
Quantitative determination of cucumber mosaic virus genome RNAs in virions by Real-Time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction

Original Paper


file on Synergy


Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2006, 38: 669-676


Quantitative determination of cucumber mosaic virus

genome RNAs in virions by Real-Time Reverse

Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction

Jun-Li Feng1, Shao-Ning CHen1, Xiang-Shan Tang1, Xian-Feng Ding1, Zhi-You Du2, and Ji-Shuang Chen1,2*


Institute of Bioengineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018,



College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, China

Received: May 7,


Accepted: June 30,



author: Tel/Fax, 86-571-86843196; E-mail, [email protected]

Abstract        A real-time RT-PCR procedure using the

green fluorescent dye SYBR Green I was developed for determining the absolute

and relative copies of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) genomic RNAs contained

in purified virions. Primers specific to each CMV ORF were designed and

selected. Sequences were then amplified with length varying from 61 to 153 bp.

Using dilution series of CMV genome RNAs prepared by in vitro transcription

as the standard samples, a good linear correlation was observed between their

threshold cycle (Ct) values and the logarithms of the

initial template amounts. The copies of genomic RNA 1, RNA 2, RNA 3 and the

subgenomic RNA 4 in CMV virions were quantified by this method, and the ratios

were about 1.00:1.17:3.58:5.81. These results were confirmed by Lab-on-a-chip and northern blot hybridization assays. Our work is the first

report concerning the relative amounts of different RNA fragments in CMV

virions as a virus with tripartite genome.

Key words        real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; cucumber

mosaic virus; genomic RNA; quantitative determination

Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) is a species

of the Cucumovirus genus within the family Bromoviridae. It has

been long known that the virus has a genome structure consisting of three

single-stranded messenger sense RNAs (RNA 1, 2 and 3) and two subgenomic RNAs

(RNA 4A and RNA 4). RNA 1 and RNA 2 encode components of viral RNA-dependent

RNA polymerase (RdRp), the 1a and 2a proteins, with putative helicase and

polymerase activities, respectively. RNA 3 encodes the 3a movement protein and

the coat protein (CP), and the latter is expressed from RNA 4 as subgenomic

RNA. In addition, the 2b protein­ is expressed from 3-proximal

sequences of RNA 2, via subgenomic RNA 4A. This protein is a pathogenicity­-determinant

and plays a role in the long-distance movement of CMV [1,2].CMV has a very large host range, which is estimated to be over 1000 species

in 85 families and has a worldwide distribution [3]. While the crop losses

caused by CMV have increased greatly in past decades, its replication and

pathogenicity mechanisms remain mostly undiscovered. Several publications have

mentioned that CMV genomic RNAs do not accumulate in equimolar amounts in

hosts, and that the relative ratios between them have a strong effect on the

level of virulence and the level of virus accumulation­ [46]. Therefore, a

rapid and sensitive method for reliably quantifying the amount of each CMV

genomic RNA would aid the understanding of the mechanisms of viral replication

and pathogenicity, as well as the inter­action with hosts.The amounts of CMV genomic RNAs were previously quantified by

electrophoresis, northern blot

hybridization and RT-PCR [7]. However, these methods vary in their usefulness

for accurate quantification, being either time consuming, laborious,

insensitive, or having large results variations. Real-time RT-PCR is a new

method developed in recent years. By adding the fluorescent signal to the

reaction­ mixture, the whole PCR process is monitored through the increase of

fluorescence and the absolute amount of target­ is calculated from a

calibration curve. Due to its high sensitivity­ and reproducibility, real-time

RT-PCR has been considered the most reliable method currently available and is

used widely in gene (e.g. transgene or pathogen) detection and quantification,

and gene expression studies [8,9]. Its applications in virus researches­ are increasing, and many

economically important plant viruses have been detected by this method [1013]. But most of

these studies are related simply to the qualitative detection of viruses,

taking advantage of its broad quantification range (?7 magnitudes) and low titration limitation. To date, there is no

report on the quantification of different RNA fragments in multipartite

viruses.This paper describes the development of a real-time RT-PCR assay

with SYBR Green I, which allows an accurate quantification of CMV genomic RNAs.

Their copy number­ ratios in virions were calculated and the results were comfirmedconfirmed

by lab-on-a-chip and northern blot hybridiza­tion assays.

Materials and methods

Plants and viruses

Nicotiana tobacum Huangmiaoyu tobacco plants were maintained

under greenhouse conditions with a day length of 16 h at day/night temperature

of 25 ?C/20 ?C. The young tobacco plants (four- to six-leaf stage) were used

for virus inoculation by Fny-CMV (kindly donated by Peter Palukaitis, Scottish Crop Research

Institute, Dundee, UK). Virions were purified from infected tobacco 17 d after

inoculation [14]. Fny-CMV genomic RNAs were extracted from virions and from

infected or healthy tobacco­ plants with the method as previously described [15].

The RNA samples were treated with DNase I and stored at 80 ?C.

Primer design and optimization

Two to four sets of primers were designed for each Fny-CMV ORF based on

their sequences. Primers were first designed using Primer 5.0 software (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA) and then selected manually based on

melting temperature (Tm), position and GC content­ in

the last five bases. Virtual RT-PCR was run to screen for amplification

efficiency and primer dimmer formation. The best primer set for each ORF was

selected for subsequent experiments (Table 1).

Preparation of standard


To quantify Fny-CMV genomic RNAs, three sets of standard samples

were transcribed from biologically active­ cDNA clones of Fny-CMV RNA 1

(pFny109), Fny-CMV RNA 2 (pFny209), and Fny-CMV RNA 3 (pFny309) in vitro

with T7 polymerase (Promega, Madison, USA), respectively. Standard samples

of RNA 1 were used with 1a primer pair 1a-F/R, RNA 2 with 2a and 2b primer

pairs 2a-F/R and 2b-F/R, RNA 3 with 3a and CP primer pairs 3a-F/R and CP-F/R in

quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Transcription­ products were treated with DNase

I firstly, and then RT negative PCR products were analyzed in triplicates­ to

confirm there was no fluorescence resulting from either DNA template residue or

RT step. Finally they were quantified to 400 mg/ml and stored at 80 ?C. The copy

numbers could be determined by Equation 1.

To quantify Fny-CMV genomic RNAs, three sets of standard samples

were transcribed from biologically active­ cDNA clones of Fny-CMV RNA 1

(pFny109), Fny-CMV RNA 2 (pFny209), and Fny-CMV RNA 3 (pFny309) in vitro

with T7 polymerase (Promega, Madison, USA), respectively. Standard samples

of RNA 1 were used with 1a primer pair 1a-F/R, RNA 2 with 2a and 2b primer

pairs 2a-F/R and 2b-F/R, RNA 3 with 3a and CP primer pairs 3a-F/R and CP-F/R in

quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Transcription­ products were treated with DNase

I firstly, and then RT negative PCR products were analyzed in triplicates­ to

confirm there was no fluorescence resulting from either DNA template residue or

RT step. Finally they were quantified to 400 mg/ml and stored at 80 ?C. The copy

numbers could be determined by Equation 1.

Eq. 1

where N was the copy number per ml, C was the

concentration of sample (mg/ml), K was the length of target gene (nucleotide), 1.6601?1018 was the transfer constant

between­ Dalton and mg.

SYBR Green I reverse

transcription-polymerase chain reaction

For RT-PCR, cDNA was synthesized in 10 ml reaction buffer

containing 2 ml 5?M-MLV buffer, 0.5 ml specific

primer (2 mM), 0.25 ml M-MLV RTase (200 U/ml; Takara, Takara, Japan), 0.25 ml RNase

inhibitor (40 U/ml; Takara) and 1 ml template RNA. The thermal

profile for RT was 42 ?C for 15 min and 95 ?C for 2 min.The PCR was carried out in a 96-well plate in a reaction volume of

25 ml

containing 12.5 ml 2?Premix EX Taq buffer (Takara), 0.5 or 1 ml 50?SYBR Green I nucleic acid fluorescent dye (Takara), 2 ml template cDNA,

and forward and reverse primers at final concentrations varying­ from 0.1 mM to 1 mM. The thermal

profile for PCR was 95 ?C for 10 s, followed by 40 cycles of 95 ?C for 10 s and

60 ?C for 30 s. Immediately after the final PCR cycle, a melting curve analysis

was carried out to determine the specificity of the reaction by incubating the

reaction mixture­ at 95 ?C for 15 s, annealing at 60 ?C for 20 s, and then

slowly increasing the temperature to 95 ?C over 20 min [16]. The Ct used in the real-time PCR quantification

was defined as the PCR cycle number that crossed an arbitrarily­ chosen signal

threshold in the log phase of the amplification­ curve. Standard curve for each ORF was generated using dilution­ series of

standard samples as the RT-PCR template. The RNA extracted from virions was

diluted 100 times and amplified along with standard samples under optimal

concentrations, and the copy number of each ORF was calculated from standard

curves according to its Ct value. Each sample

had three replicates and all reactions were replicated three times

independently to ensure the reproducibility­ of the results. The RNA extracted

from healthy tobacco plants was used as a negative control. After the PCR, data

were viewed and analyzed using the ABI 7000 Sequence Detection Software (PE

Applied Biosystems). For each sample, the amplification­ plot and the

corresponding dissociation curve were examined. Due to the variation in length

and nucleotide­ composition, each amplicon had a unique Tm value [17].

Lab-on-a-chip assay

Lab-on-a-chip assay

was carried out in Aglient 2100 Bioanalyzer System (Agilent technologies, Palo Alto, USA),

following the manufacturer’s instructions of RNA 6000 Nano Reagents and

Supplies (Agilent technologies).

The concentrations of Fny-CMV genomic RNAs were analyzed­ using 2100 Expert

Software (Agilent technologies)

and the relative copy number ratios of them were calculated based on the

molecular weight.

Northern blot hybridization

The standard samples and viral RNAs were denatured with formamide/formaldehyde

prior to electrophoresis on a 1.6% agarose gel. Denaturation, electrophoresis,

blotting­ to nitrocellulose membranes, hybridization, washing of the blot and

autoradiography were carried out by standard procedures [18]. Probes were synthesized

by Random primer label kit (TaKaRa). The RNA extracted from infected­ and

healthy tobacco plants were used as positive and negative­ controls,

respectively. The hybridization was replicated­ three times.


Optimization of real-time RT-PCR

The real-time RT-PCR was first optimized by varying the

concentrations of primers and SYBR Green I dye. It was found that 0.5 ml of SYBR Green

dye was optimal for the reaction. Increasing the SYBR Green I dye concentration

in the reaction mixture resulted in an error reading of the fluorescent signal

from the amplified DNA. Also, 0.2 mM each of forward and reverse primers was the

optimum concentration, as this gave the highest reporter fluo­rescence and the

lowest Ct value.

Specificity of real-time


Real-time RT-PCR amplification of Fny-CMV ORFs with each primer set

produced the expected amplicon. The predicted­ RT-PCR product was confirmed by

agarose gel electrophoresis (data not shown). Dissociation curve analysis­ also

demonstrated that each of the primer pairs tested amplified a single PCR

product with a distinct Tm value.

Quantification of Fny-CMV

genomic RNAs by real-time RT-PCR

Each ORF was amplified clearly and reproducibly by real-time RT-PCR

(Fig. 1). The assay was proved to be highly reproducible, as

demonstrated by low Ct standard deviation values

between triplicates and a high correlation coefficient of the standard curves (R2>0.99) (Fig.

2). Based on respective Ct values, the copy number of each Fny-CMV ORF was calculated with

intra-group coefficient variations (CVs) of 0.76%6.24% and inter-group CVs

of 2.51%11.37% [19]. Copy numbers of Fny-CMV RNAs 1 and 3 in virions were

represented by the amounts of 1a ORF and 3a ORF, and RNA 4 was obtained by

subtracting the amounts of 3a ORF from those of CP ORF (Table 2). A

difference between the copy number of 2a ORF and that 2b ORF was observed

[(4.87±0.33)?107 vs.

(5.57±0.25)?107, CV=9.57%],

but it was in the range of inter-group CVs, indicating absence of RNA 4A in

Fny-CMV virions. Therefore, the copy number of RNA 2 was represented by the

average amounts of 2a ORF and 2b ORF, and the copy number ratios between

Fny-CMV RNA 1, 2, 3 and 4 in virions were determined to be


Comparison of the

quantification results between real-time RT-PCR, Lab-on-a-chip and Northern blot hybridization­


To confirm the quantification results of real-time RT-PCR, RNAs

extracted from virions were also analyzed in parallel by lab-on-a-chip and northern

blot hybridization assays. The results of lab-on-a-chip were shown in Fig. 3. Based

on the electropherogram, the relative concentrations of Fny-CMV RNA 1, 2, 3 and

4 were obtained, and the copy number ratios between them were deduced to be


The results of northern

blot hybridization are shown in Fig. 4. Due to different hybridization

efficiencies, the RNA 1, RNA 2 and RNA 3 standard samples with equal

concentration (Fig. 4, lane 4) yielded different hybridization

intensity. Thus when the relative concentration of each virus RNA was

calculated, its hybridization intensity was divided by that of corresponding

standard sample to eliminate this difference, and the copy number ratios

between Fny-CMV RNA 1, 2, 3 and 4 were determined to be

1.00:(1.20±0.10):(4.03±1.07):(6.19±2.51). The copy number ratios of Fny-CMV genomic RNAs in virions determined

by real-time RT-PCR, lab-on-a-chip and northern blot hybridization are compared in Table 3,

revealing the largest result variations of northern

blot hybridization.


There are two general approaches for real-time PCR: the specific and

non-specific fluorescent reporting chemistries. Both display similar levels of

sensitivity [20]. The use of a specific probe-based assay such as TaqMan-PCR

requires high complementarity for probe binding, which might result in a

failure to detect a high sequence variability in the probe-binding region,

while non-specific assays using intercalating dyes such as SYBR Green I were

found to be more reliable, flexible, simple, and of lower cost for detecting

nucleic acid targets characterized by sequence variability, especially for RNA

viruses. SYBR Green I is a minor groove DNA binding dye with a high affinity

for double-strand DNA (dsDNA) and exhibits fluorescence enhancement upon

binding to dsDNA. The accumulation of amplified DNA is measured by determining

the increase in fluorescence over time, and this is followed by confirmation of

results by melting curve analysis [21]. In this study, real-time RT-PCR with

SYBR Green I was used for quantificating ORFs of Fny-CMV genomic RNAs, and the

results showed that it is reliable in determining the copy number ratios

between them.The disadvantages of real-time RT-PCR (SYBR Green I) quantification

was its indiscriminate binding to any dsDNA, which could result in fluorescence

readings in the primer dimers and non-specific amplification, so the

dependability of the assays relied greatly on the specificity of the

amplification [22]. Therefore in this study, primers for each ORF were

selected, separate RT and PCR steps were adopted, and Taq Hot Start DNA

polymerase (Takara) was used to minimize dimer

formation and non-specific amplification. The different RT and PCR efficiency

between primer sets was eliminated by carrying out RT-PCR of standard and test

samples at the same time, and variation among reactions was avoided by ROX

Reference Dye (Takara) in PCR mixture. Due to these

efforts, the established quantification system had a high sensitivity and

specificity.Standard curves indicated that the PCR efficiencies for 1a ORF, 2a

ORF, 2b ORF, 3a ORF and CP ORF (E=101/slope1) were 125%, 97%, 105%,

98% and 80%, respectively. These values reflected less than optimal PCR

conditions for 1a ORF and CP ORF. But this is not entirely unexpected, as the

amplification of template by PCR is a process involving multiple components,

including structure of target gene, amount of templates, primers, ions,

nucleotides, enzyme activity, and reaction temperature. All of them are likely

to be dynamically changed as the reaction progresses and to subsequently affect

amplification efficiency. The Ct value for the

first dilution gradient of 1a ORF was below 10, which is unreliable in data

analysis and also will influence the calculation of amplification efficiency.

However, it is to be noted that quantification using the standard curve method

may be used without detailed optimization [23,24].To evaluate the efficiency of real-time RT-PCR, the amounts of

Fny-CMV genomic RNAs in virions were also determined by lab-on-a-chip

and northern blot hybridization.

RNA 4A was not detected in virions by all three methods, which was consistent

with the reports that RNA 4A could not be encapsidated by strains of CMV

subgroup I, or only at very low levels. The copy number ratios determined by three

methods were compared, indicating that these methods correlated with each

other, except the larger variations of northern

blot hybridization. The results of the Lab-on-a-chip assay were similar to those of the real-time RT-PCR, but

the major constraint of this method was the high purity requirements on test

samples. While the levels of viral RNAs in the host were relatively low, it was

impossible to study the amounts of viral RNAs in plant tissues by this method

directly. Northern blot hybridization also got the ratios closed to those of

other methods, but it has larger variations in quantification results resulting

from its own defects. For real-time RT-PCR, the amounts of target genes are

accurately recorded as Ct values and analyzed in a standard

format. This makes the assay considerably less subjective than other methods

and more suitable for quantification assay.

In conclusion, the real-time RT-PCR assay presented here offers a

sensitive and rapid method for high throughput detection and quantification of

Fny-CMV genomic RNAs. To our knowledge, this is the first report for

quantification of different RNA fragments in tripartite virus. The accurate

quantification property of this assay could be useful to monitor viral

replication kinetics, such as the changes of copy number ratios between genomic

RNAs in the progress of an infection, the effects of satellite RNA on helper virus,

the response to antiviral therapy, and the evaluation of viral tolerance levels

in new breeding programs. Northern blot hybridization also got the ratios

closed to those of other methods, but it has larger variations in

quantification results resulting from its own defects. For real-time RT-PCR,

the amounts of target genes are accurately recorded as Ct

values and analyzed in a standard format. This makes the assay considerably

less subjective than other methods and more suitable for quantification assay.


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