
Mechanisms of arteriogenesis



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Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2008, 40: 681-692


Mechanisms of arteriogenesis

Weijun Cai1* and Wolfgang



Department of

Anatomy and Neurobiology, Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University,

Changsha, China



for Heart and Lung Research, Arteriogenesis Research Group, Bad Nauheim,

D-61231, Germany

Received: April 17,


Accepted: May 28,


This work was supported by a grant from the National Science

Foundation of China (No. 30771134) and the Kuehl Foundation of Germany*Corresponding


Wolfgang Schaper:

Tel, 49-6032-705409; Fax, 49-6032-705458; E-mail, [email protected]


Cai: Tel, 86-731-2650422; Fax, 86-731-2650426; E-mail, [email protected]

Patients with

occlusive atherosclerotic vascular diseases have frequently developed collateral

blood vessels that bypass areas of arterial obstructions. The growth of these

collateral arteries has been termed “arteriogenesis”, which describes

the process of a small arteriole’s transformation into a much larger

conductance artery. In recent years, intensive investigations using various

animal models have been performed to unravel the molecular mechanisms of

arteriogenesis. The increasing evidence suggests that arteriogenesis seems to

be triggered mainly by fluid shear stress, which is induced by the altered

blood flow conditions after an arterial occlusion. Arteriogenesis involves

endothelial cell activation, basal membrane degradation, leukocyte invasion,

proliferation of vascular cells, neointima formation (in most species studied),

changes of the extracellular matrix and cytokine participation. This paper is

an in-depth review of the research critical to recent advances in the field of

arteriogenesis that have provided a better understanding of its mechanisms.

Keywords     arteriogenesis; shear stress; ischemic; remodeling; artery

The study of arteriogenesis, the development of an arterial

circulation circumventing the occlusion of a large artery from pre-existent or de

novo small arterioles, has overcome three much-debated hurdles during the

last 100 years. First, the existence of precursor structures was anatomically

proven; second, the precursor structures’ function under normal and

pathological conditions was demonstrated; and third, it was shown that

biological or pharmacological agents can influence collateral artery

development. However, there is one hurdle that this field has yet to overcome:

the treatment of human patients with new arteriogenic agents.Commenting on the importance of arteriogenesis, William F.M. Fulton,

a pioneer in the field of the human coronary collateral circulation, once said,

“If some means could emerge of encouraging the rate at which normal

coronary arterial anastomoses enlarge to form the wide channels for collateral

blood flow, then a considerable potential advantage would be gained in the

management of ischemic heart disease [1].” Similar words could easily have

been applied to peripheral, cerebral and renal circulation. After several

decades of research, “some means” are in reach, but not in the form

of a pill. However, some progress has been made towards a comprehensive

understanding of the mechanisms responsible for arteriogenesis.


Arteriogenesis, formerly regarded as a variant of angiogenesis, is a

relatively new term that was introduced to distinguish it from other mechanisms

of vascular growth, such as angiogenesis and vasculogenesis [2]. Angiogenesis

describes the formation of new capillaries by sprouting and intussusception

from pre-existent capillaries, and vasculogenesis is the embryonic development

of blood vessels from angioblasts [35]. Arterio­genesis describes the

formation of mature arteries from pre-existent interconnecting arterioles after

an arterial occlusion. It shares some features with angiogenesis, but the

pathways leading to it are different, as are the final results: arteriogenesis

is potentially able to fully replace an occluded artery whereas angiogenesis

cannot. Under special circumstances, arteriogenesis may lead to the recovery of

markedly reduced blood flow. Increasing the number of capillaries within the

ischemic region cannot increase blood flow when its limiting structure lies

upstream. Another fundamental difference between the two types of vascular

growth is angiogenesis dependency on tissue hypoxia/ischemia, which leads to

the activation of the transcription factor HIF; in contrast, arteriogenesis

occurs in an environment of normoxia [6]. A collateral vessel, resulting from

the arteriogenic process, always conducts arterial blood flow and cannot, by

definition, become hypoxic. Collateral vessels in the vascular periphery are

surrounded by normoxic tissue even after acute femoral artery occlusion [6].

Collateral vessels: de-novo or pre-existent?

Controversy still exists as to whether mechanisms, such as the

recruitment of smooth muscle by capillaries or the attraction of smooth muscle

progenitor cells, which do not enlarge the pre-existent arteriolar networks

increase perfusion of ischemic tissue. Supporters of pre-existent arteriolar

networks argue that they can be demonstrated by a variety of techniques and

that they are present in the peripheral circulation of most mammals, including

humans. Since these well-defined vessels enlarge, the term arteriogenesis was

coined for them. During the early stages of collateral growth, many more

vessels are angiographically demonstrable in the vascular periphery, especially

in the rabbit and rat. These may have grown de-novo by the mechanisms cited

above. However, it remains possible that this vessel surplus reflects the fact

that smaller arterioles only become detectable after growth. Present

angiographic techniques can resolve vessels only to approximately 30 mm. Another

argument favoring pre-existent arterioles relates to the mouse (C57BL/6); it

has only six normally demonstrable interconnecting arterioles in the peripheral

circulation, and this number remains invariant after growth following femoral

occlusion. In rat, relatively large collateral can be detected with the naked

eye after contrast injection even without arterial occlusion. It is this

pre-existent vessel that enlarges upon femoral artery occlusion and carries

most of the collateral blood flow [7]. Also, Fulton showed that pre-existent

collaterals can be detected in the normal human heart and that those that

enlarge after coronary occlusion occupy the same topography [8]. The canine

heart relies completely on the pre-existent arteriolar network where the

shortest connections enlarge by growth. There is no evidence for angiogenesis

either within or outside the ischemic region. In contrast, observations from the heart of the domestic pig

challenge the importance of a pre-existent arteriolar network. The heart of the

domestic pig, unlike that of the dog, neither possesses an epicardial network

of arteriolar anastomoses nor develops arterial collateral vessels after slowly

progressing coronary stenosis. Rather it develops subendocardial giant

capillary networks devoid of smooth muscle. In addition, angiogenesis is

activated within the ischemic zone thereby reducing the anatomically defined

minimal resistance [9,10]. This means that the porcine heart relies almost

completely on angiogenesis as a defense mechanism following coronary artery occlusion

provided the speed of stenosis is very slow. The low intravascular pressure in

the porcine collateral circulation lowers the perfusion pressure gradient,

especially with high diastolic ventricular pressures (diastolic crunch), making

the myocardium highly susceptible to ischemia. In the vascular periphery, the

pig relies completely on pre-existent arteriolar connections (i.e. the response

to femoral artery occlusion is strictly arteriogenic). So this is not an

either-or question as both mechanisms may be present and active, though the

quantitative contribution of pre-existent arteriolar vessels is significantly


Physical Forces as Primary


It has been known for a long time that flow determines arterial size

and that pressure determines wall thickness (i.e. that form follows function).

Thoma [11], Schretzenmayr [12], Rodbard [13], Langille [14], Holtz [15], Tronc

[16] and Ben Driss [17] made the observation that arterial size depends on flow

during development, that adult arteries respond with structural changes to

changes in blood flow, and that lumen is controlled by ?n immediate physiological

adjustment in vascular tone induced by the change in flow, and a delayed

anatomical change that occurs when the change in flow persists [1820]. Since these

studies, many have identified a host of molecules whose endothelial production

is also mediated by fluid shear stress (FSS) [1820]. Recent studies by the

laboratories of Tedgui [21,22], Busse [23], Dejana [24] and from our own group

[25] have shed light on the mechanisms of transduction of the mechanical

stimulus into a growth response.FSS is proportional to blood flow velocity and inversely related to

the cube of the collateral vessel radius. Hence, increased blood flow directly results

in increased FSS. Since growth increases the collateral vessel radius, FSS

falls quickly; this may be the reason why arteriogenesis stops prematurely and

restores only 35%40% of the maximal conductance of the replaced artery [26,27]. It

appears logical to increase FSS in order to improve the defective collateral

vessel growth. We recently developed a model where a state of high chronic FSS

was generated by shunting most of the collateral flow into the accompanying

vein thereby maintaining high collateral flow rates and high FSS levels. Under

these conditions, collateral conductance increased 4-fold compared with the

contra-lateral side, which was only occluded but not shunted. Under these

conditions, the maximal collateral conductance was already 100% at 7 d and had,

after 4 weeks, surpassed (2-fold) normal maximal conductance of the arterial

bed before occlusion [28]. Wall tension defined by pressure and radius [29] and

by pulsatile and cyclic stretch [23] were also discussed as activators of the endothelium

and, implicitly, as stimuli of vascular growth. However, immediately after

arterial occlusion, distal pressure falls, making wall stresses unlikely growth

stimuli. Likewise, pulsatile stretch of the arterial wall is low at low

pressure while the role of stretch-induced EDHF in vascular growth is unknown.

Maximal arteriogenesis occurs in situations at maximal flow (like in AV-shunts)

when pressure pulsations are minimal.FSS is proportional to blood flow velocity and inversely related to

the cube of the collateral vessel radius. Hence, increased blood flow directly results

in increased FSS. Since growth increases the collateral vessel radius, FSS

falls quickly; this may be the reason why arteriogenesis stops prematurely and

restores only 35%40% of the maximal conductance of the replaced artery [26,27]. It

appears logical to increase FSS in order to improve the defective collateral

vessel growth. We recently developed a model where a state of high chronic FSS

was generated by shunting most of the collateral flow into the accompanying

vein thereby maintaining high collateral flow rates and high FSS levels. Under

these conditions, collateral conductance increased 4-fold compared with the

contra-lateral side, which was only occluded but not shunted. Under these

conditions, the maximal collateral conductance was already 100% at 7 d and had,

after 4 weeks, surpassed (2-fold) normal maximal conductance of the arterial

bed before occlusion [28]. Wall tension defined by pressure and radius [29] and

by pulsatile and cyclic stretch [23] were also discussed as activators of the endothelium

and, implicitly, as stimuli of vascular growth. However, immediately after

arterial occlusion, distal pressure falls, making wall stresses unlikely growth

stimuli. Likewise, pulsatile stretch of the arterial wall is low at low

pressure while the role of stretch-induced EDHF in vascular growth is unknown.

Maximal arteriogenesis occurs in situations at maximal flow (like in AV-shunts)

when pressure pulsations are minimal.

The Role of the Endothelium

Shortly after coronary occlusion, the endothelial cells of

collateral vessels appeared swollen and longitudinal bulges, as opposed to the

completely flat inner surface of small normal coronary arteries, appeared. The

cells are randomly oriented and do not longer line up in the direction of blood

flow. The activation of the endothelium was first reported by Schaper et al

who observed DNA synthesis with thymidine labeling in canine coronary

collateral arterioles subjected to progressive stenosis of the left circumflex

coronary artery [30,31]. Similar results were reported later with BrdU labeling

or the cell cycle-specific antibody Ki67 [32,33]. These activated endothelial

cells contain numerous cellular organelles, particularly free ribosomes in the

cytoplasm [3436]. Activated endothelium also shows increased endothelial NO

synthetase (eNOS), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1), TGF-b, and the

adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM [36]. Consequently, increased permeability

of the endothelium, as indicated by the leakage of plasma proteins,

erythrocytes and platelets into the vascular wall and the adherence of

monocytes to the endothelium, were observed [34]. Activated endothelium also

changes the open probability of the calcium-dependent chloride channels, and

chloride channel inhibitors interfere with arteriogenesis [25,37]. A large

number of molecules involved in cell proliferation and migration were found to

be up-regulated. These include MMP-2, 9, t-PA, u-PA, FAK, integrin a5b1 and integrin

avb3 [3840]. Most

recently bone marrow tyrosine kinase (Bmx; also called endothelial/epithelial

tyrosine kinase [41]), a FAK-activation molecule whose downstream effectors

involve cell migration, was reported to be highly induced in the endothelium

during ischemia-mediated arteriogenesis [41]. It is known that the evolutionary

conserved Notch signaling pathway is involved in vascular development [25,4244]. Limbourg et

al recently showed that Notch ligand Delta-like 1 (Dll1) expression in

endothelium is strongly induced, and Notch signaling is activated and ephrin-B2

is up-regulated during arteriogenesis [45]. However, in Dll1 mutant mice after

hind limb ischemia, arterial collateral growth was abrogated and recovery of

blood flow was severely impaired, suggesting that Dll1 is essential for

postnatal arteriogenesis [25]. Ingber’s Tensegrity model [46] states that the

deformation of the endothelial cell by fluid shear stress, resulting in a

different distribution of force in the cytoskeleton, initiates gene

transcription and is an important part of the endothelial activation. However,

the cytoskeletal marker vimentin disappears completely from activated and

proliferating endothelium [47].

Smooth muscle cells

Smooth muscle carries most of the burden of arterioles’

transformation into collateral vessels. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs)

undergo the most drastic changes and increase their tissue mass depending on

the species; for example, it increases 3-fold in mice, 10-fold in rabbits,

20-fold in canines and even more in humans [25]. The remarkable plasticity of

the SMCs, particularly their ability to change phenotype from the contractile

to the synthetic, in response to stimuli from environmental cues [4851] makes this

possible. VSMC proliferation, phenotypic changes and the occurrence of a

neointima are typical for arteriogenesis [29,32,34,39]. Coronary collaterals

show two zones of growth: a very active neointima consisting mostly of

synthetic-type SMC and a media with somewhat less active SMC [25]. Although the

filamentous a-smooth muscle actin had almost completely disappeared in the

synthetic phenotype, depolymerized actin is still present in abundance. Desmin,

one of the principal intermediate filament proteins in VSMC, is a marker for

contractile SMC, but it disappears during active growth of the synthetic SMC. Similar

data were reported by Buus et al in flow-related remodeling of rat

mesenteric resistance arteries where there was reduced expression of desmin in

VSMC [25]. Therefore, the absence of desmin in the SMC of the neointima makes

it a marker for the active phase of arteriogenesis [52]. Vinculin, a cytoskeleton-associated protein that links the

extracellular matrix and the intracellular milieu via integrins, almost

completely disappears from both layers, possibly enabling the mobilization of

SMC. Furthermore, proteolytic MMP-2 and MMP-9 are very active in both layers,

but their inhibitor TIMP-1 is only expressed in the tunica media. Mobilization

of SMC is facilitated by lysis of extracellular matrix proteins. PAI-1 is

overexpressed in the neointima as well as in the media and does not entirely

normalize during vessel maturation.The regression of the neointima in the canine coronary system takes

several months. However, in some mature collateral vessels, the neointima grows

excessively by proliferating SMC until the vessel is completely obliterated.

This process is called “pruning” and results in a reduction of the

high number of small collateral vessels in favor of a few large ones [25]. The degradation of BM, IEL and EEL by proteolysis mobilizes SMC.

This is also facilitated by other proteins, such as the non-receptor tyrosin

kinase FAK, integrins a5b1 and avb3, and Erk1/2. FAK is a cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine kinase that

localizes to focal contacts and adhesions. It triggers intracellular signals

promoting cell migration [53] by reacting to extracellular matrix-integrin and

growth factor stimulation. The involvement of FAK in blood vessel

morphogenesis, SMC proliferation, phenotype change, migration and intimal

hyperplasia was documented in several recent articles [5459]. Mechanical

strain, growth factor stimulation and shear stress in collateral vessels lead

to autophosporylation of FAK/ERK and to migration and proliferation of VSMC

[28,60,61]. FAK localizes where cells interact with the extracellular matrix

through integrin receptors. avb3, which was shown to mediate SMC accumulation in the neointima in

ligated carotid arteries in mice [62] was also strongly overexpressed in the

neointima of collateral vessels [35]. Integrin clustering upon binding to extracellular

matrix components, such as fibronectin, results in activation of FAK [63].Integrin a5b1 is mainly a fibronectin-receptor. It mediates most of

fibronectin’s biological activities. Integrin a5b1, stimulated by soluble

or anchored fibronectin, promotes cellular locomotion [64]. Integrin a5b1 and

fibronectin [32] are markedly increased in growing collateral vessels and may

play an important role in SMC mobility and signal transduction [39].

Smooth muscle lineage

The remarkable phenotypic plasticity of vascular smooth muscle and

its ability to re-enter the cell cycle raise the question of lineage,

especially when morphological markers are no longer helpful. During embryonic

development, SMC arise in multiple regions from different precursor

populations; specifically, the large vessels in the vascular periphery are

derived from mesenchymal neural crest cells, whereas the coronary arteries are

of non-neural crest origin [65]. It is of note that coronary collaterals differ

from those in the vascular periphery because of their tendency to form a

neointima with the ability to later regress or to continue proliferating

finally leading to occlusion (i.e. pruning). The clinical counterpart for this

is re-stenosis after stent placement. During development all muscle types share

some common markers, some of which are shed in later stages and some of which

are retained, such as calponin and SM22 in vascular smooth muscle [65,66].

These markers do not disappear during collateral vessel growth, which means

that invading cells have not trans-differentiated. Some of the embryonal common

markers, such as CARP and abra in both cardiac and in smooth muscle of

collateral vessels, are re-expressed under stressful conditions. SMC of collateral

vessels begin the S-phase of the cell cycle when still fully differentiated and

change phenotype only shortly before M-phase, which supports the argument that

collateral vessels grow by proliferation of cells in situ and do not

require cells of a different lineage. Connexin 37, an endothelial marker of the

embryonal arterial system that is down-regulated after birth, is re-expressed

in smooth muscle of growing collateral vessels, suggesting a re-capitulation of

the developmental pattern of gene expression as the basis of arteriogenesis


Extracellular Proteolysis and


Proteolysis of the internal and external elastic lamina and of the

basement membranes [6972] is necessary to overcome the structural barriers to growth. Early

in collateral vessel growth, the process is up-regulated and activates MMP-2,

MMP-9 and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA). As a consequence, the

IEL, the EEL and the BM become fragmented [39,47]. The controlled destruction

of the vascular scaffolding paves the way for the expansion and outward growth

of collateral vessels. Moreover, apoptosis of SMC may facilitate the renewal of

the vascular wall [32]. Since laminin and collagen IV promote the

differentiation and inhibit proliferation of SMC, the degradation of the BM may

also facilitate the shift of SMC phenotypes. Elastin is essential for arterial

morphogenesis [73,74]. Degradation of elastic fibers may contribute to the

proliferation and migration of VSMC. This has been supported by our experiments

with heterozygous elastin knockout mice that showed an accelerated recovery of

blood flow after femoral artery occlusion (Schaper et al, unpublished


Bone Marrow-derived Cells

Between 1 d and 3 d after complete coronary occlusion following a

few weeks of progressive narrowing, Schaper et al observed massive

adhesion of monocytes to the endothelial lining of coronary collaterals [35].

The endothelial cells had lost spatial orientation as well as osmotic control;

this coincided with monocyte adhesion. Days later, monocytes as well as

lymphocytes, mast cells and leucocytes invaded the perivascular space. To test

whether these inflammatory reactions were important to the arteriogenic

process, anti-inflammatory treatment was applied; this treatment indicated that

collateral vessel growth indeed depends on an inflammatory environment [29].

Polverini et al also [75] showed that monocytes have angiogenic

properties. Decades later, it was shown that activated endothelium produced

MCP-1 and resulted in adhesion molecules appearing on the endothelial surface

[35]. The causal relationship was ascertained by showing that targeted

disruption of the MCP-1 gene and its cognate receptor, CCR-2, markedly

impairs arteriogenesis in an ischemic mouse hind limb experiment [25,76,77].

Neutralizing antibodies against ICAM-1 as well as an infusion of free ICAM-1

that neutralized the Mac-1 receptor on circulating monocytes both markedly

impaired the arteriogenic process. Deletion of monocytes by chemical bone

marrow suppression or by liposomes loaded with phosphonates that killed

monocytes/macrophages also inhibited collateral vessel formation [25]. After

femoral artery occlusion during the post-chemotherapy rebound and a transfusion

of an excess of monocytes, the monocyte population increased and accelerated

arteriogenesis. Furthermore, animals with hereditary monocytopenia (i.e. op/op

mice and osteopetrotic rats) showed only a stunted collateral response to

femoral artery occlusion. These experiments clearly established the causal

relationship between monocytes and the arteriogenic process [78]. Other bone marrow-derived cells, in particular lymphocytes of the NK

type and CD-4 and CD-8 cells, also play a role [79,80]. Their importance became

known when the marked difference in response to femoral artery occlusion

between mouse strains was observed. “Black” mice (C75BL/6) tolerated

the occlusion much better than “white” mice (BALB/c). They showed a

slightly higher residual blood flow immediately after femoral occlusion, they

exhibited almost no toe necroses and their blood flow recovery was complete

after only one week. In contrast, self-amputated toes were frequent in the

white mice and their blood flow recovery was slow and incomplete. The basic

difference between these strains is their immune systems. Black mice are

specially bred for studies concerning the T-cell receptors and show an

abundance of NK cells. When antibodies or genetic manipulation eliminate these

cells, black mice lose their advantage. However, the genetic trait is dominant

and the F1 generation of black/white crosses still enjoys the ischemia

resistance. Hematopoietic stem cells (rather than differentiated mononuclear

white cells) were reported to be metaplastic and, when attaching to collateral

vessels, transform into endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Detailed laser

confocal studies showed that BM-derived cells from GFP-transplanted bone marrow

neither incorporated into the wall of collateral arteries nor exhibited the

endothelial or smooth muscle phenotype [81]. Since BM-derived cells secrete a

wide array of cytokines, such as bFGF and VEGF, it is suggested that they

contribute to collateral remodeling through paracrine mechanisms [27]. Recently

the role of BM-derived mesenchymal stem cells in arteriogenesis was

investigated in rat and swine acute myocardial infarction [8284]. Though the

arteriogenic data were controversial, these experiments confirmed improved

heart function. Martens et al showed induction of vascular network

formation and arteriogenesis [82], but Yang et al did not detect growth

of collateral arteries [84]. Whether these results varied due to species

differences therefore remains an open question.

Activation of the adventitia

In normal small arterioles, the adventitia is a small rim composed

primarily of a few fibroblasts, collagen, elastin fibers and other ECM

materials, which form the barrier between the adventitia and the media. In

growing collateral vessels the adventitia undergoes drastic changes. An early

study showed that an acute inflammatory reaction was present in the adventitia

of collateral vessels in canine heart [85]. Later experiments in rabbit and rat

hind limbs confirmed these findings by showing an accumulation of macrophages

in the adventitia. Adhesion molecules, like VCAM, may account for this

inflammatory process since they were dramatically up-regulated in the

adventitia [86]. As a consequence, macrophages and activated fibroblasts

produce growth factors and MMPs [87,88], contributing to the enlargement of

collateral vessels. At present, the role of mast cells that are also present in

much higher than normal numbers around growing collateral vessels is unclear

[32]. Targeted disruption of the mast cell growth factor in mice increased the

recovery of the ischemic hind limb after femoral artery occlusion, measured by

TOF magnetic resonance imaging, indicating a restraining influence of mast

cells on vascular growth [25].

Collateral vessels in various

vascular provinces

In the coronary system, monocytes adhere initially to the

endothelial surface and invade the intima. The perivascular space later becomes

populated with white cells, which provide space for the expanding collateral

vessels by destroying and removing tissue that is in the way. In the vascular

periphery, only a few monocytes adhere to the shear stressed endothelium, and

leaky post-capillary venules may have made the marked invasion of the

perivascular space possible. This may be due to the expression of VEGF, which

primarily increases permeability. Another difference is that the neointima is

not as well developed in the vascular periphery, especially in the mouse hind


The Enigma of


The role of NO in arteriogenesis remains unclear because collateral

artery growth is totally dependent on mitosis, and NO is a known anti-mitogen

[25]. Even when taking into account that NO stimulates VEGF release, a

plausible explanation of NO’s role has not emerged because VEGF is not a known

mitogen for SMC, the dominant cell type in arteriogenesis. The enigmatic role

of NO is highlighted by the fact that mice with targeted disruption of the

eNOS gene have had retarded recovery of blood flow following femoral artery

occlusion, which is indicative at first sight of defective arteriogenesis.

However, morphometric analysis of collateral vessels has shown them to be of

normal caliber and number, and the application of NO donors has restored blood

flow to levels identical to those of wild-type mice [25,89]. This indicates

that the growth of collateral vessels was not impaired [25], and that retarded

recovery was only apparent, dominated by vasoconstriction. Femoral artery

occlusion in transgenic eNOS overexpressing mice showed normal recovery of

blood flow after femoral occlusion and the time course of recovery, and its

final extent did not differ from that of wild-type mice [89]. These experiments

would allow only one explanation, namely that eNOS-produced NO plays no role in

arteriogenesis. However, the effects of maximally FSS-stimulated collateral

artery growth in rabbits were totally reversed by the application of the NOS

inhibitor L-NAME [28]. In addition, application of L-NAME also impaired

exercise improved collateral-dependent blood flow in rats [90,91].This was

difficult to reconcile with the mouse experiments. Since L-NAME is rather

non-specific and also inhibits also iNOS, we hypothesize that L-NAME’s strong

inhibitory effects inactivated the monocytes/macrophages (carriers of iNOS)

essential to collateral vessel growth. Therefore, we conclude that NO plays a

crucial role in arteriogenesis as a tool of the monocytes/macrophages whose

function is dependent on the activity of iNOS. NO donors, other than eNOS, may

have aided in collateral growth in the eNOS-targeted mice.

Is neural regulation a

contributor to arteriogenesis?

An increasing body of evidence suggests that during development

nerve fibers and blood vessels share common signaling cues, including Netrins,

Slits, Ephrins, Neuropilins and Semaphorins [9294]. Mukouyama et al

reported that arteries, but not veins, are specifically aligned with peripheral

nerves in embryonic mouse limb skin. Elimination of peripheral sensory nerves,

or Schwann cells, by Neurogenin1/Neurogenin2 double homozygous knockouts results

in defective arteriogenesis. Disorganization of the peripheral nerves by a

mutation in the Semaphorin3A gene maintains the alignment of arteries

with misrouted axons, indicating that nerves direct vascular remodeling

patterns and arteriogenesis [95]. It is well known that the nerves that modulate blood vessel function

release many kinds of neuropeptides, including secretoneurin, substance P,

neuropeptide Y and calcitonin gene-related peptide. These neuropeptides have

the ability to stimulate endothelial cell, fibroblast and SMC migration and

proliferation in vitro [9699]. These neuropeptides have also been shown

to be involved in mediating the inflammatory process by enhancing the

expression of adhesion molecules, such as VECAM [100,101]. They increase

arteriolar density and branching when overexpressed in the heart [102], and

attract monocytes, eosinophils and endothelial cells [103,104]. Recently these

neuropeptides were reported to exhibit direct angiogenic properties stimulating

neo-vascularization and inducing postnatal vasculogenesis [105,106], and to

restore ischemic muscle blood flow and performance [107]. Taken together, these

results suggest that neural regulation may be involved in collateral vessel


The Role of

Growth Factors

The occurrence of mitosis in both the endothelial and smooth muscle

cells of collateral vessels indicates the presence of mitogens. However, none

of the well-known growth factors like VEGF, FGF, PDGF etc, could be unanimously

identified as being involved as a “master” factor. VEGF-A protein is

up-regulated in shear-stressed endothelium, and may enable endothelial mitosis

and increased vascular permeability leading to regularly observed perivascular

edema [81,108]. Although the VEGF receptor 2 is identifiable on the endothelial

surface and could hence be responsible for endothelial mitosis and inactivation

of this receptor inhibited arteriogenesis in rats [109], it is present as a

protein complex sensing shear stress [24]. However, its up-regulation takes place

when most of the mitotic activity is already over. The FGF receptor-1 is

present in the collateral tissue, but arteriogenesis proceeds undisturbed in

mice with targeted disruption of the FGF-1 and FGF-2 genes and in

double knockouts [110]. Overexpression of FGF-2 in skeletal muscle does not

accelerate arteriogenesis [25]. In contrast, PSA, a chemical agent that

interferes with FGF-receptor binding, inhibits arteriogenesis in the rabbit

hind limb model [111].All mentioned growth factors accelerate collateral artery growth

when exogenously applied, but blood flow recovery never reaches the levels

obtained with high shear stress. Arteriogenic mitogens may be the actin-binding

proteins Abra and Thymosin beta 4 [112]. Although these are intracellular

proteins without hints from their sequence for secretion, they have mitogenic

potency for SMC when applied to cells in culture. They share the absence of

secretion motifs with FGF-1 and FGF-2. Furthermore, it is not clear to what

kind of receptor they may bind to. Therefore, the mitogens responsible for the natural process of

arteriogenesis remain undiscovered.

Arteriogenic pathways and

signal transduction

Several signaling cascades have to converge to form a new artery to

defend against tissue ischemia caused by arterial obstruction (Fig. 1).

At least two pathways originate at the flow/shear stressed endothelium: (1) the

attraction, adhesion and invasion of bone marrow-derived cells that are needed

for structural remodeling and (2) the pathway for endothelial and smooth muscle

cell proliferation. The primary signal in response to shear stress is NO

followed by expression of a protein complex consisting of E-cadherin, VEGFR2

and PECAM plus several transcription factors, such as CARP and klf2, whose

precise function is not well known. NO leads to the production of VEGF that,

together with calcium-activated ion channels, interferes with osmotic

regulation of the endothelium. This leads to the synthetic phenotype of

endothelial cells and the production of chemokines, such as MCP-1. The smooth

muscle of the media likewise undergoes a phenotype change and enters the cell

cycle. In preparation for mitosis, actin-binding proteins, such as abra and

thymosin b4, play an important role, and the Rho pathway becomes activated. Arteriogenesis

is inhibited by fasudil, a Rho-pathway inhibitor. Studies with cultured VSMC

exposed to FGF-2 or PDGF showed activation of signaling cascades that were

similarly observed in collateral vessel tissue that had developed after

arterial occlusion under the influence of shear forces (fig. 2). This comprised in

particular the Ras/MEK/ERK pathway, the down-regulation of desmin, the

polymerization of actin, up-regulation of the transcription factors CARP, SRE

and EGR-1 [25]. The similarity between the in vivo and in vitro

responses suggests the presence of similar growth factors, perhaps with the

exception of PDGF because protein kinase B is down-regulated under conditions

of high fluid shear stress. In contrast, neither targeted disruption nor

transgenic overexpression of FGF-1 and FGF-2 influence arterio­genesis probably

because other members of the FGF family of growth factors are able to

substitute. We have anecdotal evidence that the triple knockout of FGF-5, 6 and

7 markedly inhibits arteriogenesis (the animals were a kind gift of Dr. E.

Bober, Max-Planck-Institute, Bad Nauheim).It is of note that EGR-1 is up-regulated in the endothelium by shear

stress via NO and in cultured SMC by FGF-2 and PDGF-AB [110]. This emphasizes

the fact that we lack a clear understanding of how the shear stress signal is

transmitted from the endothelium to the smooth muscle layer in the absence of

cell-to-cell junctions, with the barrier of the internal elastic lamina and

with the short reach of the highly reactive radical NO.The importance of the MEK/ERK pathway is highlighted by the

inhibition of smooth muscle mitosis after treatment with the MEK antagonists

UO126 and PD98059. These antagonists induce hyper-phosphorylation at serine

217/221, which might act as an on/off switch depending on context (Fig. 2)

Pharmacological inhibition of NOS blocks the FSS-cascade regardless of the

isoform. Blockade of bone marrow-derived cells also markedly inhibits



Under favorable conditions (e.g. slowly progressing coronary

occlusion), arteriogenesis is able to salvage tissue through the rapid growth

of collateral vessels. In the vascular periphery, even acute occlusions are

tolerated and full function may return within days or weeks due to collateral

development. Understanding of the molecular mechanisms has progressed in recent

years, but one important step is still not well understood: how forces acting

on the endothelium are transmitted to the smooth muscular tunica media. Under

the influence of pressure gradients that occur after arterial occlusions, blood

flow in pre-existent arteriolar connections is increased and, with it fluid

shear stress transforms these vascular structures into arteries that are

potentially able to replace the occluded vessel. The tissue surrounding growing

collateral vessels does not become ischemic, and arteriogenesis does not depend

on tissue oxygenation. High fluid shear stress activates ion channels, releases

NO and starts at least two signaling pathways: one that attracts bone

marrow-derived cells for remodeling and another that causes endothelial and

smooth muscle cells to enter the cell cycle, leading to proliferation. The

transformation of a small arteriole into a large blood flow transporter

proceeds by controlled destruction of the old structure by digestion of the

elastic scaffold and apoptosis of non-mitotic SMC. As producers of mitogens and

proteases, invading monocytes and lymphocytes are crucial for the

transformation. The role of angiogenic growth factors remains unsolved, and

arteriogenesis differs in this aspect and in several others from angiogenesis.

Signaling pathways for arteriogenesis involve the MAPKinases, the Rho-pathway

and NO-dependent pathways. The latter two may be worth studying to design

stimulators of arteriogenesis.


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