
ABBS 2008,40(07): Towards immunotherapeutic drugs and vaccines against multiple sclerosis



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Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2008, 40: 636-642


Towards immunotherapeutic drugs and vaccines against multiple


Maria Katsara1,2, John Matsoukas2, George Deraos2, and Vasso Apostolopoulos1*

1 Burnet Institute, Austin Campus, Immunology

and Vaccine Laboratory, Studley Road, Heidelberg, Victoria 3084, Australia

2 Department of Chemistry, Section of Organic

Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Natural Products, University of Patras, Patras

26500, Greece

Received: May 10,


Accepted: May 17,


This work was

supported by grants from the Ministry of Development Secretariat of Research

and Technology of Greece (Grant Aus. 005) and Du Pr? grant from the Multiple

Sclerosis International Federation to MK, and a National Health and Medical

Research Council of Australia R. Douglas Wright Fellowship (223316) to VA


author: Tel, 613-92870666; Fax, 613-92870600; E-mail, [email protected]

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune,

demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. Numerous treatment options

are available to MS patients; however, these options need to be improved.

Herein, we review the current drugs and therapeutic approaches available to MS

patients, preclinical trial interventions and recent animal model studies for

the potential therapy of MS. Since the current treatment of MS remains elusive

and is limited, animal studies and clinical research offers an optimistic


Keywords         multiple sclerosis; MS treatment; immunosuppressive drugs;

immunomodulatory drugs; MS clinical trials; peptides; altered peptide ligand

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 2.5 million

people globally suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS) [1]. With the present

global population growing to an unprecedented height of 6.5 billion in 2005 and

anticipated to reach 7.6 billion by 2020, the prevalence and onset of MS in

children and particularly adults is expected to rise exponentially [2]. It is

estimated that approximately 400,000 people suffer from MS in the US, with

500,000 Europeans and 18,000 Australians also with the disease (

T cell recognition of self myelin peptides presented by major

histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II is involved in autoimmune attack in

the human disease multiple sclerosis. MS is a chronic, autoimmune disease of

the central nervous system [3]. T cells, B cells, macrophages and microglia

migrate through the disrupted blood brain barrier which induce inflammation,

demyelination and neurodegeneration [3]. Some of the proteins involved in this

destruction include myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, proteolipid protein

and myelin basic protein (MBP). Depending on the temporal profile and

neurological findings of the patient, there are four distinct subtypes of the

disease characterized by increasing severity: (1) relapsing/remitting MS

(RRMS), (2) secondary progressive MS (SPMS), (3) primary progressive MS (PPMS)

and (4) progressive relapsing MS (PRMS) [4,5]. More than 80% of MS patients are

classified as having RRMS at onset of the disease, and 50% of those will

develop SPMS after 1015 years of disease progression. Approximately, 15% of MS patients

develop PPMS, and only 5% of these patients will develop (PRMS) [4.5]. The

therapeutic approach to MS has three dimensions: (1) management of acute phase

of the disease, (2) prophylactic treatment, which includes specific and

non-specific immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive agents, and (3) drugs for

the symptoms such as tiredness, spasticity, shakiness of limps and chronic

pain. Although there is no definitive treatment of MS, new clinical and animal

studies give promise and optimism in developing new drugs for MS.

Current Therapies for MS––Drugs

Current peptide therapies of MS are relatively immature, with only a

handful of products available on the market which mainly include treatment with

immunomodulatory agents. The interferons available are Schering AG’s

Betaferon/Betaseron (IFNb-1b), Biogen’s Avonex (IFNb-1a), Serono/Pfizer’s Rebif (IFNb-1a) [2,3],

Teva’s Copaxone® (copolymer glatiramer acetate) [6],

Amgen/Serono’s (Novantrone®) (mitoxantrone) [7],

azathioprine [8], cyclophosphamide (Endoxan®) and

more recently, the a4-integrin antagonist (Natalizumab®) [7]. These drugs aim to downregulate the autoimmune attack to MS

following the anti-myelin T cell activation.

InterferonsInterferons given by subcutaneous injections reduce the frequency,

severity and duration of exacerbation but their impact on preventing disability

over the long-term is not yet established. Side-effects are also common and

consist of reactions at the injection site, fever, myalgia and flu-like

symptoms. Betaferon® (IFNb-1b), known in the USA as Betaseron®, could be given to people with RRMS who have had two or more

relapses during the last 2 years. It may also be given to people with SPMS with

active disease and is given as a subcutaneous injection, at a dose of 250 mg, every other

day. It is not clear how long patients should be treated with IFNb-1b. Following 2

years of treatment with IFNb-1b, all patients should be assessed by their neurologist and

decisions about longer-term treatment should be made on an individual basis.

The mechanism of action of IFNb-1b is not clear; however, it appears to downregulate the immune

system and reduce relapses ( Moreover,

studies have shown that two treatment paradigms have emerged for Betaferon®: (1) initiation of the treatment as early as possible in the course

of the disease and, (2) the use of higher doses with greater frequency to gain

maximum therapeutic effect [911]. Rebif® (IFNb-1a) has been approved by the FDA for the

treatment of relapsing states of MS and has been shown to decrease the

frequency of clinical exacerbations and delay the accumulation of physical

disability in patients with MS. The approval of Rebif® was

based on two large multi-center studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of

the drug in patients with RRMS. The first study was a randomized, double-blind,

placebo controlled study of 560 subjects with MS for at least 1 year. Patients

followed therapy with either placebo, or Rebif® (22 mg or 44 mg) administered

three-time/week for 2 years. Treatment was followed for a further 4 years.

Results showed that at both doses of Rebif® given

there were significant reductions in the number of exacerbations in comparison

with placebo ( Avonex® (IFNb-1a) is an interferon used to treat patients

with relapsing MS and is used to modify the course of MS. Avonex® is manufactured by isolating IFNb-1a from Chinese hamster

ovary cells. Avonex® is the same as Rebif® but

administered differently. While not a cure, Avonex® has been

shown in clinical trials to reduce the average relapse rate in people with RMMS


A study was done to compare the effects of Rebif® (44 mg) to those of

Avonex® (30 mg) in 677 subjects with RRMS who had not been previously treated

with interferons. Patients received either Rebif® or

Avonex® and underwent repeated clinical and magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI) assessments during the course of treatment. It was noted that during the

first 24 weeks of treatment, 75% of patients receiving Rebif® and 63% of patients receiving Avonex®, did not

experience a relapse, and this was statistically significant.

Antineoplastic drugsMitoxantrone (Novantrone®) is an anthracenedione

antineoplastic agent used in the treatment of certain types of cancer and

leukemia. Due to its immunosuppressive activity, it is commonly used in

patients affected by RRMS, PRMS and SPMS [16]. Novantrone® is a derivative of anthracenedione and was approved by the FDA in

2000, and is not indicated in the treatment of patients with PPMS.

Immunosuppressants other than mitoxantrone, however, have not been shown to

significantly reduce the progression of MS or the frequency of relapses. The

most frequent side-effects are transitory amenorrhoea, nausea and vomiting,

alopecia, urinary tract infections and transitory leucopenia. Moreover, there

is little information on the long term effects of mitoxantrone, especially in

relation to the risk of cardiotoxicity and therapy-related acute leukemias,

which is increasingly reported in published literatures [17]. Mitoxantrone is

moderately effective in reducing the disease progression and the frequency of

relapses in patients affected by RRMS, PRMS and SPMS in the short term

follow-up (2 years). The cyclophosphamide (Endoxan®) is a

chemotherapy drug that works by slowing or stopping cell growth. It also works

by decreasing the immune system’s response to various diseases such as MS. It

is believed to be an effective treatment, however it has been reported to be

toxic [18,19]. In addition, cyclophosphamide is administrated in MS patients

with progressive MS after other treatments have failed [18].

Therapeutic monoclonal antibodiesTherapeutic monoclonal antibodiesA recent drug in the market is a humanized monoclonal antibody

against the cellular adhesion molecule a4-integrin

(Natalizumab®) and is used in the treatment of MS and Crohn’s disease [20].

Natalizumab® was evaluated in two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled

trials in patients with MS. In these trials Natalizumab® was

shown to reduce relapses in individuals with MS by 68% in comparison with

placebo, a margin far greater than had been seen for other approved MS

therapies and reduces by 68% the possibility of disability exacerbation [21].

Natalizumab  also slowed the progression of disability in patients with

relapsing MS [21,22]. In combination with IFNb, relapsing and disability

progression were reduced more than IFNb alone [23]. Other benefits of Natalizumab® in patients with RRMS is that it increases the quality of life of

patients [2426], reduces hospitalizations and steroid use, and prevents the

formation of new lesions [24,2730]. Natalizumab® offers a limited improvement in

efficacy compared with other treatments for MS, but due to the lack of information

about long term use, as well as potential adverse events, there are

reservations over its use outside of comparative research with existing

medications [23]. Thus far the reported benefits from the use of interferons,

copolymer, Natazulimab® and other drugs are restricted

and therefore the need for improved therapeutics are necessary. 

Current Therapies for MS––Peptide Vaccine

Copaxone® (glatiramer acetate) was originally intended

as a preparation (myelin basic protein mimic) to induce experimental autoimmune

encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for MS. However, it was found to

suppress EAE and it was further developed to use in MS prophylaxis. Among many

selective agents tested for MS, only glatiramer acetate is currently used in

clinical practice. Glatiramer acetate is the acetate salt of randomized mixture

of synthetic oligopeptides such as L-Ala, L-Tyr, L-Lys and L-Glu. Glatiramer

acetate is administrated subcutaneously, which degrades into smaller free amino

acids or peptides, and, thus, probably initiates its major immunological

effects in the periphery. The potential efficiency of glatiramer acetate is

based on immune cells specific for the myelin basic protein (MBP) and possibly

for other myelin components [31,32]. The mechanism of action has been

identified as a competition between the glatiramer acetate and MBP for binding

to MHC molecules [33], T cell receptor binding antagonism [34], activation and

tolerance induction in cells specific for MBP. Glatiramer acetate induces Th2

like regulatory cells that mediate local bystander suppression [35,36]. All

above effects could contribute to the anti-inflammatory effects of glatiramer

acetate [31,37]. Although glatiramer acetate induces an effective, safe

immunomodulation for MS patient and a potential for being neuroprotective, the

partial clinical effect [38] and the need for daily injections remain amongst

the major disadvantages of the treatment.

Current MS Vaccine Clinical Trials

DNA vaccine (BHT-3009)A DNA vaccine (BHT-3009) that encodes a full-length of MBP was

injected in 30 patients with MS [39]. Thirty patients received the vaccine

between 2004 and 2006 and all patients had RMMS or SPMS. A placebo or BHT-3009

injection was administered to the randomly selected patients after 1, 3, 5, and

9 weeks, in doses of 0.5, 1.5 or 3 mg. Some were given 80-mg pills of

atorvastatin calcium. At week 13 those who had been on the placebo received

four BHT-3009 injections. The patients also underwent MRI scans at the

beginning of the week, and then again after 5, 9, 13, 26, 38 and 50 weeks.

BHT-3009 was found to be safe and well tolerated, provided favorable trends on

brain MRI and produced beneficial antigen-specific immune responses [39]. These

included a reduction in the number of cytokine-producing CD4+ T cells. This fall was detected in the cerebrospinal fluid as well

as in the blood of three patients who volunteered after completing the course

of injections. There were no increases in clinical relapses, disability,

drug-associated laboratory abnormalities, adverse events or the number of

lesions on brain MRI with BHT-3009 treatment compared with placebo [39]. A

phase IIb trial with 290 patients is in progress, using BHT-3009.

Mutant peptides as vaccinesThe development of vaccines and immunotherapeutic approaches against

MS is a new and evolving area. One such approach that has been attempted,

involves using mutated peptide analogs of self antigens associated with the

disease. Neurocrine BioSciences Inc. conducted a phase I clinical trial of its

peptide analog, based on modifications of MBP8399 with D-amino acids at positions 83, 84, 89 and 91 (NBI-5788) [40].

However, these trials and a subsequent phase II trial resulted in adverse

events seen in some patients caused by the cross reaction of the analog to the

native MBP [10]. Th2 responses were induced (IL-5 and IL-13), however, 13 of

142 patients developed immediate-type hypersensitivity, who also generated

anti-NBI-5788 antibodies that cross-reacted with native MBP8399 peptide [40]. In a 2.04.5-year follow-up of these patients it was

demonstrated that IL-5 (Th2) cytokine secretion by T cells persisted [41]. In

another phase II trial, sponsored by the National Institute of Neurological

Disorders and Stroke, a different mutant MBP peptide was used incorporating Ala

D-amino acids for enhanced stability at 83, 84, 89 and 91 (CGP77116) [42].  However, this peptide was poorly tolerated

at the dose tested, and the trial was discontinued. Three patients showed

exacerbations of disease with two being directly linked to CGP77116 injection.

Furthermore, high IFN-g and low IL-4 were generated as well as T cells specific for

CGP77116, which cross-reacted with the native MBP8399 peptide [43].The problems seen with NBI-5788 and CGP77116

are likely due to inadequate pre-screening of altered peptide ligand (APL)

effects on the many clonotypes that exist in different patients against the

targeted epitope. Thus, although the APL was highly effective at blocking or

switching some clones, it activated others. Thus, further pre-clinical testing

is required and new modified peptides need to be designed to develop a more

effective vaccine for MS that overcomes these problems.        T cell receptor (TCR) peptide vaccine A T cell receptor (TCR) peptide vaccine was developed that was based

on the V beta 5.2 sequence which is expressed in MS plaques and on MBP specific

CD4 T cells. This TCR peptide vaccine was injected into progressive MS patients

in a phase I clinical trial [44]. The responding patients showed a reduced

response against MBP and remained clinically stable without side effects during

1 year of therapy, whereas nonresponders had an increased MBP response and

progressed clinically. In vitro, Th2 cells that were generated against

the TCR-peptide inhibited Th1 cells via IL-10 secretion [44]. In another phase

I clinical trial using the TCR V beta 6 CDR2 region, peptide vaccine was

injected in 10 patients with MS [45]. In one arm of the trial, five patients

were injected twice with 100 mg peptide emulsified in incomplete Freund’s adjuvant (IFA) and, in

the other arm of the trial, five MS patients were injected with 300 mg peptide in

IFA. Vaccination induced T-cell proliferation and delayed-type hypersensitivity

(DTH) responses in some of the patients. Furthermore, in the cerebrospinal

fluid of patients injected with the higher peptide dose, a slight decrease of

CD4 T cells was observed [45]. In order to compare the immunogenicity of using

TCR peptides from CDR2 versus other regions of the TCR, a clinical trial was

conducted in seven MS patients with overlapping CDR2 (BV5S2) peptides spanning

amino acids 194 [46]. Six MS patients generated responses to at least one of

three overlapping or substituted CDR2 peptides consisting of the residues 4452. One of these

MS patients also responded to a CDR1 peptide. Two MS patients who showed no

response to BV5S2 peptides showed responses to CDR2 peptides from different BV

gene families [46].

More recently, Orchestra Therapeutics, Inc. completed a phase II

study in MS patients of NeuroVax(TM). NeuroVax is a trivalent TCR vaccine

containing CDR2 peptides from BV5S2, BV6S5 and BV13S1 emulsified in IFA. The

vaccine was injected in 23 patients following monthly vaccinations over 1 year.

An increased number of FoxP3 by regulatory T cells (T regs) were generated

which recognized TCR and which secreted high levels of the Th2 cytokine IL-10

[47] (

This vaccine gives promise for a larger multi-center trial to be conducted.

New and Upcoming MBP8399/8799 Peptide Based Vaccines for MS

Bioassay results in the EAE animal models demonstrated that cyclic

analogs have comparable effects with linear peptides. In particular, injection

of Lewis rats with linear agonist guinea pig MBP7285 peptide (QKSQRSQDENPV) induced EAE; cyclization of MBP7285 also induced EAE. Alteration of one amino acid at position 81 from

this epitope [i.e. aspartic acid to alanine (QKSQRSQAENPV) resulted to

the APL [Ala81]MBP7285 that inhibited EAE when

co-injected with the linear or cyclic native peptide] [4850]. In addition, linear MBP8799

(VHFFKNIVTPRTP) peptide induced EAE in rats, which was

inhibited by the linear or cyclic APL [Arg91, Ala96]MBP8799 (VHFFRNIVTARTP).

Furthermore, co-injection of linear guinea pig MBP7285 native peptide with linear or cyclic APL [Arg91, Ala96]MBP8799

peptide inhibited EAE in Lewis rats [49,51]. Furthermore, we demonstrated by

rational design and synthesis of peptides based on a combination of

conformational analysis studies and theoretical calculations carried out on the

linear MBP8799 peptide using 2D NMR spectroscopy, that a head-tail intramolecular

proximity between Val87-Arg97 residues suggesting a

near cyclic conformation for the linear peptide [51]. In particular, NOE

connectivity between distant residues, gVal87-NH Arg97 and eNH Lys91w/? Arg Arg97 for

linear MBP8799 suggested a near cyclic conformation, thus, directing to the design

and synthesis of cyclic analogs. The cyclic MBP8799 peptide, induces EAE in rats, binds to HLA-DR2 and DR4 first to be

reported for cyclic MBP peptide mimics, and, increases CD4 T cell clone

proliferation, like the conformationally related linear MBP8799 peptide [52]. We furthermore demonstrated that the mutant cyclic

peptides with mutations at positions 91 and 96 suppress CD4 T-cell clone

proliferation in line with their antagonist effects in EAE and scored the best

Th2/Th1 cytokine ratio with MS patients T cells. In addition, the cyclic

analogs were found to be more stable to lysosomal enzymes compared with their

linear counterparts [52].More recently, in our laboratory, we designed and synthesized a

number of novel peptides by mutating principal TCR contact residues based on

MBP8399 peptide epitope. Immunization of SJL/J mice with MBP8399 and mutant [A91]MBP8399, [E91]MBP8399, [F91]MBP8399, [Y91]MBP8399 or [R91, A96]MBP8399 peptides, induced IFN-g and only [R91, A96]MBP8399 mutant peptide was able to

induce IL-4 secretion by T cells that were emulsified in complete Freund’s

adjuvant (CFA) [53]. T cells against the native MBP8399 peptide cross-reacted with all peptides except [Y91]MBP8399 and [R91, A96]MBP8399. The

double mutant [R91, A96]MBP8399 was able to antagonize IFN-g production in vitro

by T cells against the native MBP8399

peptide and antibodies generated to [R91, A96]MBP8399 did not cross-react with

whole MBP protein [53]. Moreover, all these peptide mutants were conjugated to

reduced mannan [54]. Mannan binds to C-type lectins, such as the mannose

receptor expressed on macrophage dendritic cells (DC). It has been noted that

mannan matures DCs via TLR4 [55]. Mannan stimulates Th1 response (IL-2, IFN-g, IL-12, TNF-a and IgG2a

antibodies) or Th2 responses (not IFN-g or IL-12, but significant amounts of IL-4,

IL-10 and TGF-b and IgG1 antibodies) depending on the mode of conjugation, oxidized

or reduced mannan, respectively [5665]. We demonstrated that mutated MBP8399 peptide analogs conjugated to reduced mannan could divert immune

responses from Th1 to Th2 in SJL/J mice producing no IFN-g, and high

levels of IL-4 and IL-10. [Y91]MBP8399 peptide gave the best cytokine and antibody reactivity profile

being the most promising as a therapeutic peptide against MS [66]. Cyclization of peptide analogs is of great interest, since the

limited stability of linear peptides restricts their potential as therapeutic

agents [67]. Therefore, we synthesized a number of cyclic peptides by mutating

TCR contact sites of the MBP8399

epitope. A number of cyclic analogs were tested in their ability to antagonize

IFN-g responses and cyclo(8399)[A91]MBP8399 mutant peptide was found to be the most efficient

antagonist. We demonstrated that cyclo(8399)[A91]MBP8399 peptide emulsified in CFA

enhanced IL-4 and antibody responses in vivo. Moreover, immunization of

mice with cyclo(8399)[A91]MBP8399

peptide conjugated to reduced mannan enhanced IL-4 responses compared with

cyclo(8399)MBP8399 peptide [68]. Thus,

cyclization of peptides that offer greater stability and enhanced responses are

novel leads for the immunotherapy of MS. Thus, linear and cyclic analogs based

on the MBP8399 with single or double mutation are

promising new peptide leads for the immunotherapy of MS.

Future Direction

A number of drugs are available to MS patients which prolong disease

progression, however, a cure is yet available. In the last decade, an enormous

amount of research has been undertaken towards the development of a

vaccine/immunotherapeutic drug against MS, and such strategies have entered

into human clinical trials. It is conceived that in the next decade, new

immunotherapeutic approaches will become available which will generate

appropriate responses in patients with MS and treat their disease.


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