protocol,

an optimized adaptor PCR method for genomic walking. Using a combination of a

touchdown PCR program and a special adaptor, the optimized adaptor PCR protocol

achieves high sensitivity with low background noise. By applying this protocol,

the insertion sites of a gene trap mouse line and two gene promoters from the

incompletely sequenced Xenopus laevis genome were successfully

identified with high efficiency. The general application of this protocol in

genomic walking was proved to be promising.

Key words        optimized

adaptor PCR; touchdown PCR; genomic walking; gene trap; promoter

In the postgenomic era, one major challenge is the functional

characterization of single gene. The gene trap method, using mouse embryonic stem

cells and a reporter vector randomly integrated into the genome, is a useful

tool to find novel genes and study their biological function [1]. To verify the

precise integration site, rapid and efficient genomic walking is required for

cloning the flanking sequences near to a gene trap vector.The traditional approach is to screen the genomic library­ using a

specific probe, however, this strategy is laborious and time-consuming. Several

PCR-based methods for isolating­ unknown DNA fragments flanking a known

sequence­ have been developed. They are: (1) inverse PCR [2], which uses a pair

of reversed primers to amplify DNA sequences in self-circularized genomic

fragments, but it meets the limitation of restriction site distribution; (2)

randomly primed PCR [36], which amplifies with a known sequence-specific primer

and an arbitrary primer, but the non-specific amplification blocks its

application; and (3) ligation-mediated PCR [715]. The adaptor PCR method, which

uses an adaptor ligated to a genomic fragment, was carried out with a

locus-specific primer and an adaptor-specific primer. As this involved the use

of the adaptor-specific primer, the amplification of adaptor itself leads to

the generation of a high level of background noise. Several­ improved protocols

have emerged to overcome the drawbacks, but they are either complicated or

inefficient.In this study, we describe an optimized adaptor PCR protocol

developed recently with the application of an optimized­ touchdown PCR program.

Using this protocol, the flanking sequences of a gene trap vector and two

promoters­ from the tetraploid animal Xenopus laevis were successfully

and rapidly isolated. The results indicated that the optimized adaptor PCR

would be valuable for genomic walking.

Materials and Methods

Isolation of genomic DNA and

restriction enzyme digestion­

Genomic DNA was extracted from mouse tail or Xenopus­ liver

as previously described [16]. Briefly, homogenized­ tissues were digested by proteinase

K overnight­ at 55 ?C. The genomic DNA was extracted twice with

phenol/chloroform, precipitated by ethanol, then washed with 75% ethanol and

finally dissolved in TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0). The quality

of DNA was determined by the ratio of A260/A280. One microgram­ of genomic DNA was digested overnight with 10 U of

restriction enzymes (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, USA) in 200 ml volume.

Oligonucleotide primers and


The specific primers for each walking step were designed­ based on

the known sequence. Primers for the gene trap vector were: GT1, 5-CTCACCTTGCTCCTGCCGAGAAAGTATCCA-3;




the BamHI-specific adaptor was 5-GTAATACGACT­CACT­AT­AGGGCACGCGTGGTCGACGGCCCGGGCT­GGTctag-3, and the upper strand

for the HindIII-specific­ adaptor was 5-GTAAT­ACG­ACTCACTATA­GGGCA­CGCGTG­GTCG­ACGG­CCCGGGCTGGTtcga-3. The lower strand for

the adaptor was 5-PO4agc­ttacca­gccc-NH2-3. Adaptor

primer AP1 was 5gtaatacgactcactataggc-3

and adaptor primer AP2 was 5acaatagggcacg­cgtggt-3.

The 5 end of the down strand of the adaptor was phosphorylated and an

amino group at the 3 end was modified. The same amount of upper strand

and down strand of the adaptor were denatured at 80 ?C for 10 min, then

annealed at room temperature for 30 min.

Generation of DNA

adaptor-linked digests

The ligation mixture contained 1 mg of digested genomic­

fragment, 1 U of T4 DNA ligase (New England Biolabs) and 50 mM adaptor in T4

DNA ligase buffer. The ligation reaction was carried out overnight at 16 ?C.

The genomic fragments ligated to the enzyme-specific adaptor were purified.The ligation mixture contained 1 mg of digested genomic­

fragment, 1 U of T4 DNA ligase (New England Biolabs) and 50 mM adaptor in T4

DNA ligase buffer. The ligation reaction was carried out overnight at 16 ?C.

The genomic fragments ligated to the enzyme-specific adaptor were purified.

PCR amplification and cloning

of products

The first-round PCR amplification was carried out in a 50 ml of reaction

mixture containing 5 ml of LA buffer II (Mg2+ plus), 250 mM dNTP, 10 pM GSP, 10 pM AP1, 100 ng of adaptor-ligated genomic DNA,

and 2.5 U of LA Taq polymerase (TaKaRa, Takara, Japan). After pre-denaturing at

94 ?C for 3 min, the condition of the first 5 cycles was: denaturing at 94 ?C

for 30 s, annealing at 70 ?C for 30 s with extension at 72 ?C for 4 min. The

annealing temperature was reduced by 0.5 ?C per cycle. PCR parameters for the

proceeding 30 cycles were: denaturing at 94 ?C for 30 s, annealing at 60 ?C for

1 min with extension at 72 ?C for 4 min, and the final extension at 72 ?C for 5

min.The second-round PCR was carried out in a 50 ml reaction­

mixture containing 1 ml of the first-round PCR product­ diluted 1:100, 2.5 U of LA buffer

II (Mg2+ plus), 250 mM dNTP, 10 pM

AP1, 10 pM GSP2, and 2.5 ml of LA Taq polymerase. The PCR program was the same as indicated­

above. The second-round PCR product was run on a 1% agarose gel. Each band was

isolated by Gel Cleanup (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) and cloned into pGEM-T

easy vector (Promega, Madison, USA). The positive clones were sequenced with

ABI PRISM 377 by Shanghai Biotech Company (Shanghai, China).

Southern blot

To produce a Southern blot probe specific to the gene trap vector,

the neomycin resistance gene was amplified and the genomic DNA from the gene

trap mouse line was prepared and digested overnight with HindIII and EcoRI

restriction enzymes. Digested DNA (10 mg per lane) was run on a 0.8% agarose gel and

transferred to Hybond N+

nylon membrane (GE healthcare,

Piscataway, USA) and hybridized by a 32P-labeled probe using the Prime-a-Gene labeling kit (Promega). The

membrane was washed twice before autoradiographing at 70 ?C.

Sequence analyses

The sequence data were analyzed using the Editseq program from the

DNASTAR nucleotide sequence analysis package (Dnastar, Madison, USA) and searched in the mouse genome using

the BLAST program (


Application of touchdown PCR

program for genomic walking

To analyze the precise insertion site of a gene trap vector, the genomic

walking from the gene trap vector is required. We found that all published

protocols have their disadvantages. Obviously, the traditional way of screening­

the genomic library is time-consuming. Also the inverse PCR and randomly primed

PCR methods have not been generally applied to walk in uncloned genomic DNA. An

improved adaptor PCR, which used a special adaptor, was reported to walk

upstream from one exon. However the protocol was very inefficient so that its

application was limited [17]. Although several attempts­ were made to increase

its sensitivity, the method became increasingly complicated and the application

was also limited [7]. According to this protocol (Table 1, protocol 1)

we attempted to identify the flanking sequence of a gene trapping mouse line,

8A21, but failed to get any amplified products [Fig. 1(A), lane 1].Touchdown PCR is a method of PCR by which degenerate primers are

used to avoid amplifying nonspecific sequences [18]. It not only increases

specificity but also enhances yield. Its applications in genomic walking have

been mentioned in some published works [19]. However there is no published

report on applying the touchdown PCR to the adaptor PCR method. We then thought

to combine these two methods in order to increase the PCR efficiency. The

combination of touchdown PCR to adaptor PCR (Table 1, protocol 2) indeed

increased the yield of PCR products, but its smear pattern in agarose gel

argues the amplification specificity of this protocol [Fig. 1(A), lane

2].In the classic touchdown program, the annealing temperature­ is

reduced by 2 ?C per cycle, and this is the parameter we used in protocol 2.

However, we have accumulated­ data indicating that scaling down the touchdown­

PCR parameters, in terms of slowly reducing the annealing temperature, was the

key step in keeping the specificity of the touchdown PCR program (unpublished

data). We then developed the third protocol, in which the annealing temperature

was lowered by 0.5 ?C per cycle (Table 1, protocol 3) and found it worked

perfectly in producing sharp PCR products (Fig. 1, lane 3). Three bands

of 3.4 kb (F1), 2.1 kb (F2) and 300 bp (F3) in length were obtained­ from the

gene trapping mouse line, 8A21. Sequence analysis showed that one of the three

specific bands, F1 [Fig. 1(A), lane 3], contained a 597 bp trapping

vector sequence in reverse to a 3.2 kb trapping vector sequence, indicating the

two trapping vectors tandemly, but reversely, integrated into the genome [Fig.

1(B), F1]. The second, F2, contained the 597 bp trapping vector sequence

together with a 1.5 kb sequence; and we searched the currently available mouse

genome database using the BLAST program, and it revealed that the trapping­

vector was inserted into mouse chromosome 4 A5 loci encoding a P4 ATPase [Fig.

1(B), F2]. F3 was a non-specific amplificon. Thus, two insertion sites,

with their flanking sequences, were identified only by our optimized adaptor

PCR. Southern blot analysis was carried out using the gene trap

vector-specific probe to identify the number of insertion­ sites. The genomic

DNA extracted from the gene trap mouse line was digested with HindIII or

EcoRI restriction enzyme­ and transferred onto the nylon membrane. Two

insertion sites were characterized, as shown in Fig. 1(C). This result­

supports the fact that optimized adaptor PCR can accurately identify multiple

trapping vector insertion­ sites.It requires only two rounds of PCR to get mouse gene trap insertion

sites, which is much quicker than all pre­viously reported methods for cloning

flanking sequences. The rapid and efficient simultaneous cloning of multiple

insertion sites indicates that the optimized PCR would be a useful tool to

verify gene trap insertion sites.

Cloning PAPC promoter from Xenopus laevis

Encouraged by the rapid cloning of the trapping insertion­ site, we

then used the optimized adaptor PCR protocol to isolate the promoter of the X.

laevis PAPC gene, as the genome of X. laevis has not yet been

sequenced. Two specific primers, PAPC1 and PAPC2, were designed based on the sequence

adjacent to the Xenopus PAPC transcription start site. The

genomic DNA was isolated from the Xenopus liver and digested with a

restriction enzyme, HindIII. The purified genomic fragments were ligated

to the HindIII adaptor. Three protocols with different PCR conditions as

shown in Table 1 were also simultaneously­ applied for genomic walking.

After two rounds of PCR, the PCR products were analyzed by gel electrophoresis.

As shown in Fig. 2(A), a band of approximately 5 kb was amplified from HindIII-specific

adaptor-ligated genomic DNA [Fig. 2(A), lane 3]; while there was no

obvious bands in the two former protocols [Fig. 2(A), lanes 1 and 2].

The specific band F was isolated and sequenced. Sequence analysis indicated

that F was related to Xenopus PAPC promoter.We also used the same protocol to isolate the promoter of mespo,

another Xenopus gene, and got the same sharp results (data not shown).

In each case the whole procedure, from preparing tissues to obtaining

sequences, took only one week. Thus, the feasibility of this approach in

cloning sequences flanking a gene/vector from different genomes is evident.


Three kinds of PCR strategies were developed for chromosome­ walking:

inverse PCR [2]; random primer PCR [36]; and ligation-mediated PCR [815].

Inverse PCR is used less for chromosome walking because of the limitation of

available restriction sites in the unknown/known region or poor circularization

of the template molecule. Ligation-mediated PCR and random primer PCR are more

popular for chromosome walking. The latter is the simplest­ and most popular

method for identification of T-DNA or transposon insertions, but its amplified

products­ are general­ly small (<1 kb). To obtain larger fragments­ (>1

kb) or to walk step by step, we usually resort to ligation-mediated PCR.

However, this is an inefficient­ strategy because, in most cases, non-specific

amplification accounts for the major proportion of the final PCR products. To

increase its specificity, an improved­ adaptor PCR using a special adaptor has

been developed [7]. However,the genomic complexity from different species­ and

low effiencent PCR program would make amplification­ efficiency lower,blocking

its applications. Several­ improved ligation-mediated­ PCRs increase­ the

amplification­ efficiency but their manipulations­ are complicated. Here we

combined the touchdown PCR with the adaptor PCR and scaled down the parameters,

developing an optimized touchdown PCR protocol. Slowly lowering the annealing

temperature makes primers find their targets precisely, so they yield specific

products efficiently. By simple modification of the PCR program, our optimized

touchdown PCR protocol could largely improve­ the application of adaptor PCR in

genome research.We believe that the optimized adaptor PCR is a powerful­ tool in the

following genome-related experiments: (1) identifying gene trap or other

transgenic vector insertion sites, especially multi-copy insertions; (2) isolating

flanking sequences­ from known sequences, such as cloning a gene promoter from

a cDNA fragment; (3) filling the gaps in genome sequencing; and (4) obtaining

non-conserved regions­ of genes in uncharacterized species, according to the

conserved sequences of reported genes.In our experiments, we found several key points for the successful

application of the optimized adaptor PCR. First, the touchdown rate should be

slow; in our case, the rate of 0.5 ?C worked perfectly in amplifying the target

bands. Second, genomic DNA with a very high average molecular­ weight should be

digested efficiently by enzyme. Finally, gene-specific primers should be highly

specific, preferably­ approximately 2530 nucleotides long, and hairpin

sequences­ and primer dimmers should be avoided.


We thank Dr. Babara I. Meyer

and Dr. Ulrike Teichmann (Department

of Molecular Cell Biology, Max-Plank Institutes of Biophysical Chemistry,

Gotingen, Germany) for kindly

providing gene trap mouse lines and Dr. Yuan-xin

Hu (Institutes of Biochemistry

and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese­ Academy

of Sciences, Shanghai, China) for technical­ help with Southern blot. We are

also grateful to Dr. Xu-dong Zhao (Department of Medical Genetics,

Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China) for

discussion. We thank Dr. Cheng-fu

Sun and Dr. Shuang-wei Li

(Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological

Sciences, Chinese­ Academy of Sciences) for their critical reading of this



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