
Knockdown of ecdysis-triggering hormone gene with a binary UAS/GAL4 RNA interference system leads to lethal ecdysis deficiency in silkworm

Original Paper


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Acta Biochim Biophys

Sin 2008, 40: 790-795


Knockdown of

ecdysis-triggering hormone gene with a binary UAS/GAL4 RNA interference system

leads to lethal ecdysis deficiency in silkworm

Hongjiu Dai1, Li Ma2, Jue Wang1, Rongjing Jiang1,2, Zhugang Wang1, and Jian Fei1,3*


Shanghai Research Center

for Model Organism, Shanghai 201203, China


Institute of Plant Physiology

and Ecology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of

Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China


Tongji University,

Shanghai 200092, China

Received: May 31, 2008       

Accepted: June 30, 2008This work was supported by grants from

the E-Institutes of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (No. E03003) and

the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (Nos. 06DZ19004

and 06XD14014)*Corresponding

author: Tel, 86-21-65980334; Fax, 86-21-65982429; E-mail,

[email protected]


hormone (ETH) is an integration factor in the ecdysis process of most insects,

including Bombyx mori (silkworm). To understand the function of the ETH

gene in silkworm, we developed an effective approach to knockdown­ the

expression of ETH in vivo based on RNA interference (RNAi) and

a binary UAS/GAL4 expression system that has been successfully used in other

insect species. Two kinds of transgenic silkworm were established with this

method: the effector strain with the ETH RNAi sequence under the control­

of UAS and the activator strain with the GAL4 coding sequence­ under the

control of Bombyx mori cytoplasmic actin3. By crossing the two strains,

double-positive transgenic silkworm was obtained, and their ETH

expression was found to be dramatically lower than that of each single positive

transgenic parent. Severe ecdysis deficiency proved lethal to the double-positive

transgenic silkworm at the stage of pharate second instar larvae, while the

single positive transgenic or wild-type silkworm had normal ecdysis. This UAS/GAL4

RNAi approach provides a way to study the function of endogenous­ silkworm

genes at different development stages.

Keywords        ecdysis-triggering hormone; UAS/GAL4 system; RNAi;

transgenic silkworm

RNA interference (RNAi) has been developed as a powerful­ tool for

gene-specific knockdown in many species including­ Bombyx mori (B. mori)

(silkworm). Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules can be introduced into

silkworm by direct RNA injection [14] or virus infection [5] to achieve efficient

and transient inhibition of target gene expression. Transgenesis of an RNAi

expression sequence­ against BmNPV in silkworm generated a heritable­

transgenic silkworm line with enhanced resistance to the virus [6]. We recently

reported a heat shock inducible RNAi strategy in transgenic silkworm to inhibit

the expression of the endogenous ecdysis-triggering hormone gene (ETH)

[7]. The binary UAS/GAL4 system was used widely to express­ genes

in Medaka [8], Drosophila [9], and Xenopus­ [10]. In

silkworm, the UAS/GAL4 system has been used for tissue specific expression

of target genes in photo­receptor cells and silk gland tissue [11]; more often,

the system has been used to knockdown the expression of target genes [12,13].

However, until now, RNAi based on the binary UAS/GAL4 system has not

been reported in silkworm. In this study, we developed in silkworm a new transgenic RNAi

approach based on the binary UAS/GAL4 system that successfully inhibited

ETH gene, an important­ endogenous gene involved in regulating ecdysis

behavior in insects [1416]. In this method, piggyBac-mediated transgenesis was used to

generate an effector transgenic silkworm line with an UAS element-driven

DNA fragment coding for the RNAi sequences against the ETH gene and an

activator transgenic silkworm line with B. mori cytoplasmic­ actin3 (BmA3)

promoter-controlled GAL4 sequence. Double-positive transgenic silkworms

were produced­ by crossing the two lines, and they showed decreased­ ETH

expression and ecdysis deficiency in pharate second instar larval stage.

Materials and methods

Plasmid construction

For generating the activator vector containing BmA3-GAL4, BmA3

gene promoter sequence was polymerase chain reaction­ (PCR)-amplified from the

plasmid pigA3 with the primers (up) 5-CACTCGAGTGCGCGTTACCAT­ATA­TGGTGA-3


which contained XholI and NotI sites respectively (underlined).

The amplified fragment­ was treated with XholI and NotI and then

ligated into the vector pcDNA3.1 (Invitrogen, Shanghai, China) to form the

construct pBmA3. The open reading frame of yeast transcriptional

activator GAL4 gene was obtained from the pChs-Gal4 plasmid by HindIII

digestion, and it was ligated into the multiple cloning site of the vector

pEGFP-N1 (Takara, Dalian, China) to be the vector p-N1-GAL4.

Then, the GAL4-SV40 polyA fragment was cut off from the p-N1-GAL4

by EcoRI and AflII and was inserted downstream of BmA3

promoter into the vector pBmA3. From this vector, the BmA3GAL4-SV40

polyA fragment was cut out and then inserted into the NheI and AflII

site of the vector pBac{3xp3-EGFPam} to generate the activator­ vector


To generate the effector vector containing cDNA coding­ for ETH RNAi,

complete ETH code sequence was first cloned from silkworm. Total RNA was

extracted from the epitracheal gland of the fifth instar larvae with RNeasy

mini isolation kit (Qiagen, Shanghai, China) and reverse-transcribed by

SuperScript II (Takara) with oligo(dT) primer in a reaction volume of 10 ml. As the

template for PCR amplification of ETH cDNA, 2 ml of reverse transcription­

(RT) product was used with 30 cycles of 94 ?C for 30 s, 60 ?C for 40 s and 72

?C for 30 s. The primer sequences were (up1) 5-CTGTCGACATGACTT­CA­AAATTG­ACAATGATG-3,




contained SalI, PstI, ApaI and SacII ­sites,

respectively­ (underlined). The two PCR fragments (with primer pair of up1/down1

or up2/down2) were treated with respective restriction enzymes and ligated tail

to tail into multiple cloning site of the vector psiRNA to form the vector psiETH.

An intron from fibroin light chain gene was PCR-amplified from silk gland

genomic DNA with primers, (up) 5-CACCGCGGAGCCCACCTGGT­G­TT­­AAGTGGTGA-3


containing SacII and PstI sites, respectively (underlined). The

amplified fragment­ was treated with SacII and PstI and ligated

into the vector psiETH. The double-stranded ETH (DsETH)-intron-SV40

polyA fragment from this construct was excised with SalI and PstI,

and ligated into the vector pUAS to form the vector pUAS-DsETH.

Then, the UAS-DsETH-SV40 polyA fragment was excised and inserted

into the vector pcDNA3.1 to obtain the vector pcDNA-UAS-DsETH.

Finally, the UAS-DsETH-SV40 polyA fragment was inserted­ into the

vector pBac{3xp3-EGFPaf} to generate the effector vector pBac{3xp3-EGFPUAS-DsETHaf}.

The sequence of the PCR products and resulting plasmids­ were

confirmed by sequencing performed by a commercial service provider


B. mori strains and transgenic

silkworm production

Transgenic silkworm was constructed under piggyBac transposon

introduction by way of microinjection the mixture­ of the helper pigA3 plasmid

and the transgenic vector [17]. The effector or the activator construct and the

transposase carrying the helper plasmid pigA3 were injected mid-ventrally into

the preblastoderm eggs. Afterwards, the eggs were incubated until hatching in a

humidified chamber at 25 ?C. Hatched larvae were transferred­ onto mulberry

leaves. Positive G1 larvae were selected and reared individually.

The genotype of transgenic silkworm was analyzed by PCR. The sequence of primer

pairs for UAS, ETH and GAL4, respectively, were (upUAS)




Real-time RT-PCR analysis

Total RNA was prepared from the 7 d embryos, first instar­ and

pharate second instar larvae of effector [A(-)E(+)], activator/effector

[A(+)E(+)], activator [A(+)E(-)] transgenic lines and wild-type silkworm using

RNeasy Mini Isolation kit (Qiagen) and treated with RNase-free DNaseI (Promega,

Madison, USA) [18]. Subsequently, cDNA were synthesized. The sequence of primer

pairs for ETH, DsETH and GAL4 were (upETH) 5-CG­CTAAA­CACA­G­C­ACCGTGAAC-3,




Quantitative PCR measurement was performed with EvaGreen fluorescence dye

(Biotium, Hayward, USA) on a Rotor-Gene 3000 Detection System (Biocompare, South San

Francisco, USA). The RNA level for each group was measured in triplicates and

normalized to an internal control­ of B. mori GAPDH.

Statistical analysis

Mean values and standard error were calculated for each group, and

groups were compared using Student?

t-test. p<0.05 denotes a statistically significant difference. p<0.01 denotes a statistically very significant difference.


Production of the binary UAS/GAL4

RNAi expression system in transgenic silkworm

The physical maps of the plasmids of the UAS/GAL4-mediated

RNAi system are illustrated in Fig. 1. The GAL4 open reading

frame was placed downstream of the BmA3 gene promoter to achieve a

stable expression of GAL4 protein in silkworm [Fig. 1(A)]. The ETH

sense and antisense cDNA sequences were joined tail to tail and located­

downstream of the UAS promoter in order to transcribe­ the DsETH

RNA activated by the GAL4 protein [Fig. 1(B)]. Both plasmids contained the enhanced green fluorescent­ protein gene

(EGFP) driven by eye-specific expression promoter 3xp3, which served as

a screening marker for transgenic silkworm. Both plasmids also contained the

left and right arm of the piggyBac transposon.Following piggyBac-mediated transgenesis, hatched larvae­ (G0) were kept to develop into moths. The resulting G0 moths were allowed to intercross to produce the G1 silkworm. The insertion of a foreign gene into the silkworm­ genome

was confirmed in the effector transformed lines by inverse PCR using genomic

DNA extracted from the silk glands of G1 larvae.

The genomic junction sequences of 390, 235 and 58 bp, which flanked the 5

piggyBac inverted terminal repeat in three transgenic lines, were analyzed (Table

1). The search in Silkworm Know­ledge­base (

confirmed that these junction sequences­ were derived from the B. mori genome.

RNAi inhibition of ETH

leads to the lethal ecdysis deficiency in pharate second instar larvae

Insects undergo multiple developmental stages during their life

cycle, and each transition requires molting and ecdysis to produce a new epidermis

and shed the old cuticle. ETH activates the ecdysis behavior by direct

actions on the central neurons system [14]. Positive transgenic silkworm was

screened by EGFP fluorescence signal, and moths of the effector line and

the activator line were intercrossed [Fig. 2(A)]. The larvae from this

crossing protocol contained­ four different genotypes that were identified by

PCR analysis­ of the larvae genomic DNA: (1) wild type, [A(-)E(-)]; (2)

activator lines, [A(+)E(-)]; (3) effector lines, [A(-)E(+)]; and (4)

double-positive (activator/effector) lines, [A(+)E(+)]. The segregation ratio

of the progeny of the cross was nearly 1:1:1:1, as expected, indicating that

the transgenes were stably inherited in a Mendelian fashion­ [Fig. 2(F)].

At the stage of pharate second instar larvae, severe ecdysis deficiency proved

lethal to the double-positive­ silkworm, as identified by PCR [Fig. 2(C),

red arrow]. This was not observed in the control larvae [Fig. 2(B,D,E),

black arrow].

ETH expression was knocked down in

the lethal pharate second instar larvae

Real-time quantitative PCR analysis showed that ETH

expression­ was markedly knocked down at mRNA level in the double-positive

pharate second instar larvae, but no changes in ETH expression were

found in the control larvae [Fig. 3(A)]. The GAL4 gene was highly

expressed in the double-positive pharate second instar larvae and the activator

transgenic larvae, but it was not expressed in the effector transgenic larvae

and the wild-type larvae [Fig. 3(B)].

ETH and DsETH expression

patterns were analyzed at mRNA level in transgenic and wild-type silkworm

ETH gene is expressed specifically in

epitracheal gland of insects [18]. The ETH expression level increases

before pre-ecdysis and then declines after ecdysis stage in insects­ [19]. We

assayed ETH expression at different developmental stages in silkworm.

Total RNA was prepared from 7 d embryos, first instar larvae, and pharate

second instar larvae from double-positive silkworm and wild-type silkworm. As

quantified by real-time quantitative RT-PCR, the ETH mRNA expressions in

the wild-type silkworm [Fig. 4(A)] as well as the single transgenic

lines (data not shown) were high at pharate second instar larval stage and relatively

low at first instar stage. In contrast, only in the double-positive transgenic

lines, DsETH RNA molecules, which serve as RNAi against ETH, were

produced­ at high levels at all developmental stages, including­ the pharate

second instar larval stage [Fig. 4(B)].


In this paper, we described a new approach for efficient and

specific inhibition of an endogenous gene in transgenic silkworm by RNAi based

on the binary GAL4/UAS system. Tissue-specific knockdown of a gene could

be achieved by selecting an appropriate promoter to drive the expression­ of

the activator GAL4. We believe this system will become more powerful as

different types of GAL4 transgenic silkworm are generated. The system was tested with ETH as the target gene in the

current study. Two lines of transgenic silkworm, the UAS-driven ETH

RNAi effector line and the BmA3-driven GAL4 activator line, were

established using the piggyBac-mediated transgenesis technique. After crossing

the two strains, severe ecdysis deficiency accompanied by a dramatic decrease

in ETH mRNA level proved lethal to nearly all the double-positive

transgenic silkworm at the stage of the pharate second instar larval. This

phenomenon was consistent with the result from a recent study of Drosophila­

[19] in which mutations in the ETH gene lead to a lethal ecdysis

deficiency. ETH is an integration factor for

regulating the ecdysis behavior of insects [1416,19,20]. Our study of ETH

expression pattern sin silkworm showed higher ETH RNA levels at the

stage of the pharate second instar larval than that at the first instar larval.

This suggests ETH may play more important roles in the ecdysis process

at the second instar larval stage, which may explain the lethal phenotype at

the second instar larval stage observed in the study.Although the UAS/GAL4-mediated RNAi system has been

successfully used in many other species, this is the first report, to our

knowledge, of its application in silkworm. The approach developed here allowed

us to study the function­ of silkworm genes in vivo in specific cell

types and at different development stages.


We would like to thank Dr. Michael E. Adams and Dr. Sheng Li for their

friendly discussions.


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