
ABBS 2008,40(05): Differential gene expression profiling of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-overexpressing mammary tumor

Original Paper


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Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2008, 40: 397-405


Differential gene expression profiling of

human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-overexpressing mammary tumor

Yan Wang1#, Haining Peng1#, Yingli Zhong1#, Daiqiang Li2, Mi Tang2, Xiaofeng Ding1, and Jian Zhang1,3*


Key Laboratory of

Protein Chemistry and Developmental Biology of the Education Ministry of China,

College of Life Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China


Department of Pathology,

the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410011, China


Model Organism Division,

E-Institutes of Shanghai Universities, Shanghai Second Medical University,

Shanghai 200025, China

Received: January

11, 2008       

Accepted: March 27, 2008This work was

supported in part by the grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of

China (20335020 and 90608006), the Program for Changjiang Scholars and

Innovative Research Team in University (No. IRT0445), and the Science and

Technology Department of Hunan Province (No. 2006JT2008)

#These authors

contributed equally to this work


author: Tel/Fax, 86-731-8872792; E-mail, zhangjian@

Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2

(HER2) is highly expressed in approximately 30% of breast cancer patients, and

substantial evidence supports the relationship between HER2 overexpression and

poor overall survival. However, the biological function of HER2 signal

transduction pathways is not entirely clear. To investigate gene activation

within the pathways, we screened differentially expressed genes in

HER2-positive mouse mammary tumor using two-directional suppression subtractive

hybridization combined with reverse dot-blotting analysis. Forty genes and

expressed sequence tags related to transduction, cell proliferation/growth/apoptosis

and secreted/extracellular matrix proteins were differentially expressed in

HER2-positive mammary tumor tissue. Among these, 19 were already reported to be

differentially expressed in mammary tumor, 11 were first identified to be

differentially expressed in mammary tumor in this study but were already

reported in other tumors, and 10 correlated with other cancers. These genes can

facilitate the understanding of the role of HER2 signaling in breast cancer.

Keywords    mammary tumor; HER2; suppression subtractive hybridization

Overexpression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)

gene, a breast cancer marker, is associated with rapid tumor growth, increased

risk of recurrence after surgery, poor response to conventional chemotherapy,

and decreased survival [1].The HER2 gene encodes a 185 kDa transmembrane glycoprotein

that belongs to the epidermal growth factor receptor family. This glycoprotein

can bind tightly to epidermal growth factor receptor family members, such as

mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K), and

enhance kinase-mediated activation of downstream signaling pathways [2]. HER2

amplification or overexpression is an extremely relevant genetic aberration

occurring in 30% of breast cancer patients and correlates with poor patient

survival [3,4]. However, the role of HER2 in breast cancer and the genes

related with HER2 signal transduction pathways are poorly understood.

Therefore, it is important to identify additional genes that are differentially

expressed in HER2-positive breast cancer to understand the role of the HER2

pathway in breast tumorigenesis and discover new therapeutic targets.Mammary tissue is heterogeneous that grows and changes cyclically

under hormonal regulation. The histological types of breast carcinoma are

numerous and complex. Usually, more than two histological types are observed in

the same tissue. However, their clinical and radiographic presentations vary

from one patient to another. Hence, it is difficult to investigate breast

tumorigenesis and to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic agents for human

breast cancer [5]. In contrast, using a single animal model as a research tool

is comparatively simple and accurate to help in understanding the biological

mechanisms of human breast cancer.In mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-neu mice (strain of origin FVB),

transgene HER2 expression is lower in the normal mammary epithelium than

in tumor tissues. We are interested in identifying genes associated with HER2

that might contribute to mammary tumor development and progression. We carried

out suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) to analyze differential gene

expression profiling between MMTV-neu mouse mammary tumor and FVB mouse normal

mammary tissue in the same developmental period, and between MMTV-neu mouse

mammary tumor and MMTV-neu mouse normal mammary tissue in different

developmental periods. Combined with reverse dot-blotting and sequencing, we

generated suppressive subtractive cDNA libraries, including overexpressed and

down-regulated genes in mouse mammary tumors. These differentially expressed

genes might be involved in human breast cancers and could serve as potential

therapeutic and diagnostic targets.

Materials and Methods

Tissue samples

MMTV-neu mice were purchased from Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor,

Maine, USA). Mice homozygous for the MMTV-neu (rat) transgene were viable and

fertile. Focal mammary tumors first appeared within 4 months, with a median

incidence of 205 d. FVB mice were used as controls. All animals were housed

under specific pathogen-free conditions.

Tissue preparation and mRNA isolationMammary tumor specimens and normal mammary tissues were obtained

from three 6-month-old MMTV-neu mice, and normal mammary tissues were obtained

from three FVB/NJ mice of the same age or from 2-month-old MMTV-neu mice.

Total RNA and poly(A) mRNA were isolated using Trizol reagent (Invitrogen,

Shanghai, China), and the poly(A) tract mRNA isolation system kit (Promega,

Madison, USA), respectively, according to the manufacturers’ protocols.

SSH library constructionSubtraction hybridization was carried out using the polymerase chain

reaction (PCR)-select cDNA subtraction kit (Clontech, Palo Alto, USA),

according to the manufacturer’s protocol. cDNA was synthesized from poly(A)+ RNA. Two-directional subtractions of SSH were then carried out

between MMTV-neu mouse mammary tumor and MMTV-neu mouse normal mammary tissue,

and between MMTV-neu mouse mammary tumor and FVB mouse normal mammary tissue.

Analysis of subtraction efficiency

All four subtracted cDNA products and corresponding unsubtracted

cDNA (as control) were subjected to 18, 23, 28, or 33 cycles of PCR

amplification using the housekeeping gene glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate

dehydrogenase (G3PDH) gene with the primers provided in the PCR-select

cDNA subtractive kit.

Cloning and colony PCR

The resultant cDNA fragments were purified using the QIAquick PCR

purification kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) prior to cloning into the pGEM-T

easy vector (Promega) and transformed into competent Escherichia coli


cells. After blue/white screening, white bacterial colonies were selected and

the presence of the insert was tested using the colony PCR method. Samples that

failed to produce amplifications or produced multiple fragments were excluded

from further analysis.

Reverse dot-blotting

Plasmid DNA of each positive clone was purified. PCR was then

carried out to amplify plasmid DNA inserts using nester primers. Next, 5 ml of each PCR

product was denatured with equal volumes of 0.6 M NaOH, spotted onto Hybond N+ membranes (Millipore, Eschborn, Germany), then ultraviolet

cross-linked. Subsequently, cDNA probes were prepared from tester and driver

cDNA using the DIG high prime DNA labeling and detection starter kit II (Roche,

Mannheim, Germany), according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Immunological

detection was carried out with antidigoxigenin antibodies conjugated to

alkaline phosphatase and a combination of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl phosphate

and nitroblue tetrazolium, according to the manufacturer’s instructions and the

method previously described [6].

Fragment sequencing and analysisAll the plasmids of the positive clone, as assessed by reverse

dot-blotting with an inserted fragment, were sequenced by Shanghai Sangon

Biological Engineering Technology and Services (Shanghai, China). The DNA

sequence was compared with the GenBank database using advanced BLAST.

Quantitative real-time reverse transcription (RT)-PCR analysis

To confirm the results of SSH, the expression level of nine selected

genes was determined by real-time PCR using the ABI 7900HT instrument and SYBR

Green PCR master mix (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). Real-time PCR

transcript quantification was carried out using the nine candidates and the

housekeeping gene b-actin as the endogenous control using

different primers (Table 1). Cycling parameters were 50 ?C for 2 min, 95

?C for 15 s, 40 cycles at 95 ?C for 15 s, and 60 ?C for 1 min. After PCR

amplification, a melting curve was plotted to measure PCR specificity.

Real-time PCR results were analyzed using the DDCt method. The DCt value was determined by subtracting b-actin Ct value from the studying group Ct value of the

normal group from the DCt value of each group. 2-DDCt represented the average relative amount of mRNA for each group [7,8].


Immunohistochemistry was carried out using Akt1 (2H10) mouse

monoclonal antibody and HER2 (44E7) mouse monoclonal antibody (Cell Signaling

Technology, Oakland, USA). Antibody staining was carried out using

UltraSensitive SP and 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole detection kits (Maixin-Bio,

Beijing, China). Incubation with Akt1/HER2 antibodies was carried out using a

1:500 dilution of the antibodies (60 min at room temperature). The slides were

counterstained with hematoxylin, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Statistical analysis

The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS (version 13.0) software

package. c2-test for each experiment is reported. P values less than

0.05 were deemed as statistical significance.


Analysis of subtraction efficiency

After PCR amplification, the housekeeping gene G3PDH appeared

at 18 cycles in unsubtraction samples and at 33 cycles in subtraction samples. This

result indicated that G3PDH expressed in both parts have been greatly

decreased through the subtraction method. If five cycles corresponded roughly

to 20-fold cDNA enrichment, G3PDH would have been decreased almost

300-fold. It implied that other genes expressed in both tissues were reduced

the same fold and the specially expressed genes in the test sample were

selected (Fig. 1).

Colony PCR and reverse dot-blotting analysis of differential


Approximately 600 white clones were randomly selected, and the

presence of the insert was detected by the colony PCR method. Subsequently, 476

clones were analyzed using reverse dot-blotting analysis to confirm

differential expression (Fig. 2) and 80 clones were verified.

Fragment sequencing and analysisThese 80 clones were then sequenced, and the expressed sequence tag

(EST) sequences obtained were compared with the GenBank database using blast. Forty genes and ESTs were

differentially expressed in mouse mammary tumor. In the same developmental

period group, 14 genes were up-regulated and 16 genes/ESTs were down-regulated

in the mammary tumor. In the varying developmental period group, nine genes

were up-regulated and one gene was down-regulated in the mammary tumor. Tables

2 and 3 summarize these genes.

Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysisTo confirm the SSH results, three down-regulated [complement factor

D (CFD), HRAS-like suppressor 3 (Hrasls3), and ubiquitin-fold

modifier conjugating enzyme 1 (Ufc1)] and six up-regulated genes [Akt1,

interferon-induced transmembrane protein 2 (Ifitm2), immediate early response 3 (Ier3),

lipocalin 2 (Lcn2), lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus E (Ly6e),

and member of the RAS oncogene family (Rab25)] in mouse mammary tumor

were further analyzed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR (Fig. 3). As

templates, we used the cDNA synthesized from mouse mammary tumor tissue RNA and

normal mammary tissue total RNA. The signals were normalized using the

housekeeping gene b-actin. CFD, Hrasls3, and Ufc1

mRNA levels were lower in the mammary tumor than in the normal mammary tissue.

In contrast, Akt1, IFITM2, Ier3, Lcn2, Ly6e,

and Rab25 mRNA levels increased significantly in the mammary tumor

(Student-Neumann-Keuls’ test, n=3, *P<0.05). These findings were consisted with the SSH results.

Immunohistochemistry analysis

Akt1 and HER2 immunoreactivities were evaluated in 50 human breast

cancer tissue samples. Among 36 samples that were positive for HER2, 26 cases

were Akt1-positive (72%). Among 14 cases that were negative for HER2, only six

cases were Akt1-positive. The results indicated that Akt1 expression

significantly correlated with HER2 expression in some human malignant breast

tissues, as determined using the ?2-test (P<0.05) (Table 4). However, Akt1 expression can also be activated through an

HER2-independent pathway. An example of breast cancer positive for both HER2

and Akt1 is shown in Fig. 4.


Of the many strategies previously used, we selected SSH to identify

genes that were abnormally expressed in only breast cancer tissue. We isolated

both known genes and several unknown genes that were differentially expressed

in HER2-overexpressing mammary tumor tissue. We classified these genes into three classes. The first class

included 19 genes that were previously reported to be differentially expressed

in mammary tumors. It included the three oncogenes Akt1, Lcn2,

and Rab25 and the anti-oncogene Hrasls3. All three oncogenes were

up-regulated in MMTV-neu mouse mammary tumor tissue. Hrasls3 was

up-regulated in FVB mouse normal mammary tissue compared with MMTV-neu mouse

mammary tumor tissue, consistent with previous reports [912]. In the

second class, 11 unique genes were found to be differentially expressed. For

example, IFITM2 has been suggested to be a new molecular marker for

human colorectal tumors [13]. The third class included eight unique genes and

two ESTs that were found to be differentially expressed. For example, Ufc1

was not differentially expressed in cancer and was down-regulated in the

mammary tumor. These genes can facilitate the understanding of the molecular

basis of tumorigenesis and serve as potential biomarkers or prognostic markers.HER2 receptor activation and tyrosine phosphorylation activate

specific signal transduction pathways in cancer cells, including the

Ras-Raf-mitogen-activated protein kinase, PI3K-Akt, and phospholipase C-g pathways [14].

Akt1 is a serine-threonine protein kinase that regulates a variety of cellular

functions, including survival, migration, and intermediary metabolism [9,1518]. Delord et

al showed that the inhibition of the AKT pathway appears to be the major

mechanism contributing to reduced HER2-mediated oncogenesis and prolonged

survival in a murine model of ovarian cancer [19]. It is activated by HER2

through PI3K [20]. We also found that Akt1 was up-regulated in mouse

HER2-overexpressing mammary tumor, and its expression was significantly

correlated with HER2 expression in human malignant breast tissues. Diverse

intracellular signaling pathways ultimately converge on the cell nucleus, where

the expression of genes that regulate cellular proliferation and

differentiation is tightly coordinated. A number of nuclear transcription

factors have been identified as the targets of HER2 signal transduction

pathways. In this study, Zfp313 was the only transcription factor that was

up-regulated in mammary tumor [21]. Thus, Zfp313 is probably a new target of

HER2 signal transduction pathways.HER2 co-activated genes could affect disease progression and the

clinical behavior of HER2-positive tumors [2]. Simultaneously, the inactivated

and down-expressed genes associated with HER2 facilitate growth inhibition and

apoptosis of cancer cells. We identified six HER2 co-amplified (Akt1, Lcn2,

RAB25, Ier3, IFITM2 and Ly6e) and three

down-expressed genes (CFD, Hrasls3, and Ufc1) in the

mammary tumor using quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Lcn2 (NGAL, also referred to as

neu-related lipocalin) is a member of the lipocalin superfamily and is

specifically overexpressed in tumor cells that are induced by HER2 but not by

Ras or in chemical-induced cancers. It is overexpressed in rat and human

mammary carcinomas and is putatively regulated by HER2 [10]. Rab25 has been implicated in many

tumors, including ovarian and breast cancer. Rab25 levels were amplified

in 80% of ovarian cancer samples and 67% of breast cancer patients [11,22].

However, Rab25 expression was lost in the breast cancer cell lines

containing a Ras point mutation and in some breast cancer tissues derived from

human patients. The loss of Rab25 expression is associated with

tumorigenesis in human mammary epithelial cells [23]. Ier3 (IEX-1) enhances tumor

necrosis factor-a-induced hepatocyte apoptosis by inhibiting Akt activation [24].

However, in another study, IEX-1 increased Akt activity in human tumor cells

[25]. Recently, Maroulakou et al found that Akt1 promotes but Akt2

inhibits mammary tumor induction and tumor growth in MMTV-HER2-neu and

MMTV-PyMT transgenic mice [26]. Hence, Ier3 can either activate or inhibit Akt,

that is, Akt activated by Ier3 is Akt1 and that inhibited by Ier3 is Akt2.Andreu et al specified the IFITM family as a new molecular

marker for human colorectal tumors [13]. They found no significant difference

in IFITM mRNA levels between breast cancer and normal breast tissue samples.

However, as the IFITM cDNA probe detected IFITM2, IFITM1, and IFITM3,

differential expression of IFITM2 in breast cancer could not be proved. This

study identified the correlation of IFITM2 to breast cancer. Hrasls3 (H-REV107-1) is a new class II

tumor suppressor, based on its reversible down-regulation and growth-inhibiting

capacity in HRAS-transformed ANR4 hepatoma cells or in FE-8 fibroblasts. It

plays a role in differentiation-related growth arrest [12,27]. It was detected

in only eight of the 27 cell lines derived from mammary carcinoma, lung

carcinoma, and other tumors. The H-REV107-1 protein was not detectable in any

of these tumor cells. The loss of its expression was observed in cultured human

tumor cell lines and primary squamous cell carcinomas [28].Ufc1 conjugates with ubiquitin-fold

modifier 1 through a thioester linkage [29]. The major function of ubiquitin is

to serve as a tag for protein degradation by the proteasome, and the ubiquitin-proteasome

system mediates the regulation of various cellular processes that are relevant

to cancer. Thus, Ufc1 might facilitate the development and progression of

breast cancer. In conclusion, we found 21 genes that were reported for the first

time to be differentially expressed in HER2-positive mammary tumor; of these

genes, 10 were newly found to be correlated with cancer. These genes are likely

to be considered as genes related to the HER2 pathway or markers of breast

cancer. The differential gene expression profiles evaluated by SSH are useful

bases for gaining a better understanding of mammary tumorigenesis associated

with HER2. We obtained the differentially-expressed gene profiles using mouse

tissues, which might not represent well with the human cases. Clearly, further

studies are needed using human mammary cancer tissues to prove our findings on

the mouse tissues, and to determine whether identified differentially-expressed

genes could be used as markers for human breast cancer research.


We gratefully acknowledge the Department of

Pathology, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University (Changsha,

China) for their role in obtaining breast cancer tissue samples.


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