
ABBS 2008,40(01): Complete mitochondrial genome of Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera, Acridoidea)

Original Paper


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Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2008, 40: 7–18


Complete mitochondrial genome of Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera,


Chenyan Zhang and Yuan Huang*

School of Biological Sciences, Shaanxi

Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China

Received: May 8,


Accepted: September

27, 2007

This work was

supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.

30470238 and 30670279)


author: Tel, 86-29-85308451; Fax, 86-29-85310546; E-mail, [email protected]

The complete sequence of Oxya chinensis

(O. chinensis) mitochondrial­ genome is reported here. It is 15,443 bp

in length and contains 75.9% A+T. The protein-coding genes have a similar A+T

content (75.2%). The initiation codon of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene

in the mitochondrial genome of O. chinensis appears to be ATC, instead

of the tetranucleotides that have been reported in Locusta migratoria (L.

migratoria) mitochondrial genome. The sizes of the large and small

ribosomal RNA genes are 1319 and 850 bp, respectively. The transfer RNA genes

have been modeled­ and showed strong resemblance to the dipteran transfer­

RNAs, and all anticodons are identical to those of dipteran. The A+T-rich

region is 562 bp, shorter than that of other known Orthoptera insects. The six

conserved domains were identified within the A+T-rich region by comparing its

sequence with those of other grasshoppers. The result of phylogenetic analysis

based on the dataset containing 12 concatenated­ protein sequences confirms the

close relationship of O. chinensis with L. migratoria.

Keywords        mitochondrial DNA; strand

asymmetry; codon usage; A+T-rich region; Oxya chinensis

Metazoan mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is typically a circular­ molecule

between 14 and 18 kb in size that encodes­ 37 genes: 13 protein-coding genes,

two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes [1]. It has a

control region, named the A+T-rich region in insect, that contains the

replication origin of H-strand in vertebrates­ and the replication origin of

two strands in Drosophila species [2].

Recently, amplification of the whole mitochondrial genome­ using a

long-range PCR technique has become an alternative approach for mtDNA

purification and cloning, because of its feasibility in small animals and the

availability­ of standard molecular biology laboratory facilities. Advances­ in

DNA sequencing technology make it possible to determine longer sequences for

large numbers of taxa. The complete mtDNA sequences from numerous metazoan­

species have been reported to date [3], such as fishes [4], birds [5],

cockroach, and dragonfly [6].The growing interest in phylogenetic reconstruction of the mitochondrial

genome has triggered a rapid increase in the number of published complete

mitochondrial genome sequences [7]. The number of mtDNA sequences determined­

from vertebrates is larger than those from insects, despite the fact that

insects represent the largest number of animal species. Until now, more than

1015 complete metazoa mitochondrial genomes have been reported (

Of these, 58 are from insects, but only two are in Orthoptera, Locusta

migratoria (L. migra­toria) [8] and Gryllotalpa orientalis (G.

orientalis) [9]. The Orthoptera, belonging to hemimetabolous insects, is composed of

more than 20,000 species. Several conflicting­ hypotheses on the phylogenetic

position of the Orthoptera have been proposed, but they have not been well

supported by experimental evidence [10,11]. More mitochondrial genomes might

help to resolve the phylogenetic relationships of orthopteran insects.Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acridoidea:

Catantopidae) is one of the most common and widely distributed grasshoppers­ in

China, and is a serious pest of maize, sorghum, wheat, and especially rice.

Some partial mtDNA of O. chinensis sequences have been published in

GeneBank (, but the complete mtDNA

sequence has not yet been available. Here we report the complete mtDNA sequence

of O. chinensis and its annotated results.

Materials and Methods

Sample and DNA extractionAn adult specimen of O. chinensis was collected from Chang’an

(Shaanxi, China). After an examination of external­ morphology for

identification, the specimen was stored at 80 ?C. Total genomic DNA

was extracted from the muscle of one of the specimen’s femurs by the standard

proteinase­ K and phenol/chloroform extraction method, then stored at 20 ?C [12].

Long-range PCRs The whole mitochondrial genome was amplified in two large

overlapping fragments by long-range PCRs, using the primer pairs LP03 with

LP04, and LP05 with LP06 (Table 1). Long-range PCRs were carried out in

a thermal cycler MyCycler 580BR 3007 (Bio-Rad, Hercules, USA). Reactions were

carried out with 25 ml reaction volume containing 3.7 ml sterile distilled H2O, 2.5 ml of 10?Long and Accurate

PCR buffer (TaKaRa, Dalian, China), 4 ml dNTP (2.5 mM), 2.5 ml MgCl2 (25 mM), 3.5 ml each primer (10 mM), 0.3 ml of 2.5 U Long and Accurate (TaKaRa), and 5 ml template (10

mM). Cycle parameters included an initial denaturation step of 93 ?C for 2 min;

40 cycles of 92 ?C for 10 s; 52.5 ?C for 8 min 30 s; and terminated with an

extension at 68 ?C for 7 min. Each PCR reaction yielded a single amplicon that

was detected in 1% (W/V) agarose gels with ethidium bromide


Short-range PCRsAmplicons were purified by a DNA gel extraction kit (U-gene

Biotechnology, Hefei, China) according to the supplier’s instructions, then

used as templates for subsequent­ short-range PCRs. Twenty-nine pairs of PCR

primers were designed according to aligned mitochondrial genomes of 12 insect

species in seven hemimetabolic orders, and these primers were used to amplify

short overlapping­ segments of the entire mitochondrial genome of O.

chinensis. Detailed information about primers used in this study is shown

in Table 1. Short-range PCRs were done in the thermal cycler MyCycler

580BR 3007 and reactions­ were carried out in 25 ml reaction volume

containing­ 14.9 ml sterile distilled H2O, 2.5 ml PCR buffer (TaKaRa), 2 ml dNTP (2.5 mM),

2.5 ml MgCl2 (25 mM), 1 ml each primer (10 mM), 0.1 ml Z-Taq

polymerase (TaKaRa), and 1 ml template (diluted long-range PCR products). The thermal cycle

profile was as follows: denaturation­ at 94 ?C for 2 min; 30 cycles of 94 ?C

for 30 s, 3855 ?C for 30 s, and 70 ?C for 90 s; and the final elongation was

carried out at 72 ?C for 7 min.

SequencingShort-range PCR products were purified using the DNA gel extraction

kit, and sequencing reactions were conducted using dye-labeled terminators

(BigDye terminator V3.1; Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). Primers used in

sequencing were the same as those used in short-range PCRs. The fragments that

could not be sequenced very well using PCR primers were cloned into PMD18-T

vector­ (TaKaRa), and then the resulting plasmid DNA was sequenced. All

products were sequenced on an ABI Prism 3100 sequencer (Applied Biosystems).Short-range PCR products were purified using the DNA gel extraction

kit, and sequencing reactions were conducted using dye-labeled terminators

(BigDye terminator V3.1; Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). Primers used in

sequencing were the same as those used in short-range PCRs. The fragments that

could not be sequenced very well using PCR primers were cloned into PMD18-T

vector­ (TaKaRa), and then the resulting plasmid DNA was sequenced. All

products were sequenced on an ABI Prism 3100 sequencer (Applied Biosystems).

Sequence assembly and annotationSequences were assembled with Sequencing Analysis (Applied

Biosystems) and Staden Package version 1.5 software­ [13]. The location of

protein-coding genes and rRNA genes was identified by comparing them with those

in the L. migratoria mitochondrial genome. The majority of the tRNA

genes were recognized by tRNAscan-SE version­ 1.21 [14], and the remaining tRNA

genes were identified by inspecting sequences with tRNA-like secondary­

structures and anticodons. The A+T-rich region­ was determined by aligning the

sequences with homologous­ regions in other grasshoppers’ mitochondrial genome

sequences­ using ClustalX version 1.83 [15]. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of O. chinensis is

available through the National Center for Biotechnology­ Information nucleotide

database under the accession number EF437157.

Phylogenetic analysisPhylogenetic analysis was carried out based on 10 complete­

mitochondrial genomes of polyneoptera insect species: Periplaneta fuliginosa

(NC006076), Tamolanica tamolana (DQ241797), L. migratoria

(NC001712), G. orientalis (NC006678), Gampsocleis gratiosa

(unpublished data from our laboratory, 2007), O. chinensis (EF437157), Sclerophasma

paresisensis (DQ241798), Timema californicum (DQ241799), Grylloblatta

sculleni (DQ241796), and Pteronarcys princeps (AY687866). Each of

the 13 protein sequences from 10 selected species was aligned with ClustalX

version 1.83. ATP8 was discarded because it is too short in length and

highly variable in phylogenetic­ analysis. The remaining 12 aligned protein

sequences were edited manually with BioEdit version 7.0 [16], then concatenated

to a single amino acid sequence dataset. This dataset was analyzed using the

Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) methods. The ML method was

carried out using TreeFinder [17] with the mtArt+G(4) model [18] and bootstrap

analysis with 100 replicates. The BI method was carried out using MRBAYES

version 3.1.2 [19] with the following options: four independent Markov chains,

150,000 generations, tree sampling every 10 generations, and a burn-in of

15,000 trees produced at the initial stage.

Results and Discussion

Genome structure and organizationThe entire mitochondrial genome of O. chinensis is 15,443 bp

long, 279 bp smaller than that of L. migratoria, 78 bp larger than that

of G. orientalis, but well within the size range of most insects (1419 kb). The

sequence encodes 37 typical metazoan genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs,

two rRNAs) and an A+T-rich region (Fig. 1). There are 11,218 bp in

protein-coding regions, 1471 bp in tRNAs, 1318 bp in large rRNA, 850 bp in

small rRNA, and 562 bp in the A+T-rich region. The order of tRNALys and tRNAAsp in the mitochondrial

genome of O. chinensis and L. migratoria is different from the

hypothesized ancestral­ arthropod.The O. chinensis mitochondrial genome has 14 overlapping­

genes. The total length of overlapping fragments­ is 65 bp with length varying

from 1 to 19 bp (Table 2). The longest overlap occurs between

cytochrome­ oxidase subunit III and tRNAGly

(19 bp). There are 5 bp overlaps between ATPase subunit 8 (ATP8) and

ATP6, and 7 bp between NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4)

and ND4L. In agreement with a previous study, ATP6 and ND4L

overlap with their own immediate upstream­ genes ATP8 and ND4,

respectively. Overlaps between ATP8 and ATP6 in all known mtDNA

of arthropods are 7 bp, except that of Apis mellifera (A. mellifera)

[20]. It has been suggested that the mRNAs of ATP6 and ND4L, if alone,

might be too short to be translated­ efficiently. But this does not seem to

be imperative for all animals. Recently, transcriptional mapping analysis in

several­ animal species revealed the presence of bicistronic transcripts for

both the ATP8-ATP6 and the ND4-ND4L gene pairs [21]. Gene

overlaps might be resolved by gene expression, such as mRNA translation and/or

processing mechanisms in animal mitochondria [22]. The O. chinensis mitochondrial genome has 17 intergenic

spacers in a total of 87 bp with length varying in 121 bp. The longest

intergenic spacer in the mitochondrial genome of O. chinensis, L.

migratoria, and G. orientalis locates between tRNASer(UCN) and ND1, and it might suggest that some control elements

locate in this spacer in Orthoptera insects. Also there is a 193 bp intergenic

spacer between tRNASer(UCN) and ND1 in

the mitochondrial genome of A. mellifera, thought to be functional as

another origin of replication.

Base compositionThe nucleotide composition of the O. chinensis mitochondrial

genome is biased toward adenine and thymine (75.9%) (Table 3). This

corresponds well to the AT bias generally observed in insect mitochondrial

genomes, which range from 69.5% in Triatoma dimidiata to 84.9% in A.

mellifera. The A+T content of protein-coding genes is 75.2%, lower than

that of many other insects. The strongest­ AT bias is found in the third codon

position (91.1%) and the A+T-rich region (86.8%). The A+T content­ of the first

codon positions (68.8%) and the second­ codon positions (65.8%) are lowest in

the mitochondrial genome of O. chinensis. The total A+C content of L-strand DNA in O.

chinensis is 56.3%, lower than the 59.1% found in L. migratoria. The

A+C content of protein-coding genes of O. chinensis is 44.2%, well

concordant with ranges from 43.3% to 45.6% in other insect species. As for the

AT-skew, the A content is higher than T in rRNA genes, tRNA genes, and the

A+T-rich region. The situation is the opposite in protein­-coding genes. As for

the GC-skew, the C content is higher than G in rRNA genes, tRNA genes, and the

A+T-rich region, while G content is higher than C in protein-coding genes.

Although the exact reason for strand asymmetry­ in mtDNA is unknown, one

possible reason is the accumulation­ of mutations on different strands, caused

by strands being displaced during the replication cycle [23].

Protein-coding genesTranslation initiation and termination

signals    All O. chinensis protein-coding genes

typically have ATN as the initiation codon. ATG is the most used initiation

codon (eight genes), then ATT (two), ATC (two), and ATA (one) (Table 2). The

initiation codon of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene has been

extensively discussed in several arthropod species including insects [24].

Tetranucleotides (ATAA, TTAA, and ATTA) and a hexanucleotide (ATTTAA) were

postulated as the initiation­ codon of the COI gene, but the initiation

codon of the COI gene in O. chinensis is the typical

trinucleotide ATC.The protein-coding genes take TAA (nine) and TAG (three) as

termination codons, except the ND5 gene (Table 2). The ND5

gene has the incomplete termination codon T, also found in L. migratoria and

G. orientalis. The in­complete termination codon is commonly found in

metazoan­ mitochondrial genomes, and the reasonable interpretation­ is that

mRNA polyadenylation makes complete­ TAA stop codon [25]. Codon usage    There are

different nucleotide frequencies in all codon positions between the two

strands. In the H-strand, the frequencies of nucleotides are A>T>G>C at

the first codon position, A>T>C>G at the third codon position, and

T>A>C>G at the second codon position (Fig. 2). In the L-strand, frequencies of

nucleotides are T>A>G>C at the first and third codon position, and

T>A>C>G at the second codon position. Despite an overall lower A+T

content in protein-coding genes, the content of T is the highest compared with

that of rRNA genes, tRNA genes, A+T-rich region. The higher content of T in the

second position might be related to a preference for non-polar and hydrophobic

amino acids in membrane-associated proteins [26]. At the third codon, the least

frequent­ nucleotide is G in the H-strand and C in the L-strand, probably

reflecting the mutation pattern in the mitochondrial genome, as nucleotides at

the third codon position are under the least selective pressure [27].The mtDNA codon usage is strongly influenced by base composition.

The strands of O. chinensis mtDNA with different AT-skews and GC-skews cause different patterns of codon usage on the two

strands (Table 3). According to Lavrov et al [20], we divided all

amino acids (except Leu and Ser, which are encoded by two families of codons)

into three types, “AC-rich” (with A or C in both first and second codons: H, K,

N, P, Q, T), “GT-rich” (with G or T in both first and second codons: C, F, G,

V, W) and “neutral” (E, I, M, R, Y). The ratio of AC-rich codons to GT-rich

codons on the H-strand is 1.1:1, 1.2:1, and 1.1:1 in O. chinensis,

L. migratoria, and G. orientalis, respectively. The

ratio of GT-rich codons to AC-rich codons on the L-strand is 2.00:1, 2.11:1,

and 2.21:1 in O. chinensis, L. migratoria, and G.

orientalis, respectively. The proportion of neutral codons on the

H-strand and the L-strand are similar in O. chinensis, L. migratoria,

and G. orientalis. These data show that GT-rich amino acids

preferentially­ locate on the L-strand.

tRNA and rRNA genesThere are 22 tRNA genes in O. chinensis, all of which

have the typical clover leaf structure, except tRNASer(AGN) that lacks the dihydrouracil arm [28] (Fig. 3). A total of

28 mismatched base pairs occur in the tRNAs of O. chinensis.

Of these, 16 are G-U pairs, and the remaining 12 are U-U, C-C, A-A, A-G, and

A-C mismatches. The total numbers of mismatches in 22 tRNA genes found in G.

orientalis and Cepaea nemoralis is 34 and 25, respectively. Most

mismatches in O. chinensis locate at the 3? region of the

acceptor stem and D-stem. Tomita et al [29] showed that mismatches in

the 3? region of the acceptor stem of tRNA genes can be corrected by RNA

editing, but the reason for high numbers of mismatches in the D-stem is

unclear. Boore et al noted that overlaps between tRNAs is corrected­ by

polyadenylation, but there is not an exact explanation of how polyadenylation

takes place in tRNA processing [30].The boundaries of rRNA genes were determined by sequence­ alignment

with that of L. migratoria. The large and small ribosomal RNA

genes are 1319 and 850 bp in length, respectively, with an A+T content of

78.60% and 76.59%, respectively. The secondary structure models of the two

mitochondrial ribosomal subunits are important for understanding probabilities

of nucleotide substitutions, and evaluating the reliability of phylogenetic

reconstructions. Domain III of the 12S rRNA gene and domains IV and V of the

16S rRNA gene are highly conserved in insects. The secondary structure of

domain III of 12S rRNA of O. chinensis is modeled through

comparison with that of Gomphocerippus rufus (Z93247) [31], and the

secondary structure of domains IV and V of 16S rRNA of O. chinensis

is modeled by comparison with that of Ateliacris annulicornis [32] (Fig.


A+T-rich regionThe A+T-rich region of the O. chinensis mitochondrial

genome locates between small rRNA and tRNAIle. This

region is 562 bp long with 86.8% A+T content, shorter than that of both L.

migratoria (875 bp) and G. orientalis (920 bp), but

average when compared with that of insects. The variation in length and number

of units is responsible for the size variation of the A+T-rich region. Zhang

and Hewitt [33] found eight blocks while studying the AT-rich regions of Ateliacris

annulicornis and Schistocerca gregaria. They also noted that the

control regions in insects­ can be classified into two different groups: group

1 contains two different domains, one conserved with a putative replication

region, and the other variable, such as in Drosophila; group 2 contains

some short conserved structure elements that scatter over the whole region,

such as in some grasshoppers. Here, comparing the A+T-rich region of O. chinensis with

that of three other grasshoppers, L. migratoria, Schistocerca

gregaria, and Chorthippus parallelus [34], six conserved domains

(Blocks A, B, D, E1, E2, and F) were found (Fig. 5). Block A is a polyT

stretch near tRNAIle, and it might be involved

in the control of transcription and/or replication initiation. Blocks B and D

are AT-rich domains. Block B overlaps with Block C in many positions, so Block

C is not shown here. Block B resembles the stop signals of D-loop synthesis in

human and mouse mtDNA. Block D is not conserved in O. chinensis.

Blocks E1 and E2 are conserved domains in insects, and the two forms a highly

conserved stem-loop structure that is potentially associated with the origin of

L-strand replication. Zhang and Hewitt found “TATA” in the 5? region and

“G(A)nT” in the 3? region, but we did not find “G(A)nT” in the 3? region, only

CAT near the 3? region. The secondary structure­ is shown in Fig. 6. Block F

is a conserved GA-rich domain adjacent to 12S rRNA, and the content of G in

this block is 20%, much higher than in the A+T-rich region (5%). There is a

large gap between Blocks D and E1 compared with other insects, the main reason

for such a short A+T-rich region in O. chinensis.

Phylogenetic analysisThe ML and BI methods generated phylogenetic trees with the same

topology (Fig. 7). O. chinensis and L. migratoria

are sister groups, supported strongly by both ML and BI analysis. Two Caelifera

species (O. chinensis and L. migratoria) are more

closely related with G. orientalis than with Gampsocleis

gratiosa in both ML and BI trees, opposite to traditional opinion. The

monophyly of Orthoptera is supported in both trees, but has low bootstrapping

support in the ML tree. Morphological and recent molecular biology studies

clearly support a monophyly of the Orthoptera [35]. But several authors have

questioned the monophyly of the Orthoptera and proposed a paraphyletic

relationship between Ensifera and Caelifera [36]. To further understand the phylogenetic

relationship of Orthoptera, a larger number of orthopteran species need to be



The complete sequence of the O. chinensis mitochondrial

genome is 15,443 bp in length and contains 75.9% A+T. The sequence encodes

the 37 typical metazoan genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs, two rRNAs and

an A+T-rich region). There are 11,218 bp in protein-coding regions, 1471 bp in

tRNAs, 1318 bp in large rRNA, 850 bp in small rRNA, and 562 bp in the A+T-rich

region. The initiation codon of the COI gene appears to be ATC. There

exist a total of 65 bp overlaps of varying lengths, from 1 to 19 bp, between 14

genes, and 87 bp intergenic spacers, with lengths varying between 1 and 21 bp,

between­ 17 genes. The six conserved domains were identified within the

A+T-rich region by comparing their sequences with those of other grasshoppers.

The result of phylo­genetic analysis based on the dataset of 12 concatenated

protein sequences confirms the sister relationship of O. chinensis

with L. migratoria, but the monophyly of four orthopteran species

was not well supported in the ML tree.


We thank Dr. Huimeng Lu (Shaanxi Normal

University, Xi’an, China) for the design of primers and discussion during the



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